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Link's custom BP run!!

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 6:26 am
by Linkiroth
Hey, everybody. I'm here for my second BP run, complete with embarrassing pictures! Don't worry, I'll only link them so you don't have to check out my bodacious curves if you don't want to. (Believe me, if you don't live in the US, you never want to see bodacious curves on a guy.)

I'm military by trade, a powerlifter by passion. Unfortunately, those two things too often conflict. My last BP run was cut short by an injury and I fell off the training bandwagon for some time after being on it for a steady two years, rarely missing a session. Courtesy of Rob (and my penchant for spending my spare cash equally between MASS, a particular gigantic nonsense company, and eating at restaurants with my lovely wife and son.), I'm back on the bandwagon and ready to out-squat Big Jaz! Eventually.

My best lifts of all time are:
425 squat
240 bench
405 dead

for a measly 1070 total. My current lifts are likely lower than that, but I'm more focused on the physique and shedding my excess fat for this run. I've gotten soft, and I don't care for it. Once I'm back where I like to be BF%-wise, I'll be setting myself up to make some big gains on lifting, staying around a weight so I can cut to the 181s.

I started famine yesterday, did my workout.

Squats were done at 260#
Rows at 120#

They were all done for 8 full reps. I probably shot a bit low on the weight. That said, they were not easy to finish, it was the last set that nearly did me in. Force of will and all that.

Today is day 2 of famine. I'm sure it'll be easier than yesterday. :roll:

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:42 am
by Linkiroth
Day 2 is down and today is day 3. I did 20 minutes of fasted cardio this morning on the treadmill and I forgot my lunch, so I'm stuck at work for 12 hours with no food. I guess today, I'll be doing IF.

Yesterday, I ate a whopping 1426 calories.

I'm planning to do famine workout #2 today, but I'm not sure if my work schedule and my wife's work schedule will pan out properly. If I can't, I'll do it tomorrow morning.

Starting RHR: 68 bpm
Day 3 RHR: 76 bpm

Starting weight: 189.0 lbs
Current weight: 187.3 lbs

This might end up being a 3 workout famine... ::gulp::

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:40 pm
by Linkiroth
Last day of famine ended today... super sore.

I'm down almost six pounds, and my rhr was 80bpm this morning. Sounds about right...

Went into the bod pod yesterday and got the following:

Body weight: 185.1lbs
Body fat %: 18
BMR: 1857.1kcal
Maintenance calories: 2654.1kcal

This is what I will be using for feast.

For the next three days, I'll be eating in the realm of 3000kcal. I'm very much looking forward to it.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 7:34 am
by Linkiroth
Day 1 of feast was great, and day 2 is off to a good start. I'm looking forward to getting back in the gym, although my days have to shuffle a bit.

I'll have pictures up soonish and I'll be posting more numbers when I get them. Maybe some charts? Who knows; we could get crazy with data!

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 1:34 pm
by Linkiroth
Just finished my bridge workout, setting my new maxes. Unfortunately, if I don't start tomorrow, it will be difficult to set up my workouts properly, so I will begin my feast proper tomorrow.

Squat max: 405
Bench max: 205

I went for 225 but my elbow hurt on the descent. 205 felt pretty light, but I figure it's better to start too light than too heavy.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 5:03 pm
by Linkiroth
So, with week 1 of feast proper under my belt, I'm holding steady around 183-187lbs depending on time of day, etc. Week 1 I went a bit light on my EDT blocks and the depletion workout but I'm looking forward to bumping those weights up this week.