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Ben's 64 Days of Awesomeness Run!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:49 pm
by dropthebeats
Tomorrow I'll be starting a run of 3.0. I'm pretty excited. It's been awhile since I've done a run. For the past month, I've been doing Convict Conditioning. CC is amazing. I've only been doing 2-3 workouts a week, and I feel great. After this run, CC will be a huge part of my workouts.

Blueprint 3.0 will be the backbone to my run. Of course I'll do the 3 Phases: Famine, Feast, and Cruise. Also, I'll be following the caloric zig zags. However, I will being doing low carb 6 days a week, and having 1 day where I stuff my face with carbs. My body feels great when I'm an a low carb diet, so that is why I have choose to do that. If for some reason I don't have the energy for the workouts or anything else, then I will modify my diet.

Tomorrow I will post all my starting info like weight, BF%, and stuff like that.


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:44 pm
by dropthebeats
Famine Workout #1 is in the books.

Woke up today at 5:15 am. Slept for a total of 7 hours.

Started my workout at 6:00 am and it was over by 6:45 am.

This is how it went down:

Squat warmups: 8 x 105, 6 x 155, 4 x 175, 2 x 195

Squats: 6 x 195, 6 x 195, 6 x 195
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 105, 5 x 115, 6 x 125
rest 2 minutes between supersets

1-Arm DB Rows: 6 x 70 (each side), 6 x 75 (e.s.), 6 x 75 (e.s.)
Chinups: 6 x BW, 6 x BW, 4 x BW
rest 2 minutes between supersets

Barbell Curl: 6 x 80
Incline DB Curl: 6 x 30's
Preacher Curl: 6 x 68
rest 1-2 minutes between sets

Workout was okay. 1st time using weights in a while. My headphones broke right when I started, so that threw things off a bit.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:48 pm
by dropthebeats
Starting stats:

Age: 32
Height: 5'10
Weight: 177.0 lbs
BF%: 13.8

I took a couple pics this morning to make sure I'm making progress. I'll post them soon. My main goal is to recomp. I'd like to bring my body fat down closer to 10%, and I'd also like to add some lean muscle at the same time.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:41 am
by dropthebeats
Day 1 was good. It's tough not eating protein and fat, since that's all I eat. Plus my wife got burgers are a Reese's Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake. Haha. Oh well. It will still be in the freezer on Thursday when I'll go nuts.

Yesterdays Food:

10:30 am - banana
12:30 pm - a ton of pineapple
3:15 pm - air popped popcorn with a little butter
6:30 pm - homemade fruit smoothie
7:30 pm - banana

Total numbers:
Calories - 1312
Fat - 13.5 g
Carbs - 291 g
Protein - 6.5 g

I was supposed to get in 1416 calories, but I didn't total them throughout the day. A little short, but that's okay.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:45 am
by dropthebeats
I woke up today at 7:15 am. Slept for 8.5 hours. I love when I get a day where I can sleep in. It feels great. I headed over to the gym and did some abs and cardio. My two least favorite things. Haha.

Ab work:
Cable Crunch - 15 x 80, 15 x 90, 15 x 100
Hanging Leg Raise - 10, 10, 10

Ab Wheel Rollout - 15, 15, 15
Russian Twist - 15 x 10 (e.s.), 15 x 10 (e.s.), 20 x 10 (e.s.)

I followed that up with 30 minutes on the treadmill.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:32 am
by dropthebeats
Yesterday was pretty good. I got a little tired in the afternoon. But that's from a caloric deficit and a lot of yard work. Overall, I still feel pretty good. We'll see how today's workout goes.

Missed my caloric goal again yesterday. No biggie. Still have the protein low.

Yesterday's numbers:
Calories: 1298
Fat: 38 g
Carbs: 229 g
Protein: 10 g

Woke up at 5:00 am today. Got 7 hours of sleep. I will hit my second famine workout around lunch time.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:49 pm
by dropthebeats
Completed Famine Workout #2. It was nice a quick. I love finishing workouts in under an hour.

Bench Press (warm up) - 10 x 105, 8 x 125, 6 x 135, 4 x 145
rest 1 min
Bench Press - 8 x 155, 8 x 155, 8 x 150, 8 x 145
rest 1 min between sets

Incline Bench Press - 8 x 105, 8 x 105, 8 x 105, 8 x 105
Standing DB Shoulder Press - 8 x 25s, 8 x 20s, 8 x 20s, 8 x 20s
rest 1 minute between supersets

Decline Bench Press - 8 x 105, 8 x 105, 8 x 105, 8 x 105
Standing DB Shoulder Press - 8 x 20s, 8 x 20s, 8 x 20s, 8 x 20s
rest 1 minute between supersets

Decline Close-Grip Bench Press - 7 x 105
rest 1 min
E-Z Bar Skullcrusher - 7 x 68
rest 1 min
Triceps Pushdown - 8 x 90

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 8:09 am
by dropthebeats
Slept excellent last night. Got a good 8.5 hours in. I feel great today. I'll do some cardio a little later.

Yesterdays macros:
Calories - 1465 (finally reached my goal)
Fat - 41 g
Carbs - 265 g
Protein - 12 g

On a side note. I was excited about getting my MPS yesterday, and it never came. I checked the tracking last night and it said it was delivered. Now, I have to mess with the post office to see where it's at. Irritated.

on board

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 9:49 pm
by Dragon
dropthebeats wrote:Slept excellent last night. Got a good 8.5 hours in. I feel great today. I'll do some cardio a little later.

Yesterdays macros:
Calories - 1465 (finally reached my goal)
Fat - 41 g
Carbs - 265 g
Protein - 12 g

On a side note. I was excited about getting my MPS yesterday, and it never came. I checked the tracking last night and it said it was delivered. Now, I have to mess with the post office to see where it's at. Irritated.
This is definitely one to watch. Do you think you'll use MPS this run?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:32 am
by dropthebeats
Oh yeah, I definitely plan on using it. As long as I can track it down. The post office is going to talk to the mail carrier today to see what happened. If I get it, I plan on starting it Sunday, which would be my 1st Feast workout.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:35 am
by dropthebeats
Yesterday's macros were a little low, but I feel great today. Woke up at 5:15. Slept for 7 hours.

I didn't do any cardio yesterday. I was going to do it in the evening, but I decided to take the dog for a walk instead.

Day 4 Macros:
Calories - 978 (goal 1416)
Fat - 24 g
Carbs - 182 g
Protein - 9

I just finished Famine Workout 3. It went well. I'll post the workout a little later.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:30 am
by dropthebeats
I adjusted my Famine Workout 3 a little bit. Instead of doing a superset of 1-Arm DB Rows and Chinups, I broke them up and paired them each with Leg Presses. So, I ended up doing 15 sets of Leg Presses. It was a good workout for the 5th day of Famine.

Famine Workout 3:

Leg Press: 12 x 270, 12 x 270, 12 x 320, 12 x 360, 12 x 360
Seated Cable Row: 12 x 70, 12 x 70, 12 x 70, 12 x 70, 12 x 70
rest 30 seconds between supersets

1-Arm DB Row: 12 x 45 (e.s.), 12 x 45 (e.s.), 12 x 45 (e.s.), 12 x 45 (e.s.), 12 x 45 (e.s.)
Leg Press: 12 x 360, 12 x 360, 12 x 360, 12 x 360, 12 x 360
rest 30 seconds between supersets

Assisted Chipup: 12 x BW-54, 12 x BW - 54, 12 x BW - 54, 12 x BW - 54, 12 x BW - 54
Leg Press: 12 x 360, 12 x 360, 12 x 360, 12 x 360, 12 x 360
rest 30-60 seconds between supersets

BB Curl: 12 x 50
rest 30 seconds
Incline DB Curl: 12 x 20's
rest 30 seconds
Concentration Curl: 12 x 20 (e.s.)
rest 30 seconds
Incline DB Curl: 12 x 20's
rest 30 seconds
Preacher Curl: 12 x 48

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:25 am
by dropthebeats
Feast beings today! Woohoo! I got a lot of sleep last night. Woke up at 6:50 am after sleeping 8.5 hours.

Here are yesterday's macros:
Calories: 1145
Fat: 41 g
Carbs: 178 g
Protein 16 g

I started at 177 lbs. Today I weigh 173 lbs.

My waking heart rate didn't go up much. It started at 56 bpm, and today it was 60 bpm.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 3:05 pm
by dropthebeats
Enjoying feast!

My Synthagen came in today, and I'm pumped to start trying it.