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Mass Pro Synthagen, Nutrition Optimization/Targeted Delivery

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:52 am
by RobRegish
I've been pouring over what is now MONTHS of feedback on MPS, and wanted to share my insight as many of you have asked - WHY/HOW does MPS work so well? I feel there are many reasons, but 3 BIG ones in particular:


Many of you are aware that FOOD is the most powerful anabolic, you can put into your body. The old strategy was to try and eat as "clean" as possible, hoping the nutrients from your food make it to the muscle cells.

With Synthagen, you now have a tool to use just prior to/with meals to GUARANTEE those nutrients make it to the muscles/are diverted away from fat storage. If you think about it, ANY good supplement should strive to do this: Leverage the effects of food/your diet.

It does this by virtue of the fact it's part food itself (the important part - Essential Amino Acids) arranged just so, to boost protein synthesis on demand/day or night. To this, Synthagen's substrates help to target those amino's toward muscle cells, allowing them to do their thing - signal, repair and grow new muscle. It's what's becoming known as "the buffet effect": Every morsel of food you eat is better absorbed, utilized and delivered.


Many have been surprised, at just how powerful the comparatively small amount of EAA's in Synthagen are. This was no surprise to me, as it's not the size of the dog in the fight per se but rather - the fight in the dog. Here I'm referring to the fact the ProtoGeneX AA's impart FAR superior recovery, vs. slamming 20-30g of EAA's alone. Hell, I went up to 50g of EAA's to make sure this worked.


I'd like you to picture a 10 mile stretch of road. On one end is you in your car, at the end of the road is muscle growth/Gainsville... :) At every mile, there's a traffic light. These traffic lights represent some "qualifier" the body has, to allow you/muscle growth to proceed.

EXAMPLE: No muscle growth can occur without adequate cellular energy being present (ATP). If it isn't there, the traffic light is red. If it's low, the traffic light is yellow.

Synthagen effectively turns every traffic light green - you speed on through and recover/grow muscle a LOT faster, EVERY time.

You guys do almost everything right, yet I knew there were still going to be yellow's slowing you down. For many others, whole lotta' red lights on that road. When I sat down to formulate Synthagen, I did so to effectively flip all of those traffic lights to green. That's why it's a multi-ingredient formula - it HAD to be. You can't green light everything with any one supplement (or for that matter, drug). I knew a guy in college taking A-bombs, complained he wasn't gaining. The fool was living mostly on microwave popcorn...

Synthagen is the one comprehensive formula/product that "greenlight's" recovery/growth. It's really that simple...

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:09 pm
by DaCookie

What are your thoughts on supplementing EAAs before the meals that dont have synthagen?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:11 am
by RobRegish
DaCookie wrote:Interesting.

What are your thoughts on supplementing EAAs before the meals that dont have synthagen?
EAA's are solid no doubt, but you run into 2 issues here:

1.) Virtually every EAA product out there, lacks one of the EAA's! Check your labels for Tryptophan...

2.) The latest research on protein synthesis/nitrogen retention points to much better results with INfrequent protein "pulses" during the day, vs. hammering mo' protein, mo' protein - every 2/3 hours.

You could certainly waste money on worse products, that's for sure. Synthagen however, is about targeted delivery of 1.) A VERY precise ratio of EAA's, plus one very important non-EAA and 2.) The same targeted delivery of Synthagen's other substrates to ensure all that is needed - is in circulation simultaneously and again, delivered to the muscle cells.

It's just a very precise, efficient supplement symphony that makes the whole process of recovery/growth "failsafe". Many of you have written to say you no longer need that 5lb bag of whey every month/all those additional BCAA's etc. while using Synthagen. Some in this very thread.

Timing is everything, both in life and nutrient delivery. If that wasn't so, there's no way the results people are seeing from Synthagen would be realized. It's a step away from the sledgehammer approach, which I've never favored.

Precision, efficiency and efficacy are Synthagen's hallmarks. I certainly would embrace it, if the rest of the industry followed suit!

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:32 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Interesting.

What are your thoughts on supplementing EAAs before the meals that dont have synthagen?
EAA's are solid no doubt, but you run into 2 issues here:

1.) Virtually every EAA product out there, lacks one of the EAA's! Check your labels for Tryptophan...

2.) The latest research on protein synthesis/nitrogen retention points to much better results with INfrequent protein "pulses" during the day, vs. hammering mo' protein, mo' protein - every 2/3 hours.

You could certainly waste money on worse products, that's for sure. Synthagen however, is about targeted delivery of 1.) A VERY precise ratio of EAA's, plus one very important non-EAA and 2.) The same targeted delivery of Synthagen's other substrates to ensure all that is needed - is in circulation simultaneously and again, delivered to the muscle cells.

It's just a very precise, efficient supplement symphony that makes the whole process of recovery/growth "failsafe". Many of you have written to say you no longer need that 5lb bag of whey every month/all those additional BCAA's etc. while using Synthagen. Some in this very thread.

Timing is everything, both in life and nutrient delivery. If that wasn't so, there's no way the results people are seeing from Synthagen would be realized. It's a step away from the sledgehammer approach, which I've never favored.

Precision, efficiency and efficacy are Synthagen's hallmarks. I certainly would embrace it, if the rest of the industry followed suit!
By infrequent "pulses", what exactly are you meaning? Currently I am taking in roughly 277g of protein daily, split over 6 meals on non-training days, and then split over the meals and 53g in the "formula" split into 2 parts on training days...

Are you saying I would do better to lessen the number of meals containing protein, IE, intermittent fasting where I take in 3 meals daily?

I am careful to eat carbs with only 3 of the meals so I limit my insulin exposure, especially on non-training days. I have it set up something like this:

Non-Training Days:
Meal 1: P+F+Veggies
Meal 2: P+C
Meal 3: P+C+Veggies
Meal 4: P+C+Veggies
Meal 5: P+F
Meal 6: P+F+Veggies
Before Bed: 7 caps Synthagen

Training Days:
Meal 1: P+F+Veggies
Meal 2: P+C
Meal 3: P+C+Veggies
Meal 4: P
Pre-Workout: 6g AAKG+13g Glutamine+2g ALCAR+7 caps Synthagen
Intra Workout: "The Formula" pt1---58g Carbs/27g Prot+13g BCAA+13g Glutamine
Post Workout: "The Formula" pt2---58g Carbs/27g Prot+3g Leucine+ 2g Glycine+Cinnamon+7 caps Synthagen
Meal 5: P+F+Veggies
Meal 6: P+F+Veggies

Any comments, suggestions or feedback would be appreciated...

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:01 am
by RobRegish
To clarify, what I'm saying here is this...

Some of the latest literature points to the fact that longer stretches between protein feedings = better nitrogen retention/muscle growth.

That's an OPTION you may want to consider. If what you're doing now works well for you though, keep doing it. Personally, I've lowered my protein WAY down while on Synthagen, and get perhaps 2-3 BIG protein feedings/day. 3 at the most. Has worked a LOT better for me, and I no longer reek of ammonia, LOL.

Ammonia is a waste product of AA's not used for constructive purposes in the body. This was a big part of why only the EAA's are used in Synthagen, and only 1 non-EAA. VERY few weight trainers are eating too little protein these days. Most are eating TOO MUCH. I know that's heresay to alot of folk, but it's the truth.

Your somatype is different though, I understand. It boils down to individuality, and what works for you. Find it, use it and refine it! I just found I need FAR less protein while using Synthagen. Others have noted the same.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:09 pm
by DaCookie
RobRegish wrote:To clarify, what I'm saying here is this...

Some of the latest literature points to the fact that longer stretches between protein feedings = better nitrogen retention/muscle growth.

That's an OPTION you may want to consider. If what you're doing now works well for you though, keep doing it. Personally, I've lowered my protein WAY down while on Synthagen, and get perhaps 2-3 BIG protein feedings/day. 3 at the most. Has worked a LOT better for me, and I no longer reek of ammonia, LOL.

Ammonia is a waste product of AA's not used for constructive purposes in the body. This was a big part of why only the EAA's are used in Synthagen, and only 1 non-EAA. VERY few weight trainers are eating too little protein these days. Most are eating TOO MUCH. I know that's heresay to alot of folk, but it's the truth.

Your somatype is different though, I understand. It boils down to individuality, and what works for you. Find it, use it and refine it! I just found I need FAR less protein while using Synthagen. Others have noted the same.
Funny you say that, this blueprint run has been definitely better than average and I was always between 3-4 protein feedings.I did notice that when I was going to a buffet at the start of feast I wouldnt be able to have a meal for a good while afterwards, that was disappointing to me but Im now thinking it benefited me because on those days I never went over 3 protein feedings.

Question when you say not over 3 protein feedings did you go over 3 meals?Like say a meal with just carbs?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:17 am
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Interesting.

What are your thoughts on supplementing EAAs before the meals that dont have synthagen?
EAA's are solid no doubt, but you run into 2 issues here:

1.) Virtually every EAA product out there, lacks one of the EAA's! Check your labels for Tryptophan...

2.) The latest research on protein synthesis/nitrogen retention points to much better results with INfrequent protein "pulses" during the day, vs. hammering mo' protein, mo' protein - every 2/3 hours.

You could certainly waste money on worse products, that's for sure. Synthagen however, is about targeted delivery of 1.) A VERY precise ratio of EAA's, plus one very important non-EAA and 2.) The same targeted delivery of Synthagen's other substrates to ensure all that is needed - is in circulation simultaneously and again, delivered to the muscle cells.

It's just a very precise, efficient supplement symphony that makes the whole process of recovery/growth "failsafe". Many of you have written to say you no longer need that 5lb bag of whey every month/all those additional BCAA's etc. while using Synthagen. Some in this very thread.

Timing is everything, both in life and nutrient delivery. If that wasn't so, there's no way the results people are seeing from Synthagen would be realized. It's a step away from the sledgehammer approach, which I've never favored.

Precision, efficiency and efficacy are Synthagen's hallmarks. I certainly would embrace it, if the rest of the industry followed suit!
I recommend Dymatize Super Amino 4800 for an EAA...good price point and it contains Trytophan...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:20 am
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:To clarify, what I'm saying here is this...

Some of the latest literature points to the fact that longer stretches between protein feedings = better nitrogen retention/muscle growth.

That's an OPTION you may want to consider. If what you're doing now works well for you though, keep doing it. Personally, I've lowered my protein WAY down while on Synthagen, and get perhaps 2-3 BIG protein feedings/day. 3 at the most. Has worked a LOT better for me, and I no longer reek of ammonia, LOL.

Ammonia is a waste product of AA's not used for constructive purposes in the body. This was a big part of why only the EAA's are used in Synthagen, and only 1 non-EAA. VERY few weight trainers are eating too little protein these days. Most are eating TOO MUCH. I know that's heresay to alot of folk, but it's the truth.

Your somatype is different though, I understand. It boils down to individuality, and what works for you. Find it, use it and refine it! I just found I need FAR less protein while using Synthagen. Others have noted the same.
The issue for me lies with if I am not going to eat protein, I am going to have to replace those calories with something, and if it is carbs, that is going to lead to issues with my waistline. I might not need to eat that much protein, but I would rather eat extra protein than extra carbs...

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:27 am
by askmass
matter2003 wrote:I recommend Dymatize Super Amino 4800 for an EAA...good price point and it contains Trytophan...
There is no need for additional EAA's when using MPS, IMO.

Spend that money on a nice steak dinner, or some BIU, KA or AN. Additional Peak ATP and/or RCE can amp MPS further, and AN may be the ultimate stacker as so many guys are reporting (especially those 30+).

The ProtoGeneX ratios Rob and myself originated and refined are not replicated in ANY other EAA product on the market, nor will they be, and that's not even getting into the supremely efficient delivery/banking going on with MPS on the whole...

Something like the above, all due respect, can't hold a candle as a stand alone and adds next to nothing tossed in on the side. In fact, you run the real risk of badly screwing up the finely tuned MPS ratios.

That price point makes me question the amino sourcing, too.

Personally, I would not trade a days worth of MPS caps for a full bottle of any other EAA item on the market, including known good quality ones I might would use if ProtoGeneX/MPS didn't exist.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:36 am
by askmass
matter2003 wrote:The issue for me lies with if I am not going to eat protein, I am going to have to replace those calories with something, and if it is carbs, that is going to lead to issues with my waistline. I might not need to eat that much protein, but I would rather eat extra protein than extra carbs...
Lots of people in the same boat, and it's a very valid point and observation.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:44 pm
by DaCookie
askmass wrote:
matter2003 wrote:I recommend Dymatize Super Amino 4800 for an EAA...good price point and it contains Trytophan...
There is no need for additional EAA's when using MPS, IMO.

Spend that money on a nice steak dinner, or some BIU, KA or AN. Additional Peak ATP and/or RCE can amp MPS further, and AN may be the ultimate stacker as so many guys are reporting (especially those 30+).

The ProtoGeneX ratios Rob and myself originated and refined are not replicated in ANY other EAA product on the market, nor will they be, and that's not even getting into the supremely efficient delivery/banking going on with MPS on the whole...

Something like the above, all due respect, can't hold a candle as a stand alone and adds next to nothing tossed in on the side. In fact, you run the real risk of badly screwing up the finely tuned MPS ratios.

That price point makes me question the amino sourcing, too.

Personally, I would not trade a days worth of MPS caps for a full bottle of any other EAA item on the market, including known good quality ones I might would use if ProtoGeneX/MPS didn't exist.
Out of interest where are the EAAs in MPS sourced and the BCAA in MPA?I heard that pretty much all BCAA are sourced from bird feathers(china) Ive tried them and they clump like hell, dont mix well.Whereas the MPA ones do fine with little water.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:10 pm
by BrainSquirt
re: "...where are the EAAs in MPS sourced...?" DaCookie
I had a similar questioning. Let me phrase my question like this:
What food source(s) are the EAA's extracted / derived from?
(ie I don't need to know the company name, etc. from whom you source it, etc. etc. I'm asking what (parts of) animals and / or plants the EAA's come from)

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:13 pm
by DaCookie
BrainSquirt wrote:re: "...where are the EAAs in MPS sourced...?" DaCookie
I had a similar questioning. Let me phrase my question like this:
What food source(s) are the EAA's extracted / derived from?
(ie I don't need to know the company name, etc. from whom you source it, etc. etc. I'm asking what (parts of) animals and / or plants the EAA's come from)
Thats what I meant except I just asked like a bro ha

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:41 pm
by aron7awol
Rob/John: I'm hoping you can give me an idea of how much RCE is in MPS. Since you don't want to give out specifics, how about something like how many caps of MPS have the same amount of RCE as 1 cap of KA?