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BP Supps and 17 year old

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:07 am
by stillgrowin
What BP supplements can a 17 year old take for the Blueprint? Also will any of the supplements cause him to test positive in football?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:09 am
by beefcake66
Depends what you mean by test positive.... what are they testing for?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:15 am
by askmass
For someone under the age of 18, it's up to a parent or guardian to decide from a legal standpoint and thus I nor Rob would not be able recommend anything to you.

As far as "testing positive" goes, do you mean for steroids?

Speaking for the MASS items Rob lists as helping BP results (and ALL of the MASS line for the record), the answer is no.

Some of the crude "pro hormones" out today will, though, but Rob does not recommend any of those in the course.

Re: BP Supps and 17 year old

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:56 pm
by RobRegish
stillgrowin wrote:What BP supplements can a 17 year old take for the Blueprint? Also will any of the supplements cause him to test positive in football?
My $02...

A quality Ecdy such as Kre-Anabolyn, Synthagen or Ebol
Mass Pro Amino
Mass Pro Whey

That's all you really need, given your age. Hormone levels should be the best of your life, so likely no test booster needed/GH supplement etc. Calories are necessary, so MassPro shakes make alot of sense (see list of recipe's on the MASS site - tasty stuff). The high quality protein will be necessary for the tissue repair of your weight training, never mind football!

MPA is best dosed in a flavored drink during football/weight training. Many use it as part of "The Formula". Alternatively, you could use Synthagen here, depending upon your goals.

Finally, a quality adaptogen is going to go a LONG way toward helping you recover from both the weights/football. Pre/post training Ecdy along with a pre-bed dose will help immensely with recovery, repair and boosting your work capacity.

Training, diet and rest are the fundamentals. Provided you have those in order, these supps will make a quite favorable impact for you.

EDIT: And NONE will make you test positive, for anything!

Hope that helps!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:00 pm
by Dragon
17? At that age the hardest thing to do is to convince him that he needs to get adequate sleep. Personally, I've noticed it's a real discipline issue at the dojo I train at with people under 20. Other than that I say just listen to Rob.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 12:39 am
by stillgrowin
Thank you all for your advice. I just purchased the blueprint mass stack along with mass pro whey.