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LHM Diet Cycle working well for me(Endo/Meso-65/35)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:05 pm
by matter2003
I decided to post this here because I am following a diet that has been working very well for me. Nothing I invented, just something I got from Elliott Hulse from Lean Hybrid Muscle(LHM). I am pretty interested in a lot of his stuff because we have almost identical body types and we have a lot of the same issues. I thought this might be helpful for others who have similar endomorphic body types, as this is starting to see serious results(I should be under 200 lbs within a few weeks).

Basically, you run a 7 day cycle where on certain days you eat certain things and on other days you eat other things. Let's take a week starting on Sunday.

Sunday/Monday:"Catabolic Days", with High Protein/Low Fat/Low Carbs. Carb intake is between 30-80g max on these days. Lots of green veggies and lean meats(chicken/turkey/tuna, etc). Calorie intake will likely be in the 1900-2000 range because it is so hard to eat more than this. I try and get a breakdown of 80% Protein/10% Fat/ 10% Carbs which leads to about 380g protein, 34 g fat and 80 g carbs.

Tuesday: 24 hour fast, Eat, Stop, Eat style. 24 hours from your last meal on Monday night, you eat nothing until the same time the following night. You then eat a normal meal, can have some carbs to replenish stores a bit. I do however sip on about 20-30g of BCAA's throughout the day to make sure muscle loss doesn't occur...

-This fasting helps to flip on the "Growth Hormone" switch in your body where you will have up to 6 times the normal amounts of growth hormone floating around, which leads into...

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday: "Anabolic Days", with High Protein/High Fat/Low Carbs. Again carb intake is 30-80g max, and your focus is on taking in more calories(around maintenance for me, but depending on what you are wanting to do, you could have surplus calories), focusing on "good fats" like Olive Oil, but including lots of saturated fats like egg yolks, cheese, whole milk, real butter(saturated fats are a pre-cursor to producing Testosterone...). I usually go through about a dozen eggs and a few glasses of whole milk on these days. I try to get a breakdown of roughly 50% Protein/40% Fat/10 % Carbs, which leads me to about 375g of protein, 125 g of fat and 80g of carbs.

Saturday: "Reload Day" , which features lots of complex carbs, moderate amounts of protein and low fat. Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes, etc are main focus. I take in about 3500 calories, and look for about 70% Carb, 25% Protein, 5% Fat, which results in about 620g of carbs, 219 g of protein and 20 g of fat.

-This helps flip the IGF-1 switch on in your body, which is one of the most anabolic genes in the body.

Elliott explains a little bit more in detail in this video, but I thought I would give my own explanation and implementation of it as well, as he doesn't really go into a lot of detail regarding that in the video, more of what and why approach. You'll notice that there is an extra "Anabolic Day" in what I am doing versus what he has on the board, and that the Anabolic and Catabolic days are switched but this was an adjustment that was made in the program after the video.

I also follow a Lean Gains style fasting on pretty much every day other than Reload Day and Fasting Day, which is fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8. I usually eat 3 times a day, starting around 3 pm and lasting til 11pm.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:36 pm
by BrainSquirt

Thanks for sharing this. I posted something about trying to develop this level of micro-cycle a couple years ago in here somewhere and what I developed is surprisingly close in principle to his stuff. I could never get below a 10 day cycle with mine though and also never had a full, water only, fast day - instead had 'no' protein, very low cal and / or juice fast days, etc.

Have you studied how he integrates / matches up his muscle type workouts with the diet micro cycles? If so, please share what you got (publicly or PM) thx

Also have you done any research into how long it takes to get what he calls hybrid muscle (type IIc) development to kick in? and how long after stopping specific workouts for it that it reverts to baseline genetic profiles? etc?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:05 pm
by RobRegish
Superb creative thinking here!

Those of you who've piloted The BP Meteoric know my "Diabolical Diet", is VERY similar. Quite intriguing, as I was unaware these gents were working on something so similar.

When you see Matter and Brainsquirt noodling stuff around with these things - Folks, THIS is the very essence, of why I wrote The BP!!!

Within BP's "shell", you can tinker with these ideas and find what works best for YOU! I'll NEVER be able to tell you what works best for YOU, (although I do my damn best to offer strategies that work well for the majority of the training population).

Someday I'll be gone. When that day comes, I wanted you to have a living document to insert these ideas, magnifying all of the positives they impart to your unique physiology.

PLEASE do as these men are doing. It will bring my soul peace...

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:24 am
by beefcake66
Very interesting, indeed.

BrainSquirt, would you mind PMing me what you came up with?

Matter, can you PM me a link to this diet you're describing?

I'd like to check them all out and compare... The diabolical diet is... pretty diabolical. Hard for me to do that's for sure.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:57 pm
by BrainSquirt

If you need to discuss some parts of this privately just let me know, but I prefer to just keep it public. As an athlete progresses it all gets so individualized that I see no need for me to get proprietary. What works for me, works for me. I don’t make many representations as to a protocol’s transferability.

The evolution of my micro-cycle:
Baseline is
4 days: “Primitive” …. meat and colored vegetables in late afternoon. High quality Grass fed beef, deer, bison, steaks, no supermkt chicken, etc. Lots of fresh green salads – kale, spinach, arugula, etc. Squash, okra, cucumbers, brocs, etc. Some grape juice with the water, etc. No dairy! No grains! Some herbs, but no supplements. A few nuts in AM if really needed. Some seasonal tree fruits late AM...

1 day: Water, juice, and salads “fast”. No protein!

4 days: “Sorta like a mini bp 2.0 feast” High carb, high dairy protein. Heavy on the oatmeal, then high quality yogurt, both ‘sweetened’ with lots of Berries n Cream MassPro in the afternoon,etc , pounding the supplements, enzymes, etc. hard. Potatoes / root crops (and plenty of butter) in the evening.

1 day: Water, juice, and salads “fast”. No protein!

I haven’t been unreasonably strict within these cycles… exceptions, invitations, going out to eat, etc… but I also have had inner ease with saying “no thank you” to a lot of exceptions too. They are rough, general core rules and allowing for lots of (seasonal, situational, etc) variety on the perimeter is fine.

My original baseline did not factor in cycling or modulating fats or fat types. I just used highest quality olive, sesame, etc. oils intuitively throughout and took Omega 3’s, etc. in PM during the ‘mini feast'. Elliot’s work has re-stimulated me to do more work on that fat cycling part, to also experiment with four phases instead of three, and consider it all more in terms of the big 3 bb hormones – gh, insulin, testos… My ‘sorta mini BP feast certainly met the insulin criteria. :shock: Nothing triggers insulin like dairy!

Haven’t really found much corroboration for the following theory about the 'No Protein' days... I currently believe most of their benefit is in allowing the body to clear cells back to nitrogen 'equilibrium'. Elliot talks about it in terms of GH, etc.. ?? .
I can report though that it does seem to contribute to me being consistently lighter on my feet, clearer in my head, having more strength and stamina, decrease in 'chronic' minor pains, etc.

This is generally applied in BP maint phase (ie anytime not in Feast or Famine)...It’s very individualized, so others may do fine with a 7 day cycle … or more than 10… or even less than 7. I never got it below ten days mostly because of my conditioning and bb regimens. Matching and cycling the work loads and types with the micro-diet cycles is an ongoing personal challenge…hth

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:47 pm
by DaCookie
Brain can you tell me why dairy is a great insulin trigger?Im trying to bulk now and at end of famine I was 6ft 12.5(175lbs) stone now I am 14stone.(196lbs)

I am only 9 days in and drinking 3 litres of raw milk a day for almost this whole run.Maybe about 2 of the days I wasn't...definitely notice much better gains doing this then other bulks without raw milk but admittedly my protein and carbs sources wernt as good, now my main carb is oatmeal with honey on it, veggies, fruits and the sugar from milk.Main protein sources are chicken, mass pro and milk protein.Think everything is making a difference here.

My build is ecto/meso...any advice?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:24 pm
by BrainSquirt
DaCookie wrote:Brain can you tell me why dairy is a great insulin trigger?
An insulinogenic food means it induces an insulin response. No common food tops dairy for doing this… borders on being an outlier compared to the rest of the insulinogenic foods on the list. (that's not the same 'list' as GI, btw).

(Raw milk is also effective because has not been denatured, which is shape change and bond breaking that destroys or decreases aminos’ effectiveness as immune support or body-building properties… old time bb's used to squirt milk in straight from the teet :shock: )

DaCookie wrote:...any advice?
Please clarify the questions. Thx.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:43 pm
by bigpelo
BrainSquirt wrote:old time bb's used to squirt milk in straight from the teet :shock:


Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:05 pm
by DaCookie
BrainSquirt wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Brain can you tell me why dairy is a great insulin trigger?
An insulinogenic food means it induces an insulin response. No common food tops dairy for doing this… borders on being an outlier compared to the rest of the insulinogenic foods on the list. (that's not the same 'list' as GI, btw).

(Raw milk is also effective because has not been denatured, which is shape change and bond breaking that destroys or decreases aminos’ effectiveness as immune support or body-building properties… old time bb's used to squirt milk in straight from the teet :shock: )

DaCookie wrote:...any advice?
Please clarify the questions. Thx.
Just general advice...youre a wealth of knowledge

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:11 pm
by BrainSquirt
general advice ... :lol:

engineer your Maint phase carefully, so you don't give back / give up / 'de-comp' those great feast gains

All the best,


Lactose intolerance help!!

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:38 pm
by Dragon
BrainSquirt wrote:general advice ... :lol:

engineer your Maint phase carefully, so you don't give back / give up / 'de-comp' those great feast gains

All the best,

My parents live down the road from a farm so I can get raw milk pretty easy. Problem is anytime I try it I fart all day. Obviously this has made me very unpopular at work and it's embarrassing too. I want to drink the stuff, I have access, but I literally can't stomach it.

Are there any other dietary options?
BTW, that Lactaid stuff doesn't work either. No... the gas is not as severe as the raw stuff but I still fart lots.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:27 am
by DaCookie
BrainSquirt wrote:general advice ... :lol:

engineer your Maint phase carefully, so you don't give back / give up / 'de-comp' those great feast gains

All the best,

Oh I plan to eat even excess.Gotten some pretty insane gains and they are still coming.And yes I know that was a terrible question :D

Re: Lactose intolerance help!!

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:28 am
by DaCookie
Dragon wrote:
BrainSquirt wrote:general advice ... :lol:

engineer your Maint phase carefully, so you don't give back / give up / 'de-comp' those great feast gains

All the best,

My parents live down the road from a farm so I can get raw milk pretty easy. Problem is anytime I try it I fart all day. Obviously this has made me very unpopular at work and it's embarrassing too. I want to drink the stuff, I have access, but I literally can't stomach it.

Are there any other dietary options?
BTW, that Lactaid stuff doesn't work either. No... the gas is not as severe as the raw stuff but I still fart lots.
Doesnt make fart but definitely makes me do some not so pleasant things to the toilet

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:19 pm
by BrainSquirt
Dragon, et al,

What time of the day are you consuming your milk?