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Dragon Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:53 pm
by Dragon
Hello everyone:

I've read everything twice, and while I have a much better idea of what to do, I have to admit that I'm still a bit confused. :?

I'm a judo player but I plan on taking some time off to really put in a good, honest, full effort BP run.

I believe 3.0 is more focused on EDT but I want to give the supersquats program a try. I don't have much weight training experience so I really don't know if thats the right thing to do. I'm actually considering a more custom route if Rob is still doing that :) .

I have recently recovered from a lower back injury I got deadlifting. Looking back, I was over doing it in terms of exercises that stress the lowerback. I was doing heavy deadlifts (heavy for me anyways :roll: ) and squats all in the same workout 3 days a week at very high intensity because I was becoming frustrated that I stopped gaining muscle at only 160lbs. I was so desperate I was even considering Pro Hormones, but after reading the Blueprint and having some discussions concerning steroid hormones with my physiology professor, I now know that would be very unwise in the long run.

I began weight training 5 months ago. I was at around 139 lbs. and now I'm a steady 160lbs, but I know I can do better with a more targeted program.
Since, I've switched to front squats and I feel MUCH less strain on the lower back but I'm scared to even do a deadlift, which is silly.

The doctor who put my L1 and L5 back in place (a chiropractor) told me the exercise that "fcked" my back could "unfck it" if I do it properly. He also gave me the OK to go back to weight training after my last treatment. By the way, this all only cost me only $210, imagine if I went to the emergency room or an MD, I'd be paying 5 times as much with nothing but pain meds to show for.

Anyways, my goal is to reach 180lbs. at 10% body fat in at least 3 BP runs. I've purchased my Body Mass Calculator and Body Mass tape so I'll at least know where I'm starting. I plan on posting some fairly meticulous records in terms of weekly growth and changes in terms of BMI, weight, mood and so on, once I start. As far as my supplementation is concerned I'll probably be needing lots of direction in that area also. I've JUST finished a year of Anatomy and Physiology so while I actually understood all of the chemistry jargon in the BP I really need to know what is most likely to work for me because I'm a BIG believer in spending money on high quality foods FIRST then using just a few well chosen, high quality supplements.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:24 pm
by bigjoe
Hi Dragon, I'm in the same boat as you, been reading and reading for 2 months and 1/1/12 started famine. I'm also very careful of the lower back. Did workout 1 tonight with 330 on the bar for the first time in a long time. That said, I purchased one of the ironmind hip squat belts that Rob recommended and I can say that it THE best way to torch your thighs.

I have a smith machine in my home gym and found it works great for doing squats but I also have a loading pin. My first set of 25 squats using it I literally fell to the floor after finishing, it's that awesome at burning you out with no stress on your back. It's the best $125 you could spend to protect your back. Good luck and keep posting, I guess I should do an intro one as well. By the way I'm going the EDT / Static hold route as I've been experimenting and Static's are nuts.

For me, the squat belt is mandatory

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:55 pm
by Dragon
bigjoe wrote:By the way I'm going the EDT / Static hold route as I've been experimenting and Static's are nuts.
I printed everything out today and I think I see why the EDT is so important. Super Squats is a simple program but EDT truly gives us the ability to accurately track our progress and make reasonable performance projections. As far as the squat belt is concerned, I think after reading reviews I'll go with the spud belt and the iron mind loading pin. I don't see myself doing squats with a barbell between my legs, plus I've noticed some ppl with really bad back problems complaining about the sway from the barbell. Since that's the case, I don't see the need for the extra expense of the IM squat belt.
I really have some reservations about the exercises I see recommended for the core in the 2.0's EDT section. I believe this whole thing started with Stuart McGill and now many others are warning that sit ups and crunches (over 30 degrees) add too much stress on the spine. Particularly since the rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques are designed to stabilized the core, not for spinal flexion; thats what the spinae erectors are for.
I'm not saying I totally agree with this and I don't think we should disregard movements because others are doing them wrong. But we should be mindful. Especially with the whole lower back thing going on.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:03 am
by matter2003
bigjoe wrote:Hi Dragon, I'm in the same boat as you, been reading and reading for 2 months and 1/1/12 started famine. I'm also very careful of the lower back. Did workout 1 tonight with 330 on the bar for the first time in a long time. That said, I purchased one of the ironmind hip squat belts that Rob recommended and I can say that it THE best way to torch your thighs.

I have a smith machine in my home gym and found it works great for doing squats but I also have a loading pin. My first set of 25 squats using it I literally fell to the floor after finishing, it's that awesome at burning you out with no stress on your back. It's the best $125 you could spend to protect your back. Good luck and keep posting, I guess I should do an intro one as well. By the way I'm going the EDT / Static hold route as I've been experimenting and Static's are nuts.
We are lucky enough to have a V-Squat Hammer Strength machine at our gym, which helps prevent back strain as well. Doesn't give you quite the muscle workout as barbell squats, but I want to be able to bend over in 15 years...


Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:08 am
by Dragon
Man! I'm with you on that one. Whats the point of having all this muscle if we have to sacrifice range of motion.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:55 am
by bigpelo
Sorry for the confusion in the diet section of this board, I wasn't talking of you but some others that seems fake bots to me.

Anyway, I will be following your log, as every others. Right here if you need help and Rob isn't around. I get a lot of help and feedback from this forum and I like to give back as much as possible.