Famine workout #2

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Famine workout #2

Post by crag »

Famine workout #2
well felt a little bit sore from workout 1 , but a nice sore if you know what i mean.
Bench press warm up 44*10, 66*8, 77*4.

Bench press 77*8 for 4 sets
supersetted with
Bbell military press 33*8 for 4 sets

Inc bench press 55*8 for 4 sets
supersetted with
Bbell mil press 33*7 for 4 sets

Decline bench press 66*10 for 3 sets then 66*8 for 1 set

Dips bw*7
Cable press downs 44*10
Bbell overhead ext 22*10

Ab crunchees 33*10, 33*10, 44*1 min static hold

I could feel the soreness setiing right in after this workout. but yes felt great. Trying to stick with the famine diet but the missus keeps making me nice dinners which are hard to turn down. Will this matter ?
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Post by wtmarcus »

Please start a journal in the BP JOURNALS / CORE QUESTIONS section :)
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