Tesla was quite possibly one of the most brilliant people who ever lived, on par with Da Vinci, and probably even greater than Einstein.
Tesla once said:
"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
He was strongly hinting at Albert Einstein when he said that.
Tesla harnessed power through the atmosphere, something he called "Aether", and actually built a car that he drove in Niagara Falls and Buffalo while building the power plant at Niagara Falls that HAD NO ENGINE. Instead it had a series of knobs and button that he would push and pull that activated whatever it was that pulled the power from the atmosphere. Tesla claimed there was an invisible, limitless energy(he called this "radiant energy") that existed everywhere and could go through all things. My grandmother often told me the stories regarding Tesla and his car he drove around as she was a young girl back then and her mother used to tell her the stories about Tesla and his car. Apparently she was at a friends house when Tesla and his assistant came to visit and saw the car and he showed them it had no engine.
Tesla ran tests out in Colorado where he built a station that created pulses of this energy and a house designed to pick up the energy and light 200 light bulbs, each rated 50 watts with no other power sources connected. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. THE HOUSE WAS 26 MILES AWAY FROM THE STATION!!!
Tesla went to JP Morgan and asked for backing for his huge undertaking in Long Island called Wardenclyffe, a tower so large it could broadcast radiant energy to the whole word. Tesla was near completion on his project but was running low on funds, so he went to Morgan for additional money, and he was going to give it to Tesla, until he asked the question "How are we going to charge for this energy?" Tesla answered they weren't, it was going to be free. Morgan promptly pulled his funding and Tesla was forced to abandon his project.
https://fuel-efficient-vehicles.org/ener ... age_id=481
Tesla created earthquakes in NYC while testing a vibrating assembly with an adjustable frequency attached to a steel girder of a building drove into the ground. He fastened the device, the size of an alarm clock to the 2 foot steel beam and adjusted the frequency to be "in tune" with the link and caused the entire building to shake. Workers panicked and called the police who burst in the door just as Tesla was putting the assembly back in his pocket...
"It is perfectly practical to transmit electrical energy without wires and produce destructive effects at a distance. I have already constructed a wireless transmitter which makes this possible. ... But when unavoidable [it] may be used to destroy property and life. The art is already so far developed that the great destructive effects can be produced at any point on the globe, defined beforehand with great accuracy (emphasis added)"
Some believe the devastating Tunguska explosion which flattened a huge area of Siberia almost as if a nuclear blast had hit was the work of Tesla as well. He had been working on a directed energy beam which he claimed was capable of devastating effects and could be used as a deterrent by the US against other countries. At the time Admiral Perry was making his famous trip to the North Pole and Tesla is said he wanted to try and send a message to him via the energy beam. His transmitter could generate energy levels and frequencies capable of releasing the destructive force of 10 megatons, or more, of TNT.
The nature of the Tunguska event, also, is consistent with what would happen during the sudden release of wireless power. No fiery object was reported in the skies at that time by professional or amateur astronomers as would be expected when a 200,000,000 pound object enters the atmosphere at tens of thousands miles an hour. Also, the first reporters, from the town of Tomsk, to reach the area judged the stories about a body falling from the sky was the result of the imagination of an impressionable people. He noted there was considerable noise coming from the explosion, but no stones fell. The absence of an impact crater can be explained by there having been no material body to impact. An explosion caused by broadcast power would not leave a crater.
In contrast to the ice comet collision theory, reports of upper atmosphere and magnetic disturbances coming from other parts of the world at the time of and just after the Tunguska event point to massive changes in earth's electrical condition. Baxter and Atkins cite in their study of the explosion, The Fire Came By, that the Times of London editorialized about "slight, but plainly marked, disturbances of ... magnets," which the writer, not knowing then of the explosion, associated with solar prominences.
In Berlin, the New York Times of July 3rd reported unusual colors in the evening skies thought to be Northern Lights: "Remarkable lights were observed in the northern heavens ... bright diffused white and yellow illumination continuing through the night until it disappears at dawn."(32)Massive glowing "silvery clouds" covered Siberia and northern Europe. A scientist in Holland told of an "undulating mass" moving across the northwest horizon. It seemed to him not to be a cloud, but the "sky itself seemed to undulate." A woman north of London wrote the London Times that on midnight of July 1st the sky glowed so brightly it was possible to read large print inside her house. A meteorological observer in England recounted on the nights of June 30th and July 1st:
A strong orange yellow light became visible in the north and northeast... causing an undue prolongation of twilight lasting to daybreak on July 1st...There was a complete absence of scintillation or flickering, and no tendency for the formation of streamers, or a luminous arch, characteristic of auroral phenomena...Twilight on both of these night was prolonged to daybreak, and there was no real darkness.(33)
The report that most closely ties these strange cosmic happenings with Tesla's power transmission scheme is that while the sky was aglow with this eerie light it was possible to clearly see ships at sea for miles in the middle of the night.(34) Tesla specifically claimed this as one of the effects he could achieve with his high power transmitter. Of particular importance is that none of his claims for lighting the ocean appeared before 1908.
Given Tesla's general pacifistic nature it is hard to understand why he would carry out a test harmful to both animals and the people who herded the animals even when he was in the grip of financial desperation. The answer is that he probably intended no harm, but was aiming for a publicity coup and, literally, missed his target.
At the end of 1908, the whole world was following the daring attempt of Peary to reach the North Pole which he claimed in the Spring of 1909. If Tesla wanted the attention of the international press, few things would have been more impressive than the Peary expedition sending out word of a cataclysmic explosion on the ice near or at the North Pole.(37) Tesla, then, if he could not be hailed as the master creator that he was, could be seen as the master of a mysterious new force of destruction.
Transmitter's Test Path The test, it seems, was not a complete success. It must have been difficult controlling the vast amount of power in transmitter to the exact spot Tesla intended. The North Pole lies close to a great circle line connecting Shoreham, Long Island and the Tunguska region. That path passes close by Alert on Ellesmere Island where Peary spent the winter.(38) The uninhabited region between Alert and the North Pole might have been the intended target for a test firing of the wireless transmission system. However, "the accepted terrestrial measurements" of that day were not precise enough for the task. The destructive electrical wave overshot its target.
https://prometheus.al.ru/english/phisik/ ... nguska.htm
There are so many other things Tesla created that are so mind boggling, it really makes you wonder where the ideas came from. It is simply not a normal pattern of thinking that allows one to come up with some of the things he came up with. Tesla once said himself, he had no idea where these ideas or thoughts come from, its as if they appeared in his brain out of thin air, as if an unseen force was putting it there for his use.
All I know is he was so brilliant, upon his death the US Army immediately went to his lab and confiscated all his work, reports and other information he had as a matter of national security. Likely much of the US government's radical weapons and defense systems are based off of his work, and it is claimed they have a working radiant energy weapon in Alaska based off of Tesla's work...
A real shame Tesla isn't taught in school more, his inventions truly could have changed the world in a whole new way. Tesla found things based on reality from experiments that were so mind boggling most scientists of the day could not even understand what he was talking about. The stuff Tesla was doing would have been 100 years ahead of his time if he was alive now, so imagine what people must have thought back in the late 1890's...one of the greatest minds that ever lived...