Occlusion on 3.0

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Occlusion on 3.0

Post by chameleon »

Hi Guys. I am thinking about adding an occlusion superset for arms at the end of 3.0 upper body days. The occlusion will be a the "commonly" used 4 sets: 1 X 30 reps, 3 X 15 reps. The superset is biceps immediately into triceps with about 30 sec. to 1 min. of rest in between supersets, and weight at 20-50% 1RM. I've done this type of training before, but not with the BP. My thought is that since occlusion does not cause much CNS stress or muscle damage, it would not be detrimental to add this in and could add to hypertrophic gains. Has anyone tried something similar to this? Rob, do you have an opinion ? Thanks.
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Location: Boonton

Post by DustinM »

Can you please share some of the demonstration videos for this workout?
It will really help me to do it in a proper way.
Posts: 12
Joined: Sun May 06, 2012 9:45 pm

Post by chameleon »

Dr. Layne Norton has good advice on occlusion training. I don't believe I can post links, but do a search for "layne norton occlusion training", and you should get a link to his ironman article and several youtube videos.

Basically, you wrap some sort of tourniquet around your upper arm, just below the shoulder. Knee or elbow wraps can be used for the tourniquet, although you may be able to use a blood pressure cuff. Wrap the tourniquet so that it is tight, but NOT completely cutting off circulation (you do not want your limbs to turn blue). Do 4 sets 30,15,15,15 reps with about 30 to 60 seconds rest in between. You will be uncomfortable as the sets progress. Do not loosen the wraps until after the last set, when you remove them. It is probably best not to leave the wraps on longer than 15 min. Hope this helps, but read the article and watch the videos above.

So far, I've been doing this on BP 3.0 arm upper body day at then end of the workout, and it has not negatively impacted my training, and may be helping. It's hard to tell if I'm making gains in size, as I'm cutting right now. What I can tell you is that the pump is ridiculous after you remove the wraps. So, if it's time to take progress pics, do it after this training!
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