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Questions and Blah Blah Blah

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:02 am
by Dragon
I've already intro'd myself but I'm just posting a few questions, as instructed by the 3.0 manual.

Any help would be much appreciated :)

1. Where and/or when do I get/find the "secret supplements" document? I want to start my first run real soon but I want to purchase the right supplents before I begin.
I'm considering incorporating x-factor and another little secret of my own during cruise :idea:
I'm also a big believer in letting my doc know what I'm taking because I think it's the responsible thing to do.

2. What is "alternative cruise"?

3. Does anyone have a squat belt preference in terms of cost to benefit ratio, and overall quality and versitility of use ?


Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:05 am
by bigpelo
1 and 2. you should get both documents from Rob after he checks out your identity/purchase date with you.

3. I prefer training without gears except cloths and wrist straps for heavy rack pull static hold. Maybe I will get my hands on fat gripz though. Squat belt, knew wrap and the like are good for breaking PR or during competition only IMHO.

On a side note about supp: I did my first run supplements free (exception protein/multi/omega 3 fish oil) I learn a lot during this first diet and training cycle despite the fact that the run was a total failure in term of muscle gain or fat loss. I am glad I didn't waste time and money taking supps during this learning process. I suggest you plan your run and you jump right into it supplements free for this time. That way, you don't need those 2 documents for the next 6-7 weeks ;)

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:32 am
by bigjoe
1. Rob was pretty quick once I PM'ed him for the docs. Took me a while to get all the "goodies". Did one test workout with it and seemed pretty good.

2. AC in summary is a BP user who had similar helpful ideas for cruise. I'll probably just plan on the stock but reread it again and maybe try some of his supp suggestions (I'd be curious to read of others feedback on it as well).

3. Since you've already hinted at back issues, I'd get a belt for sure (assuming you're talking about barbell back squats and not hip squat belts). I picked up a Harbinger at a local Dicks for like 30 and am impressed with it (double eye buckle on it).

I think it was in the book "Biology for Bodybuilders" where the guy used an example for deadlift that for guys anything less than 315 don't use a belt since you're not "training" your lower back as well as you could be. Anything over that and he said it's worth it. I tried to follow the same, on my lighter warmups take it off, but as it gets heavy add it on.

I had a scare on DL when doing a set of 475x5. Last one form was breaking down and felt a twinge in the lower back, sore for a week but fine now. That was with a crappy old belt that was too small and didn't fit well. Point is, don't push past bad form on squat or dl and I personally think a high quality belt is worth it on the heavys.

Thanks guys

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:33 pm
by Dragon
Thats good advice from both you guys. As such, I've decided to post pone just a coupla more days. And I will be doing the first run without supplements as Rob originally advised anyways :)

I live near a farm and have access to as much good grass feed beef and dairy as I like, so I'll focus on nutrition and executing the cycle properly.