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Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:22 pm
by nolyman777
Has anyone here tried using the bronze organic from MASS? It is very hard for me to tan in the summer. Sick of being pale.
But from what I've read online other company's products made people turn orange. Def do not want if thats the case.
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:40 pm
by askmass
Ours is the darkest of all, nolyman, and we've been at this since 1993.
Our caps are a dark brown/red hue, NOT orange like the cheap grades out there.
Avoid the tablet brands (all made at the same place) like the plague!
A low-to-moderate saturation is best IMO, slow and steady wins the race and you'll look very natural the whole way.
Use *Voucher code "BP10%OffBronze" for extra savings to anyone here looking to try for the first time this spring and summer.
Canthaxanthin (pronounced can-tha-zan-thin) has been popular for decades among bodybuilders, models, celebrities and people from all walks who say it gives them a "just back from vacation" appearance - without the ultraviolet exposure associated with sun tanning and indoor tanning beds. Clint Eastwood is noted as having been the first Hollywood star to use Canthaxanthin.
What is it? A naturally occuring antioxidant, CANTHAXANTHIN is a range of carotenoid colors related to Beta Carotene. It is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) as a food color additive and extensively used in commercial goods like ketchup, Ocean Spray cranberry juice, etc. Part-and-parcel of many animal feeds, it's utilized to enhance color in salmon and egg yolks (hens and salmon are fed 80mg), and the colorful plumage of exotic birds. Health researcher Durk Pearson sumized his findings as follows in his best selling book, LIFE EXTENSION; Canthaxanthin provides even better protection from ultraviolet light and singlet oxygen than Beta Carotene, and it gives the skin the apperance of a beautiful, natural-looking golden copper tan".
CANTHAXANTHIN does not "tan" skin, however. We offer it as an organic antioxidant color additive only. 30mg per 16 ounces of food or liquid ingested is the suggested dosage. To elaborate on what Pearson researched and reported; he discovered that Canthaxanthin lends color to the second (subcutaneous) layer of skin and since the top layer is transparent it can show through and "give the appearance of a tan", to paraphrase his words. Many bodybuilders are known to use tanning beds and sunbathing in conjunction with Canthaxanthin supplements and routinely report achieving an extremely deep, bronzed look. Conversely, while most health professionals advise against excessive ultraviolet exposure, many do recommend light but regular early or late day sun exposure for health benefits.
Consumer ALERT: Accept only the Gold Standard, BRONZE ORGANIC™ in the brushed gold label. Celebrated as the world's darkest, Bronze Organic contains ONLY ultra-premium 10:1 'Canthaxanthin Supreme'. Beware of low grade, low potency pretenders full of additives and fillers - some of which have been exposed as containing a mere 3-5mg of Canthaxanthin (with label trickery designed to mislead). Only genuine BRONZE ORGANIC is rigorously tested and 100% certified for guaranteed maximum levels of ultra-pure, ultra-premium 10:1 Canthaxanthin. It's the "one cap per meal" Real McCoy.
LIMITED TIME SPECIAL: Get started or stock up today by selecting the "Super Value" special on genuine Bronze Organic. You'll save big (right at $21 total) while enjoying FREE U.S. shipping!
• Click NOW to claim your certified real BRONZE ORGANIC - delivered fast to your door-
• Canthaxanthin FACTS: Learn more about this novel antioxidant color additive-
Enclosed is a money order for two bottles of Bronze Organic 'Canthaxanthin Supreme'. I have ordered this from you for two years now and have been incredibly satisfied with your company and your product. I look forward to doing business with you for years to come." -Lori Wright, Dexter, MO
"I tried most of the other brands of Canthaxanthin who claim to have the best quality. NOT! I decided to give yours a try because of the capsules compared to the hard tablets. I have to admit that I am pleasantly surprised by the results. I actually look golden brown. I will definitely spread the world to all my friends at the gym." -John Bently, Boise, ID
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 3:21 pm
by pmartinez78
I was actually looking into this last night. I don't feel like paying 15$ a month more at Gold's to use their tanning bed.
Thanks for the voucher code, John. I'll probably try it out next paycheck.
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:49 pm
by RobRegish
I used it all last summer. Normally, I'm as white as a gallon of milk.
Be prepared for people to question your ethnicity...

Honestly, BEST stuff I've ever used for tanning. I don't burn, just tan and it's DEEP. If I'm not mistaken, AskMass sells it by the caseload to shrimpers down there in LA. Out on the boat/water all day.
Stuff is unreal...
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 3:10 am
by askmass
You are correct, Rob.
One of those guys sent us a set of stunning before/after photos from the boat many years ago. Wish I had them to share here, today... the contrast was stunning.
Lots of people use BO to help capture "the Olympia look", and others use just enough to add some nice color (my preference).
A good number of clients are celebs, as you might guess.
It's interesting that most of the public personalities buy very large quantities, infrequently, and seem to want to keep it secret!
Thiomax is similar, and at times I want to tell just who among the "faces" are using it and Bronze Organic... and who among the IFBB champs have things like MASS PRO Whey and Thiomax in their arsenal!
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:16 pm
by nolyman777
I think I'm going to give it a try. I suppose two bottles would be able to last me the whole summer for a little color right?
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:27 am
by RobRegish
nolyman777 wrote:I think I'm going to give it a try. I suppose two bottles would be able to last me the whole summer for a little color right?
They might, but allow me to offer what I did last summer...
I picked up the 4 bottle special, I think it was. I simply took 2-3 caps/day around a half hour prior to sun exposure. Within 3 weeks, I was noticeably darker. Within 4-5 weeks, I was able to be outside every single day - for almost as long as I wanted!
Obviously, you don't want to spend TOO much time in the sun. A full body exposure for around 45 minutes will deliver a HUGE bolus of Vitamin D, and the beauty of bronze organic IMO is that even 15min. of exposure is equivalent to over an hour IMO, without it. Meaning you get THAT much darker.
If memory serves, that strategy lasted me the entire summer. On days I didn't tan, I simply spread the dose out over the course of the day. I also recall making sure I co-ingested R-ALA, Vitamin C and E prior to sunning. If you have 3.0, you'll know why...
Best of luck, and report back on your results!
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:12 am
by nolyman777
Yeah the thing is Im going to be lifeguarding this summer. Ocean front for the first time which means a lot of sun exposure.
I remember reading that it also provided a little protection from uv rays to help prevent burning? so that was an added plus.
But i will look into the special and definitely try to take before/after pics for everyone else to see.
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 1:08 pm
Thanks for the voucher John! Me and the wife have considered purchasing this in the past due to going boating in the summer and getting sunburnt early in the season.
Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 12:25 am
by askmass
askmass wrote:Use *Voucher code "BP10%OffBronze" for extra savings to anyone here looking to try for the first time this spring and summer.
Bumping this since I was asked if the voucher above is still good, and indeed it is!
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:14 pm
by RobRegish
Just got my 4 pack for summer...
I'm taking the slow and steady approach: 2 caps with food per day. Yep, that's all I use along with sensible, graduated exposure. It does take awhile for it to build up but there's no finer protection.
I'll be going into this on SHR at some point, but it's worth remembering: You protect your skin from the inside out (not the outside in, as with sunscreen). I look at the Vit. C/E/R-ALA combo as my "base" anti-oxidant protection, layer in what Ecdy in the form of KA/AN or Synthagen brings to the table (HUGE benefits, insofar as the skin is concerned) and then Bronze Organic - for the finishing touch.
If it works for a guy like me (I'm as white as a gallon of milk), it'll work for you. No burning, no peeling and I need only 15 minutes of sunshine 3x/week, to make it look like I've been living at the beach.
And thanks for bringing us the good stuff John. I've used the "crap" brands prior. Day glow orange hands/feet anyone? Not with Bronze Organic...
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:56 pm
by KimJong-il
If you dont get sun...this product gives you color if you consume 2 caps a day?
Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:21 am
by RobRegish
KimJong-il wrote:If you dont get sun...this product gives you color if you consume 2 caps a day?
A bit, but not enough for a "tan". Having said that, I'm coming up on week 3 of just 2 caps/day and a modicum of sunshine 3x/week (perhaps 15 min).
Couldn't be happier. Here's what it does for me: First, I don't get "red" from these infrequent sessions. I did before, being fair skinned. No redness, no burning etc. Second, I "hold" that tan in the days in between, when I give my skin a break from the sun. Finally, by the time the next session rolls around, it builds upon the previous. I'm much darker than I was 3 weeks ago, and the tan looks a lot more even over my entire body. Prior, my legs/face were darker/more red than the rest of my body. Not anymore...
Many feel loading with a bottle is the best way to go, but I take the long term approach, going slower. I order the 4 bottle special, take 2/day and get "enough" sunshine to enhance it. This way, it lasts me 4 full months, and by mid-July people will be questioning my race, LOL.
I stay that way until September. Many ways to go about it, but this way I don't have to go to extremes.
Wait, did I just say that?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:57 am
by thicketman
KimJong-il wrote:If you dont get sun...this product gives you color if you consume 2 caps a day?
I loaded a bottle and ordered a 4 bottle combo.
I haven't noticed any differences in areas that have not been exposed to sun. I lie out for 15-30 min on each side of my body on Saturdays and have been for the past few weeks. I currently have a deep bronze color.
The way it seems to work for me is like this: it seems to enhance my body's ability to tan. I had flip flops on yesterday at the pool for about 30 min and I actually have a slight tan line. Also, I vacuumed the pool for ~45 min and my wife commented on how dark I was when I walked in the house. It's almost as if my skin has more pigmentation. My ability to tan is now comparable to my wife's who is of mixed darker-skinned ethnicities. It's pretty neat. She refers to me as her "bronze baby" and her "surfer husband". I should note that I have light brown/dark blonde hair, green eyes, and the white boy skin to match.
I recommend going a little slower than I did, though. I have gotten burned a few times.
My mom actually commented on my tan yesterday as well and intends to make a purchase herself.