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"Laxogenin" - Buyer Beware!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:44 am
by RobRegish
Many of you have PM'd me about "Laxogenin" products that have appeared for sale recently, either standalone or as part of a broader formula.

As you know, this compound is discussed in 3.0. I've used plenty of it over the years, yet expressed skepticism over what's currently out there. It turns out I had good reason to do so.


I'm not going to name brands/products, but this is a standalone Laxogenin with a hefty pricetage. Given the mg's/dose involved, you may think it's a whopper dose, and just may be worth the asking price.

You'd be wrong. VERY wrong...


I used almost a full bottle of this stuff. While I noted a mild effect, the high dose of purported "Laxogenin" and my results didn't square up with my experience with the genuine article. Because of this, I saved the remaining 5 capsules and sent them to Patrick Arnold to test.



This is word for word, what PA had to say about this

"I got those laxogenin caps

This is impure material. with several peaks. there is one very large peak that doesnt seem to match anything i can imagine. i see a little bit of diosgenin in there. there is a 430 molecular weight* peak but its only about 3 percent of the formula or so

*EDIT: 430 = Molecular weight, of Laxogenin, although it corresponds with other compounds too.

Later that day, via email:

"You are obviously not dealing with a professional. His product is crap and these spectra look like jokes. you cant get a decent NMR from an impure product anyway, and i pretty much validated that his product is a hodge podge of a dozen or more junk compounds..."

Folks, I'm not here to hurt anyone's business. I have no desire to sling mud/get involved in the pissing wars with supplement companies. What I DO want, is to save you from wasting your money on JUNK/ingesting God knows what, when you plunk your hard earned money down.

We must be open to the possibility this company isn't even aware their product is bunk. It happens. They opt to have it made by a lab and the lab either doesn't really have the expertise, or knows the company selling it won't have a 3rd party test it, to ensure quality. I'm open to that possibility, but have no time/energy nor inclination to see that through and ensure they rectify the situation.

At this time, my advice is this: Steer clear of ANY "Laxogenin" you see on the market....

My $.02....

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:23 pm
by Memnon
Just now saw this. For what its worth, a while ago I found a major bulk supplement supplier/laboratory that produces laxogenin. They seem like a legit outfit, providing certificates of analyses, and makes stuff for major companies (Optimum, MuscleTech, BSN, etc.) Laxogenin isn't currently listed on their website, but it was a few years ago (seen here ... rials.html ), listed under 'Other'. They sent me a price quote of $7k for 1 kilo, so I didn't pursue the matter any further.

BTW, I have no idea if these are the same guys making the bunk stuff that Rob mentioned, so this is by no means any sort of allegation or attack (or endorsement) of that company. But it does make me wonder if there's a legit lab capable of making the pure stuff?

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:59 pm
by DaCookie
A COA doesnt mean anything just FYI.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:26 pm
by scoooter
sorry to bump a 2 yr old thread BUT this stuff is flooding the market everywhere recently. Is it possible that in 2 yrs a good source has been found and/or created or would you still recommend to steer clear today

No. There are in fact some quality Laxogenin products out there. Predator will be debuting a new one shortly, for what it's worth...