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Jesse's Log

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:25 pm
by Jacos5
Age - 20
Height - 5'5"
Weight - 143.4 lbs
bf - 16.8%

Bench - around 225
Squat - around 300

About me:
Alright well to be honest I took some time off from dieting (had a falling out lol). This lasted about 1 1/2 rounds of the blueprint (maybe less). Got a bit lazy I'll admit and I'm one of the lucky ones that didn't gain weight and in fact lost weight/bf%. This was likely due to frequent biking. I'm in no way knew to the blueprint though. Have had maybe 5 runs and have enjoyed them very much. I did continue working out despite not counting calories.

Supplement use:
Famine - Fish oil (Controlled Labs), and Recreate (USPLabs thermogenic, free 5 day trial).
Feast - Kre-Anabolyn, Fish Oil (CL), White Flood (CL), and TheFormula
Cruise - Fish Oil (CL), White Flood (CL), and TheFormula (?)

TheFormula will consist of:
Purple Wraath lemonade flavor (CL), MASS PRO whey (unflavored) , Pure Karabolyn, and 5g creatine mono.
I'd honestly recommend this build. I have not tried it with Mass pro, but I did use it with 100% hydrolyzed whey before from truetein and expected it to taste like crap, Purple wraath really saved my ass cause it wasn't bad at all. There might be something better out there, but I stick with what works and this build worked GREAT for me the last time.

My plan for this run is to take in more calories than I typically do to maximize muscle gain and do a decent amount of cardio to try and minimize fat gain. I will also be doing abs for the first time in a while in this run lol. Also, I do mountain bike from time to time; so some of my cardio may simply be mountain biking.

I'm still working on how my diet will look like exactly during feast. But I will be slowly decreasing calories during the run and towards the end I will probably be 100 calories from maitnance and will start at about 500 calories above maitnance. Will keep you posted.

A few questions for Rob...

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:30 pm
by Jacos5
- Would it be an okay idea to take the 3 Kre-Anabolyn as well as adding the 5g of mono to the Formula? Or is it overboard? I've considered either removing the 5g or substituting the 5g for 1 Kre-Anabolyn dose. Not sure what you think.

- Am I supposed to be taking TheFormula during my cruise phase?I cant think of why I would but thought I'd ask anyways.

That is all. Thanks in advance.

Re: A few questions for Rob...

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:40 am
by RobRegish
Jacos5 wrote:- Would it be an okay idea to take the 3 Kre-Anabolyn as well as adding the 5g of mono to the Formula? Or is it overboard? I've considered either removing the 5g or substituting the 5g for 1 Kre-Anabolyn dose. Not sure what you think.

- Am I supposed to be taking TheFormula during my cruise phase?I cant think of why I would but thought I'd ask anyways.

That is all. Thanks in advance.
OK man, here we go!

The additional 5g of Creatine mono is redundant, IMO. Much better to save for Cruise, as it'll help you evaluate the Kre-Alkalyn contained in KA vs. mono and thus, maximize every dollar spent on such in the future!

Yes, The Formula is fine to take during Cruise. By Spring of 2012 though, you'll have access to a ready made supplement that'll not only do what "The Formula" does - it'll do a WHOLE lot more for you. ... php?t=1638


Hardly. Recall who the guy was who brought you "The Formula" in the first place? Yep, good old "Mixelflick". Since he's also the brains behind the new mystery product MASS is going to roll out - he should know... :)

5Faces of Fear(tm), 4Life... :):):):):)

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:12 pm
by Jacos5
I read about that! Can't believe I managed to forget already. I'll have my debit card ready as soon as it comes out :) Looks like I'll have to sell a few left over supplements to some friends :( Lol, thanks Rob. This would be a huge step for you...well all of us.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:01 pm
by Jacos5
Famine Day 1:
Squat - 185lbs 3x6
SS (superset) - One arm row 70lbs 3x6

Seated cable row - 120lbs 3x6
SS - Pulldown 100lbs 3x6

Standing db - 30lbs 1x6
Incline db - 30lbs 1x6
Preacher bb - 67lbs 1x6

Afterward I headed toward the basketball court to shoot on my own for about 30 mins.

Tomorrow = cardio/abs

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:25 am
by Jacos5
Treadmill 2 mins on 8 speed then 3 mins on 4 speed. <- do that 4 times.

Decline weighted sit-ups - 40lbs 4x10
Hanging leg raises - 3x10

Right when I got home I felt nasty and let out...mostly fluids I believe. Famine always hits me pretty nasty, even by the first day. The biggest thing that worries me is that I'm pretty sure I have the worlds shittiest immune system.

Current weight/bf%:
138.? lbs
15.8% bf
Don't freak out if this seems drastic. My initial weight was calculated the night before famine when I probably still had the food I had been eating in my system. I'm sure the numbers would be much less drastic.
Eating about 1100 calories

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:57 pm
by RobRegish
OK man, as always proceed cautiously during Famine and DISCONTINUE if you feel sick, off or just not right. Tough to make gains when you're sick (or worse).

And yes, the product will be a huge step forward. Even if it wasn't a big improvement over "The Formula" (it is), it'll for sure simplify your life/save you money. No more running around trying to find all of the ingredients, paying more shipping than you need to at multiple vendors. No more homocysteine potential and most importantly - the opportunity to do what The Formula does multiple times a day, every day.

Those of you who have used "The Formula" know quite well how quickly it allows you to recover from The BP's demanding training - so just imagine how productive it would be to do that almost CONSTANTLY.

If there's one "complaint" about BP I've received it's this: It's difficult to recover from the workouts when you're getting THAT strong, THAT fast. As a refresher, it's ALWAYS a 3 step process - STIMULATE, RECOVER, GROW.

This is a fundamental, biological law that is not up for debate. What comes next is the rate at which these processes unfold and thus, your opportunity to accelerate the entire chain of events. Your ability to recover and ultimately grow new muscle then, takes place in 2 separate arenas:

1.) Muscle growth that was stimulated during the workout and;
2.) Recovery/growth that takes place later, after the workout

The reason why the "money" step #3 occurs later (and thus, muscle growth lags), has to do with several factors. The laborious "recovery" process #2 ultimately slows both the rate and total amount of muscle your body is capable of growing. The primary reasons are a fall in GH, IGF-1, mTOR, PI-3K/AKT and the cell's energy state during and after the workout. A concurrent increase in the catabolic hormone cortisol is the final insult, putting the brakes on the recovery/growth process.

In this scenario even if everything is done perfectly, the body may grow muscle - but much later and only then during a brief, limited window of time. The result is "progress" that occurs at a greatly compromised rate - if it occurs at all. This is anything but failsafe, and clearly a less than optimal scenario.

All of the above begs the question: What if you could greatly accelerate this recovery process, and then greatly amplify and extend the window wherein muscle growth occurs? It stands to reason that you'd grow faster, much faster. Yet, no single product has been crafted to accomplish this - until now.

It will take the governors off, resulting in the fastest and most efficient muscle growth your biology will allow.

Believe it.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:47 pm
by Jacos5
I'm sold man. :)

Btw, wondering what you think about this. Calculated my maitnance at about 2300. This is my plan for the feast phase. Let me know if you think it looks okay.
3 days - 2800 cals
7 days - 2700 cals
10 days - 2600 cals
17 days - 2500 cals
(I'm predicting my feast will last about 37 days.)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:47 pm
by Jacos5
Famine WO 2:
Flat bench - 135 2x10, 2x9

Incline bench - 105lbs 4x9
SS w/ Shoulder press - 40lbs 1x6, 30lbs 3x6 (lol, this one burned my shoulders like crazy)

Decline bench - 95lbs 4x10 (should have gone heavier here)
SS w/ Shoulder press - 30lbs 4x8

Decline close grip - 95lbs 1x10
Skull crusher - 50lbs 1x10
Cable press down - 40lbs(?, maybe 50lbs) 1x10

I had never noticed that I was doing this workout wrong in past workouts. I was only doing one set each of flat, incline and decline while supersetting each with shoulder press. I mean I always thought it was fairly easy, but I didn't think to ask. But I looked into matter's log and saw how to do it correctly. So thanks matter (if you happen to read this).

Famine DAY 4

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:00 pm
by Jacos5! (Famine day 4)

Treadmill 2 mins on 8 speed then 3 mins on 4 speed. <- I do that 4 times.

100 situps
40 leg raises (was running late to class)

Felt pretty dead as I was warming up for my run, but as soon as I got started I felt fine.

Current weight:
137.2lbs (-1.? lbs dropped since tuesday)
15.1% bf (0.7% drop)

Seems I'm finishing up this run with no problems. Excited to start feast.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:15 pm
by RobRegish
Jacos5 wrote:I'm sold man. :)

Btw, wondering what you think about this. Calculated my maitnance at about 2300. This is my plan for the feast phase. Let me know if you think it looks okay.
3 days - 2800 cals
7 days - 2700 cals
10 days - 2600 cals
17 days - 2500 cals
(I'm predicting my feast will last about 37 days.)
The descending caloric spiral... beautiful!

The one thing I'd counsel is that as calories drop, include a higher percentage of those calories in the form of "The Formula", ideally the amylyopectin content - for it is HERE, where that caloric concentration will do you the most good!

Damned fine work... :)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:49 pm
by Jacos5
Sounds good. But isn't the formula intended for workout days only?

Also, I actually messaged you earlier today about some files I might have been missing for a while. Hope to hear back from you soon.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:26 am
by Jacos5
Felt nasty when I woke up this morning. Regardless I went to workout.
Famine day 5:
Squat 135lbs 1x12, 2x13, 2x12
SS one arm row 45lbs 3x12

seated cable 80lbs 1x15 1x12, 70lbs 2x12
SS Pulldowns 85lbs 4x12 (couldn't do last set)

Barbell curls 40lbs 1x15
incline db curls 25lbs 1x6 then 20lbs x6
(did not do preacher)

Have been feeling pretty nasty after each workout everytime. This is the first tiem I felt like this before my workout. Could be that I ate doritos the night before. Really regretting it lol.
Going to buy some groceries tomorrow to prepare for feast :D

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:15 pm
by Jacos5
Feast day 1!
Got a good breakfast in.
2 eggs, cup of sunny d, cup of cereal, and a cup of milk.

Body stats:
15.1% bf (as of this morning)

I'm considering switching up my diet a bit. It'll still be kind of like the caloric spiral but with a few odd differences. Here's how it would look for the first few days.

Workout day - 2700 cals
Cardio day - 2550 cals
Rest day - 2300 cals (maitnance)

So basically on workout days I will be eating as I previously scheduled, but on cardio days I will be eating at the halfway point between my maitnance and previously schedules diet. Then maitnance on rest days.
There's not much reasoning behind this. It's just KIND of a variation of Robs caloric spiral and the 120%/100% diet. Hoping to keep fat at a minimum and gain enough muscle. Just trying to find what works best for me.

Also, I will probably be adding Convict conditioning to my cardio days. The book didn't really offer a schedule that would work with the bp so I'll just be doing one a bit differently. and it'll look like:
So it seems I would only be working out twice a week with this. I guess it's fine just to test the waters. Unless anybody has any other suggestions?

I'm also unsure if convict conditioning would be okay to add to BP 2.0. I've heard a lot of talk of 3.0 but not much on this.