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Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:08 pm
by Shogun
Sorry but I am 60 and really really violently hate having to mess around with this format to get answers to my questions. I could spend the rest of my life looking at these posts and not find what I'm looking for. How can I get my questions answered more directly? I am missing some items on 3.0 at least reading the document that I was sent. The FAQ needs drastic expansion.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:08 pm
by badmoonrising80
shoot an email to Rob.

He will make it worth it, no kidding.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:58 am
by SloTown
I echo badmoon's statement. Email or PM Rob, he'll get you going in the right direction. There is a method to all his/this madness and once you get all the pieces together and put it to practice, it will be well worth it.

You'll also have much better luck getting specific questions answered in the non-public areas of this forum so once you get things in order, be sure to start a log in the Journals section. There you'll find the BP Army more than willing to help you along your journey.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:40 am
by Rizzo23601
1. Calm down, we all know that feel :D

2. email Rob

3. you're right, I also think that the way everything is formatted and presented in the blueprint itself and on the forums is highly confusing and suboptimal :? the forums definitely need some cleaning, just the 2000 sticky threads alone tend to confuse every newcomer!

but like others said, give it a little time to get a good overlook and you'll see through the mess :D

I haven't used the BP 3.0, but for BP 2.0 I just read the bp2.0 document, and after that I read the stickies regarding training, diet etc... That's the way it's supposed to be, because the info on the stickies is the one that's up to date :wink:

It's all worth it though, so good luck!

Re: Frustration

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:11 pm
by RobRegish
Shogun wrote:Sorry but I am 60 and really really violently hate having to mess around with this format to get answers to my questions. I could spend the rest of my life looking at these posts and not find what I'm looking for. How can I get my questions answered more directly? I am missing some items on 3.0 at least reading the document that I was sent. The FAQ needs drastic expansion.
I'll do you one better, since my internet access is spotty at best. Please call me at (860) 753-0373.

I'll take care of you...