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Desiccated Liver questions

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:37 am
by seano
Some questions for y'all regarding the use of desiccated liver.
I am leaving out the purpose of taking them and the protocols since that is a part of BP2.0 and a reason for it's purchase. Once answered, I will update this post with confirmed answers, and maybe ask for a sticky to help everyone.

Q01: What size desiccated liver tabs/caps (e.g. mg or grains) are the BP protocols using? (Whey I ask: They range in amount per tablet capsules. For example Uni-Liver is 1900mg per tab, while many others are only 680mg. That's a huge difference if you blindly follow the recommended quantities in BP2.0)

Q02: Should I count desiccated liver in my protein and calorie counts? (Why I ask: Using the protocol they could easily supply 100g+ of protein)

Q03: What is the purpose of the olives/nuts? (Why I ask: I like to know why I am putting something into my body. I trust that Rob knows what he is recommending, but I would still like to know why. Also, the knowledge could mean trying other foods which may increase compliance or even greater benefits.)


p.s. Please do not reply with "just do it" or such silly comments. I am doing it, though it could be totally wrong since what to do is not clear.

Uh oh, it's been an hour, time to down some more caps and open the jar of olives! nom nom 8)


Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:46 am
by aron7awol
I suggest getting the Beverly International Ultra 40, they are large so 1 per 10 lbs of bodyweight is enough. For you this would be 16 per day, and each 4 tablet "serving" is about 7.3 g protein. You should definitely count them in your protein & calorie counts.

Edit: BTW, regardless of which brand you use, you should not be getting anywhere near 100g of protein from the liver tabs.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:51 am
by seano
aron7awol wrote:I suggest getting the Beverly International Ultra 40, they are large so 1 per 10 lbs of bodyweight is enough. For you this would be 16 per day, and each 4 tablet "serving" is about 7.3 g protein. You should definitely count them in your protein & calorie counts.
So you suggest following the manufacturers guidelines? 16 per day would be much less than the loading (at beginning of feast) which Rob mentions. Much less by a grand scale.

Unless Rob's recommendations were based on the old school supplements from many many decades ago which (according to Beverly International) were only 7.5-10 grains per tab. That would be odd since the BP was written within the last few decased :wink:
For reference, Beverly has ~40 grains per tab (2592mg)

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:03 am
by aron7awol
seano wrote:So you suggest following the manufacturers guidelines? 16 per day would be much less than the loading (at beginning of feast) which Rob mentions. Much less by a grand scale.

Unless Rob's recommendations were based on the old school supplements from many many decades ago which (according to Beverly International) were only 7.5-10 grains per tab. That would be odd since the BP was written within the last few decased :wink:
For reference, Beverly has ~40 grains per tab (2592mg)
Yes, Rob's recommendations were based on the much smaller tabs. There's another thread on this forum somewhere explaining this.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:12 am
by seano
aron7awol wrote:Yes, Rob's recommendations were based on the much smaller tabs. There's another thread on this forum somewhere explaining this.
That's potentially dangerous or at the least very wasteful ($$$) and counter-intuitive since some folks could be taking in hugely different quantities. Also, claims/measurement of results (positive or negative) will vary greatly.

For example:
* 60 old school tabs (7.5-10 grains / tab) = 29.2 - 38.9 grams
* 60 Beverly Ultra 40 (40 grains / tab) = 155.5 grams
* 60 Uniliver (30 grains / tab) = 116.6 grams
* 60 of mine (680 mg / cap) = 40.8 grams

It seems mine are closer to the original sizes. Though today I was taking much more than that since I thought Rob recommended Beverly. Hopefully I don't OD on B12, VitA and other nutrients ;)

Re: Desiccated Liver questions

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:47 pm
by RobRegish
seano wrote:Some questions for y'all regarding the use of desiccated liver.
I am leaving out the purpose of taking them and the protocols since that is a part of BP2.0 and a reason for it's purchase. Once answered, I will update this post with confirmed answers, and maybe ask for a sticky to help everyone.

Q01: What size desiccated liver tabs/caps (e.g. mg or grains) are the BP protocols using? (Whey I ask: They range in amount per tablet capsules. For example Uni-Liver is 1900mg per tab, while many others are only 680mg. That's a huge difference if you blindly follow the recommended quantities in BP2.0)

A. Ideally, you want to use Beverly's Ultra-40's here. They're really the only ones I trust.

Q02: Should I count desiccated liver in my protein and calorie counts? (Why I ask: Using the protocol they could easily supply 100g+ of protein)

A. Yes, especially when you're talking about that amount!

Q03: What is the purpose of the olives/nuts? (Why I ask: I like to know why I am putting something into my body. I trust that Rob knows what he is recommending, but I would still like to know why. Also, the knowledge could mean trying other foods which may increase compliance or even greater benefits.)

A. Healthy fats from the olives/nuts will serve to "spare" the AA's in the liver tabs, and NOT raise insulin like an equivalent amount of carbs will. They'll also help "train" your metabolism to burn fat, vs. store it.


p.s. Please do not reply with "just do it" or such silly comments. I am doing it, though it could be totally wrong since what to do is not clear.

Uh oh, it's been an hour, time to down some more caps and open the jar of olives! nom nom 8)


Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:25 am
by Ariel
Unless Rob's suggestions were depending on the old university products from many many years ago which (according to Beverly International) were only 7.5-10 grain per tab. That would be odd since the BP was published within the last few deceased Wink

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:13 pm
by AxPoZak
I was going to make a thread on this exact topic. However I am still confused after reading this, as it seems like the people are offering opposing opinions. So Rob's recommendation for the first week of feast (water and liver tab loading), is to consume "12 oz water + 6 liver tabs"/hour of the new, larger liver tabs? As the OP mentioned, this would result in around 100 grams of protein (almost 1/3 of the daily intake for this phase) coming from the liver tabs. As well as large quantities of vitamins.

Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread, but I was also planning on taking additional BCAA powder peri-workout to enhance recovery, as well as Anavite (a very complete, well dosed multi-vitamin) during the first week of feast to jump-start my system. I have about a weeks worth of anavite left in a tub, so I figured it would be best used during the all important 1st week of feast. My question now is, would these additional supplements be unneeded overkill (or even dangerous) when combined with the ~60 desiccated liver tabs (30 grains each)?? Because the ~ 1800 grains of liver tabs would already contain almost copious amounts amino acids and miscellaneous vitamins. The alternative is simply to not use the two additional supplements until after the first week of feast... after the water/liver tab loading. Any clarification would be much appreciated, thanks!

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:01 pm
by 5.0stang
Last year, I believe I had a B-12 o/d that caused little bouts of pain to my kidney and/or liver. I sent Rob a PM about it after taking the Beverly liver tabs, and he was VERY helpful in reading my lab results and giving me advice.

Anyways, here is story I sent to Rob in a PM late last year:

As you know, I was taking the Beverly liver tablets and they have 1250% of B-12 per serving (one pill). On the package, it says for "best results take one pill per 10 lbs of body weight". That would mean take 25 for me @ 250 lbs. However, I had only been taking 10-12 for about 14 days as of this past Sunday (12000-15000% B-12 value daily). I think it caught up to me. This was one of the new things I had been taking, while the other stuff (ecdy, kre alkalyn, etc.) I had been on a for a few months now.

While sleeping Saturday night, I was awaken by some sharp pain in my right side, just below the front rib cage. It would come in 6-8 sharp increases in pain, all sessions happening within a few minutes. It was enough to make me groan out load. This then occured when I woke up after I ate. With the pain I felt, I decided not to work out or take any supplements. It happened about 2-3 more times that day all spread out 3-4 hours. That night, I did not get 'waken up by it like I did the night before, but it hit me twice that day (Monday) and the last one I felt with a higher level of pain was around noon.

I have felt VERY SLIGHT pain, just enough to notice it since but it seems to be getting weaker where I really can't feel it or say I have the symptoms anymore. I think this is the liver still in a tender state, healing.

Anyways, I decide to go to the doctor on Monday after the last "attack" - they run a blood test, check the usual stuff and nothing. They scheduled me a ultrasound today and she did not see any gallstones, but still waiting on the radiologist to take a look at it. Anyways, I start thinking about my diet and what I had been doing differently and the one that seems to stick out is the Liver Tablets. Perhaps, it has absolutely nothing to do with them, but after reading this article, many of the symptoms seemed spot on: ... the-liver/

"Exposure of the liver to high levels of vitamin B-12 caused by an overdose may cause hepatitis or inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis may resolve after excess vitamin B-12 is eliminated from the body. Symptoms of hepatitis caused by vitamin B-12 overdose include right upper abdominal pain, abdominal distension due to swelling of the liver, fever, chills, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stool, jaundice and itching."

The fever, loss of appetite and stook color were all on the mild side, but I still noticed it.

I haven't taken anything since Sunday morning and the pain has basically gone away...

The B12 may not have anything to do with it, but it was worth a shot on self-diagnosis...

I just wanted you to hear my story and see what you thought.

In a nut shell, I think in a week and half, I had about 2 years worth of B-12 vitamins in my system. As soon as I got off, it went away. I have sense taken all the other supplements that I was on at the time (which I was on before the liver tabs) and have had no pain.

Just thought I would share. Also, on occasion, I still have very, very, sligh pains in that same area, especially if I had a large amount of protein at once. This never happened until after the incident I described above. It has been 11 months later.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:37 am
by AxPoZak
WOW. That is scary. Especially since you were only taking 10-12 a day. Thanks for sharing your story, I'm glad you were able to find the problem and fix it. I'm nearing the end of the ten days, and have went as high as 40 uni-liver tabs. Now I'm glad I wasn't as dedicated the last few days and slowed down with them. But that will definitely make me think twice about how many I'm eating from here on out. Thanks again