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Sebastians 1st BP-Run /w Meet-Preperation

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:49 pm
by SebPL
Hey BP-Community.
Iam Sebastian from Germany. Today I´ve started my first BP-Run with the 1st Famine workout. Iam a raw-powerlifter since 2011. Before that I played a lot of soccer.
My next (second) meet is on September the 15th.

Feel free to give advice!

So, here is the plan:


Shortterm (3month): Powerlifting RAW meet 450 Kg / 1000 lbs total on September the 15th
Midterm (6-12month) : 500kg total (A priority), fill out my weightclass 95 kg @ 10% bf (B priority)
Longterm (2-5years)l: IPF classic (raw) participation

Age: 26
Height: 6 feet 1 ⅝ inch
Weight: 85,5 kg (190lbs)
Bodyfat: 16,8 % bf
Resting Heartrate: 57
High Activity Level as a Personal Trainer and happy young daddy

The Big 3

Squat 320 lbs (146 Kg)
Bench 218 lbs (99 Kg)
Sumo-Deadlift 377 lbs (171Kg)

Diet (before BP)
2,800 maintance calories
Before BP:
I alternated between Warrior Diet and typical bodybuildingstyle diet (5-7 meals a day) the last month (thx for Robs inside on the BP Power Hour). Before I was only on Ori´s WD with some off days :D. Also alternated macros on daily basis - low carb / high carb days, 1g protein per Kg bodyweigth


Vitamin D3
Waiting on Synthagen :D

Off-Week 05-29-2012 - 06-02-2012

Famine Phase

3 Workouts 06-03-2012 - 06-08-2012
Calories: 187lbs*8 = 1496 calories per day
Supps down to a minimum
3 days rest - protein and salt loading

Feast Phase

HIT 06-11-2012 - 06-23-2012
5 Workouts, 1day on/2 off
3 Days rest at the end

GLP I 06-27-2012 - 07-22-2012I
12 Workouts (6 Bench / 6 Squats)

5-3-1 Pre-Competition 07-23-2012 - 09-14-2012
3 workouts per week - Squat, Bench, Dl+Press (may only 2 per week as Jim suggests)
cw30 3x3 and 1x85%, 1x92,5%
cw31 3x5
cw32 5-3-1 and 1x85%, 1x95%
cw33 Deload
cw34 3x3 and 1x85%
cw35 3x5
cw36 5-3-1
cw37 Deload + COMPETITION

RAW Competition 09-15-2012

Cruise 2 weeks

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:00 pm
by SebPL
First FAMINE Workout (in a fasted state) 06-03-2012 @ 2pm:

A1) Squat
1. 6x220 lbs
2. 6x220 lbs
3. 5x220 lbs

A2) Seated Cable Row
1. 6x140 lbs
2. 6x140 lbs
3. 6x140 lbs

B1) 1 arm DB rows
1. 6x57 lbs
2. 6x57 lbs
3. 6x57 lbs

B2) Chin-ups
1. 6x BW
2. 5x BW
3. 3x BW

C1) Barbell Curls 5x55 lbs
C2) Incline DB Curls 6x18 lbs
C2) Preacher Curls 6x55 lbs

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:42 pm
by dropthebeats
This is going to be an awesome run! Good luck! I'll definitely be following your log.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:38 pm
by SebPL
dropthebeats wrote:This is going to be an awesome run! Good luck! I'll definitely be following your log.
Thank you very much - I will do my best :D!

Iam also planning to upload some pictures and videos of my trainingsessions. So stay tuned!

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:12 am
by SebPL
2nd Famine-Workout:

A1) Bench Press
1. 8x132
2. 8x132
3. 7x132
4. 5x132

B1) Incline Bench Press
1. 8x88
2. 8x88
3. 6x88
4. 6x88

C1) Shoulder Press /w DB
1. 8x18
2. 8x18
3. 8x18
4. 8x18

D1) Decline Press
1. 8x88
2. 8x100
3. 6x100
4. 8x88

E1) Shoulder Press /w DB
1. 8x13
2. 8x13
3. 8x13
4. 8x13

F1) Decline close-grip press 7x88
F2) skull crushers 8x30
F3) cable pushdowns 8x22

*weight in lbs of course :D

Felt low in energy. May thats due to the limited calories? :D.....
Yeah, today is my last FAMINE day. Iam looking forward to refeed on protein. All the good eggs, meet, fish and cheese. And Iam excited to workout on upcoming monday. I will shoot photos.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:24 am
by SebPL
My seven month old boy seems to get his first tooth. Iam very excited. But it also means short nights :D at the moment. Anyway, I have a really supportive girlfriend, which allows me to still work out regularly.

Here is my first HIT Workout (06-11-2012):

A1) Bench Press 11x154 lbs

A2) Pull Overs 10x53 lbs

B1) Squats 10x198 lbs

B2) SL Deadlift 9x242 lbs

Unfortunately, I had forgetten my mobilephone (I usually train without), so there are no pics. Next session :D.

My calorie intake was about 3900 kcal (excel said 3812 is the goal :D).
This morning I added a Kettlebell and BW-HIIT workout at home. Now its time to rest (active recovery = mobilty, foam rolling, walking) and GROW!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:45 am
by SebPL
Sorry Guys - busy time :D!

But here is my second HIT workout:

A1) Bench Press 5x 87,5Kg (193lbs)
A2) DB Pull-Over 6x 29Kg (64lbs)

B1) Squat 4x 135Kg (298lbs)
See the video -->
B2) SL Deadlift 6x 140 Kg (308lbs)

3rd Workout tomorrow - going for 3x140 kg Squat and 3x95 Bench!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:22 pm
by dropthebeats
Nice squats!

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:15 am
by SebPL
dropthebeats wrote:Nice squats!
Thanks man!

Training yesterday:

A1) Bench Press 2x 95 Kg (209 lbs)
A2) DB Pull-Over 3x 34Kg (75lbs)

B1) Squat 2x 145Kg (320lbs)
B2) SL Deadlift 3x 150 Kg (330lbs)

Didn´t felt that good. Numbers are OK but I think I need the deload training now :D.
Also missing Synthagen - German Customs still keep it because they want to check all the ingredients... I hope I will get it next week.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:38 pm
by JayBezel
im new to BP you liking it so far? it looks like you already beat your PR on the squat....thats good money

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:26 am
by SebPL
Hey BP-Army,

Iam sorry, my notebook was damaged. Now it has returned. Iam still running :D and now in the pre competition phase. As I pointed out, Iam on the Jim Wendler Pre-Comp program.

So at the moment I do the 3-5-1 (usually 5-3-1) with additional singles @ 85% and 92,5% of my meet goal. This week starts awesome. I feel great. The squat @ 145 kg felt "easy" and also the bench press yesterday with 100 kg works realtive easy. Inparticular my form was very good. I had more weight in the tank, defnitly! I will keep you updated.

By the way, the German Customs didn´t allow me to import Synthagen. They send it back to the US. Iam talking to lawyer because they didn´t provide any reason to me. The ingredients are no illegal. I will see :D.

Stay tuned and train hard(er)!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:55 am
by SebPL
JayBezel wrote:im new to BP you liking it so far? it looks like you already beat your PR on the squat....thats good money
Welcome to the army Jay!

Yes my PR was 1x145 kg. At my first meet I only finisched with 125 Kg and missed 135 Kg two times. Iam stronger now :D!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:15 am
by SebPL
Here are two videos from two weeks ago. My last DL-Session. It was not a good day as you can see:

3x 145 KG Sumo:

1x 162,5 Kg Sumo:

As you can see the last attempt was bad technique. Instead of Iam pulling the weight it seems that the weight pulled me. I have to incorparate the tps of Rob: deficite DL as well as speed work because the bottom position is defnitly my week point. Till now Ive never missed a lockout.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:23 pm
by JayBezel
i just watched ur vids. i feel like if i can get a german guy to yell at me during my workouts it'll make every lift go up by like 10%. that def needs to be my next step :lol: