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First Run - Help needed with some questions.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:51 am
by IronBar81
Hi all,

New guy here. Got the Blueprint a few weeks ago and just finished reading 2.0 and the stickys. Taking this week off and planning on starting my first run with the Famine next week. I have a few questions for you more experienced guys but first I suppose a little background is need.

This time last year, Jan 2011, I was a 29yr old, 6’, 261lbs FATASS COUCH POTATO! (Don’t let the username fool you, its just a nickname from childhood). Anyway, I decided that enough was enough. I did some research and discovered the Low Carb-High Protein diet and began a new life style. I also bought a squat stand, bench and a set of Olympic weights and started doing a few compound movements such as Standing Overhead Press, Incline Bench Press, Flat Bench Press, some limited Squats (due to a previous back injury), and Standing Barbell Curls. So here I am, one year later, 30yr old, 6’, 190lbs with the 70lbs of fat gone, the noob gains got and sittin in the middle of my first plateau!

Due to a lack of funds at the moment and a desire to get gaining again ASAP, I will run this first BP run without the KRE-ANABOLYN, also I’d like to compare my results without it first to with it on the 2nd run.

So now, the questions!

1: Because just a year ago, I used to be a Carb Addicted Fatass, I’m terrified of carbs and of gaining any body fat. I’m not completely lean yet, still a little body fat around the gut, love handles and upper inner thighs but I definitely don’t want to add to that.
So, how much fat can I expect to add along with the muscle while in the Feast phase? And how do I keep that to a minimum?

2: I don’t have access to a gym, just my barbell, dumbbell, bench and squat stand. Is there a Free Weight Only alternative to all the workouts listed for the Famine and Feast phase?

3: I just started to read 3.0 and from what it says in the Pirate Section at the start Im assuming that I don’t have all the info I need contained in the pdf so where do I get the rest?

Sorry for the long winded post but if I’ve learned one thing over this last year its that you need all the right info if you’ve got any chance of doing things right!

Thanks in advance for any help.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:36 am
by beefcake66
I can help to answer a few of your questions here, but I assume Rob will want to do a background check if he's not already cleared you..

1) Most guys doin the BP report LOSING bodyfat while following 3.0. I'm not sure about 2.0. To limit your fat gains, keep an eye on your diet, follow the given dieting protocols, and do fasted cardio when you can.

2) You can totally do the routines free-weight only. It's what I do. Just follow the routines with the comparable DB/BB exercises you can do with what you have. It's pretty flexible that way.

3) Rob does his background check and sends the missing pages out.

You sound like a smart guy, best of luck to you with your run :)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:08 am
by bigpelo
Great answer from beefcake! I want to add some infos of my part though:

1) carbs and calorie cycling. High fat, low calorie on cardio day, high carb with maintenance calorie on weight lifting day (or higher than maintenance calorie if you want to add muscle. You can also look into intermittent fasting and warrior diet if you want to get leaner. + what beefer says

2) Convict conditioning anyone? + what beefer says

3) what beefer says :wink:

BTW, smart move to do the first run without supps

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:51 am
by IronBar81
beefcake66 wrote:I can help to answer a few of your questions here, but I assume Rob will want to do a background check if he's not already cleared you..

1) Most guys doin the BP report LOSING bodyfat while following 3.0. I'm not sure about 2.0. To limit your fat gains, keep an eye on your diet, follow the given dieting protocols, and do fasted cardio when you can.

2) You can totally do the routines free-weight only. It's what I do. Just follow the routines with the comparable DB/BB exercises you can do with what you have. It's pretty flexible that way.

3) Rob does his background check and sends the missing pages out.

You sound like a smart guy, best of luck to you with your run :)
Thanks for the quick reply beefcake66.

Yea I read it was something like that alright, so I guess I’ll just sit tight till Rob contacts me.

I’m about half way through reading 3.0, I probably should have waited until I had finished it before posting but there you go. From what I’m reading so far it’s sounding like a more Fat Burning based, but also a more Supplement Dependent program than 2.0. If that’s the case I’m thinking I might stick to my original plan of running 2.0 without the Ecdy’s first to kick start the gains and then run 3.0 with all the recommended sups to clean up any remaining body fat and keep adding lean muscle.

Regarding the free weight alternatives, I thought it would be no problem its just that I’m not up to speed with anything outside of the basic compound movements so would not recognise an alternative to the machine work but I suppose a little more research into the various movements on my part will clear things up. I was just thinking if someone has already put together a complete Free Weights Only programme it might save me some time.

P.S: I love your avatar, makes me laugh every time I see it.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:06 am
by IronBar81
bigpelo wrote:Great answer from beefcake! I want to add some infos of my part though:

1) carbs and calorie cycling. High fat, low calorie on cardio day, high carb with maintenance calorie on weight lifting day (or higher than maintenance calorie if you want to add muscle. You can also look into intermittent fasting and warrior diet if you want to get leaner. + what beefer says

2) Convict conditioning anyone? + what beefer says

3) what beefer says :wink:

BTW, smart move to do the first run without supps

Thanks for the reply,
The Warrior diet is something I’ve been meaning to take a look at. Guess I’ll do that now so, thanks.

I’ve read Convict Conditioning and I’ve been using the basic steps 1-2 as warm-ups before lifting and for recover after running. I really like the philosophy behind it and the idea that you should be able to master your own body weight within its full range of motion before you worry about anything else. I’m not of a bodybuilder mindset, I’m looking more for function, with a certain level of size that works for my body type, so Convict Conditioning is defiantly a program I intend on seeing through to the end.

I plan on using the only benefit I have from being a complete noob to physical culture, which is the opportunity to do things right from the start, as an advantage and hopefully avoid the injuries and pitfalls some of you more experienced guys might have seen along the way.

Thanks again.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:13 pm
by austinb37
I did my first run without any supps and it still went really well. You don't need an Adaptagen or any other supplement to make gains on BP.

Also congrats on your progress so far:)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:46 pm
by drtda
I think 3.0 might be pretty tough without any supplements, so I would start with 2.0, which is more basic. You can then graduate to 3.0 and hopefully have saved up for a few basic supplements by then, plus you will be much stronger for the static holds.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:14 am
by IronBar81
austinb37 wrote:I did my first run without any supps and it still went really well. You don't need an Adaptagen or any other supplement to make gains on BP.

Also congrats on your progress so far:)
Thanks man. It was hard work but it sure as hell was long overdue. Wish to God I had started all this in my early 20's but then youth is wasted on the young!

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:15 am
by IronBar81
drtda wrote:I think 3.0 might be pretty tough without any supplements, so I would start with 2.0, which is more basic. You can then graduate to 3.0 and hopefully have saved up for a few basic supplements by then, plus you will be much stronger for the static holds.
Yep, thats the plan.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:44 pm
by matter2003
First off, welcome to the BP Family!

Congrats on deciding to make a difference in your life!! I was kind of in the same boat when I got back into working out...I was in great shape through my college years and up til about 26 when I tore a pec and basically stopped working out from that point forward...As I hit 35, I ballooned up to 243 lbs and a huge belly that stuck out in front of me, which was very embarrassing. Even worse, I used to get winded walking up a flight of stairs. I did the same as you, saying enough is enough and have trimmed down to 206 lbs and dropped bodyfat from 31% to about 14% or so right now. Blueprint has been a huge part in that, especially adding lots of muscle to my frame.

1) Carbs are not really the enemy per se, but it is very important you know your body type. If you are sensitive to carbs, you are likely an endomorph or an endo/mesomorph. You would likely do well on a 40/40/20 macro split Carbs/Protein/Fat...

I also have a post about a Lean Hybrid Diet cycle that I was following for a while, but ended up stopping due to some insomnia issues which I believe were from lack of carbs. You would do well following that also, as the person who designed it has a very similar body type(Elliott Hulse).
Here is the link to that post: ... php?t=1629

2) Yes, you can still get a very effective workout as long as you have enough weight....what is your max poundage?

3) PM Rob and he will send you the remaining parts...the BP 3.0 Tracker is really awesome, it is a spreadsheet with everything laid out perfectly...

Look forward to some great results!

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:02 am
by IronBar81
matter2003 wrote:First off, welcome to the BP Family!

Congrats on deciding to make a difference in your life!! I was kind of in the same boat when I got back into working out...I was in great shape through my college years and up til about 26 when I tore a pec and basically stopped working out from that point forward...As I hit 35, I ballooned up to 243 lbs and a huge belly that stuck out in front of me, which was very embarrassing. Even worse, I used to get winded walking up a flight of stairs. I did the same as you, saying enough is enough and have trimmed down to 206 lbs and dropped bodyfat from 31% to about 14% or so right now. Blueprint has been a huge part in that, especially adding lots of muscle to my frame.

1) Carbs are not really the enemy per se, but it is very important you know your body type. If you are sensitive to carbs, you are likely an endomorph or an endo/mesomorph. You would likely do well on a 40/40/20 macro split Carbs/Protein/Fat...

I also have a post about a Lean Hybrid Diet cycle that I was following for a while, but ended up stopping due to some insomnia issues which I believe were from lack of carbs. You would do well following that also, as the person who designed it has a very similar body type(Elliott Hulse).
Here is the link to that post: ... php?t=1629

2) Yes, you can still get a very effective workout as long as you have enough weight....what is your max poundage?

3) PM Rob and he will send you the remaining parts...the BP 3.0 Tracker is really awesome, it is a spreadsheet with everything laid out perfectly...

Look forward to some great results!
Thanks for the reply Matter,

I find the whole body type idea very interesting, but what is the definitive way of finding your type? I’ve found a few online test questions but they seem simplistic and potentially flawed. For example, if I answer based on the type of diet and level of exercise I had 12 months ago then I am pure Endomorph, but if I answer based on the type of diet and level of exercise I have now I am pure Mesomorph. I would have said that I was Carb sensitive but really I was Carb sensitive in relation to the “Modern Processed Carb” which I was eating at the time. Now I only eat whole food carbs such as veg and brown rice and a little home made brown bread. I’ve kept my carbs to 150g per day and calories at around 1900 for the last 12 months and the fat has just melted off. So the question of “Do I gain weight easily?”, or “Am I Carb sensitive?”, can be answered with, “on a proper whole food based healthy diet, no” but “on a modern processed Carb based diet, yes”.
Does that make sense?

Your post on “Diet Cycle” is intresting. It does seem like a lot of protein taken in on some days. I assume this is for the Feast phase of BP? Also, does it matter where you position the workouts in the Diet Cycle?

I have 140kg of weights which is roughly 310lbs.

I’ve PM’d Rob with my details and just eagerly waiting on his reply to get my hands on the keys to 3.0.

Thanks again.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:15 am
by RobRegish
3.0 sent, let me know when the Eagle lands... :)

Now, with respect to your questions:

1: Because just a year ago, I used to be a Carb Addicted Fatass, I’m terrified of carbs and of gaining any body fat. I’m not completely lean yet, still a little body fat around the gut, love handles and upper inner thighs but I definitely don’t want to add to that.
So, how much fat can I expect to add along with the muscle while in the Feast phase? And how do I keep that to a minimum?

A. This depends upon finding/knowing your total carb threshold for the day, then eating them at the most advantageous times (intra/immediately post workout). You'll also find carbs from fruits/veggies and those amylyopectins I'm so fond of in "The Formula" don't show on you like breads, pastas or certainly sweets. The descending caloric spiral in 2.0 will also mitigate any fat gain.

2: I don’t have access to a gym, just my barbell, dumbbell, bench and squat stand. Is there a Free Weight Only alternative to all the workouts listed for the Famine and Feast phase?

A. This is a blessing, not a curse. Big barbell movements and their DB equivalents are "money" exercises. The only thing that stands in your way is your imagination. Here's a great example:

3: I just started to read 3.0 and from what it says in the Pirate Section at the start Im assuming that I don’t have all the info I need contained in the pdf so where do I get the rest?

A. It's been sent... :)

Saddle up my friend, and get ready for the ride of your life!... :)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:02 pm
by IronBar81
Thanks for the reply Rob, Yep I got those emails. Lot of info there I better get reading!
RobRegish wrote:3.0 sent, let me know when the Eagle lands... :)

Now, with respect to your questions:

1: Because just a year ago, I used to be a Carb Addicted Fatass, I’m terrified of carbs and of gaining any body fat. I’m not completely lean yet, still a little body fat around the gut, love handles and upper inner thighs but I definitely don’t want to add to that.
So, how much fat can I expect to add along with the muscle while in the Feast phase? And how do I keep that to a minimum?

A. This depends upon finding/knowing your total carb threshold for the day, then eating them at the most advantageous times (intra/immediately post workout). You'll also find carbs from fruits/veggies and those amylyopectins I'm so fond of in "The Formula" don't show on you like breads, pastas or certainly sweets. The descending caloric spiral in 2.0 will also mitigate any fat gain.

2: I don’t have access to a gym, just my barbell, dumbbell, bench and squat stand. Is there a Free Weight Only alternative to all the workouts listed for the Famine and Feast phase?

A. This is a blessing, not a curse. Big barbell movements and their DB equivalents are "money" exercises. The only thing that stands in your way is your imagination. Here's a great example:

3: I just started to read 3.0 and from what it says in the Pirate Section at the start Im assuming that I don’t have all the info I need contained in the pdf so where do I get the rest?

A. It's been sent... :)

Saddle up my friend, and get ready for the ride of your life!... :)

Results Update

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:17 am
by IronBar81
UPDATE: First Blueprint 2.0 run over.

Ok, so I’m just coming to the end of the Cruse after my first run of Blueprint 2.0. To recap, I ran this without any KRE-ANABOLYN or any other Adaptogens.

Stats: 30yrs old, Male, 70.5”(in bare feet).

Start of Famine – 190lbs, BF=24.4%, LBM=143lbs
End of Cruse – 191lbs, BF=19.2%, LBM=154lbs
Added 11lbs to my 1RM for Standing Overhead Press, Bench Press and Squat.

The only supps I used were Creatine Mono, BCAA and Glutamine.

I used the German Loading Pattern 1 followed by a cardio day. Cardio was a fasted 3mile run taking around 27mins.
I basically did: Lifting day / Cardio day / Lifting day / Cardio day / Lifting day / Cardio day / Rest day / Rest day / and then repeat.

On Lifting days I upped my carb intake and got in between 3000 and 3500 cals per day.
On Cardio days I went low carb and got in between 2000 and 2200 cals per day and about the same on Rest days.

As you can tell I was reluctant to eat as much as I really should have and that obviously contributed to the loss in BF but I’m sure it also reduced the amount of muscle I could have put on.

So to finish I’d like to say a BIG THANKS TO ROB!!! for putting this great program together. After my first run I’ve lost 5% BF, gained 11lbs of muscle and added 11lbs to my main lifts, so I couldn’t be happier!!

I’m taking the week off next week, ordering the KRE-ANABOLYN and then back into Famine for round 2!!

One question; how much KRE-ANABOLYN do I need for one run of BP2.0?

Thanks for the help and info guys,
