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Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:19 am
by RobRegish
OK everyone, some breaking news The 5Faces of Fear(tm) wanted me to share with you about this...

The BP Meteoric is coming together much faster than I had anticipated. This, largely due to the interest expressed by several of you Believer's. When you get excited about something, I do too... :)


The objective of The Meteoric is to deliver better results, faster. Faster even, than you achieved with 2.0/3.0. It isn't a bulking plan. It isn't a cutter either. It isn't even geared toward re-comp, as 3.0 was - IT'S ALL 3!

That's right, The BP Meteoric is going to allow you to have it ALL. You'll get all of the size/strength and power 2.0 and The BP Periodic are now famous for, 3.0's ability to melt bodyfat like butter in a microwave and as an added bonus - you'll have the physical conditioning of a wrestler/MMA fighter.


Well, it is if you do what everyone else is doing... :) If you know anything about me/BP, you know this isn't going to be re-hashed hash. Ole' Mix doesn't play that. What you're about to read will make your head spin, insofar as the speed at which the "unorthodox" unfolds. If you want it ALL, it really can't be any other way...

As with 3.0 and everything else, I'm going to give it to you straight: The training/dietary template is going to have to be followed almost to a "T", in order to accomplish what today is thought to be, "impossible". Don't worry, there's still some of the same flexibility BP is known for. However, the reason 3.0 trumped even 2.0 was that it "tightened up" some of the fundamentals, insofar as training/diet. Fortunately for me, you guys/gals upped your game like I knew you would - and it eclipsed even 2.0 in terms of success rate!

ETA is shortly after the new year, as I polish this diamond up for you.

One more thing: Unlike 2.0/3.0, I've attempted to keep my hyper-ADD/over-verbage in check. It'll be a quick study you can put into practice almost immediately. I heard from more than a few people after reading 3.0, that the tsunami of information was a bit "overwhelming". As in the EMT's were almost called... :)

A lucky few of you (about a dozen), have advance copies. I consider myself lucky, because I didn't almost die perfecting this one - unlike 3.0 lol.

Get ready, because The Meteoric is about to take things to a WHOLE 'nother level - AGAIN... :)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:07 pm
by pcallaghan
Any estimates on how long till its in everyone's hands?

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:49 pm
by RobRegish
pcallaghan wrote:Any estimates on how long till its in everyone's hands?
We're just weeks away. I could write forever about this stuff, but then it'd turn into BP 4.0. 3.0 almost hospitalized guys... :)

I absolutely LOVE bringing you guys NEW training/diet information. The only issue is that I just keep going and going... :) I listen to you guys (and gals) thought, and always ask what I can do better.

One of those things was writing less about training theory/WHY it's going to work so well, and more about getting to the point... :) It made a LOT of sense to me, given I absolutely LOVE training theory/want to know everything about WHY a given training/dietary strategy works so well. That's my job, so I tend to write about it.

You guys/gals are more than customers to me though, you're family. I'm not blowing smoke. When I was without a home and my computer broke, Hank! sent me one. You read that right. Mailed it to me such that I could communicated with you and asked for NOTHING in return.

Those kind of things mean the world to me, and I aim to give you all EXACTLY what you ask for. In fact, if I don't EXCEED your expectations, I consider it a failure.

No room for failure in my life. Not in my wheelhouse, anyway...[/i]

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:27 pm
by JlCh
Perhaps have footnotes or something for those of us that are interested in how it works?

Either way, a bit excited.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:05 pm
by RobRegish
JlCh wrote:Perhaps have footnotes or something for those of us that are interested in how it works?

Either way, a bit excited.
No worries brother, everyone gets their fix. I've injected The Meteoric with a fast acting, aqueous suspension - like short ester synopsis of what I've deemed, "Tri-Phasic Energy System Training".


Shortly after releasing of The Blueprint 3.0: Roadmap to Re-Comp, your feedback started pouring in. It was gold from the start, with virtually everyone reporting exactly what was in the crosshairs - The simultaneous building of muscle tissue and loss of an equal or greater amount of bodyfat. Eclipsing 2.0 was no small task, and with this in mind I sought to identify what made it more successful. The bottom line is that by tightening up the fundamentals of progressive overload and adherence to the training/dietary templates, you were able to up your game. The focus was narrowed by taking advantage of two, almost fail-safe training methods (Static Contraction Training and Escalating Density Training).

To this, a dash of creative leeway on my part insofar as exercise arrangement was added. This arrangement delivered a very "crisp" CNS, as it sharpened the electrical message originating in the brain, traversing the spinal chord/nerve and ultimately causing a stronger contraction of the muscle groups. As with the training template, 3.0's diet modulated daily caloric values - adapting your energy intake to energy expenditure for the day. It all melded together so perfectly, to generate a combustion engine like effect to achieve the stated objective: Re-Comp.

Why then, The Blueprint Meteoric?

There was no great outcry for this. People were more than pleased, with what 3.0 brought to the table. Rather, some old/new information emerged unexpectedly. To this, my creative juices were flowing when people ordering customized programs sketched out their goals. Let's visit the first reason, such that you can understand the genesis of this - The latest weapon of mass construction, in The Blueprint's growing arsenal...

It should come as no surprise by now, that Blueprint Believer's give back. Such was the case with the genesis of The BP Meteoric. A VERY generous Believer offered to mail me copies of what appeared to be Rick Brunner's final works in this business, published circa 1996. For thoses unfamiliar, Mr. Brunner ran a supplement company in the U.S. circa the late 1980's/early 1990's called Atletika. I was a voracious reader of his articles and works, but hadn't seen these prior.

Brunner's works are significant for two reasons: 1. He was advocating and selling quality adaptogens in the U.S. decades ago and 2. He was an incredibly creative thinker. Brunner realized both the limitations and the beauty of adaptogens, ultimately providing the training and dietary guidance needed to squeeze the most out of them. Sound familiar? It should, and it's an absolute shame Atletika ultimately went out of business. Among his other products, "Retibol" was a standout. According to his works, Retibol was an Ecdysterone complex derived from three source genus - Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract, Diploclisia Glaucesens and our old friend Suma. More importantly, Brunner could articulate what these adaptogens could and couldn't do, how they worked and how to magnify their effects.

The bottom line is that Brunner arrived at MANY of the same conclusions I did, many years earlier. Where I culled my answers from a variety of overseas research papers, personal observation and experimentation - Brunner actually visited Bulgaria in June of 1988, seeking out the athletes and coaches using adaptogens. Just one of his suggestions, was a 3-4 days stretch of low calorie, low protein eating in combination with a more volume oriented workout routine. Sound familiar? It was Famine before there was Famine. There were differences as well, and the very best of both has been combined in The BP Meteoric, along with some creative twists I've added based upon extensive testing. Truly, what follows is a head spinning rendition of what you've come to know, understand and appreciate: The Unorthodox.

The BP Meteoric then, seeks to deliver it ALL - and FAST! What does this mean? It means that instead of having to settle on one of three goals (Bulk, Cut or Re-Comp) - You'll obtain ALL of the following, by running BP Meteoric:

- A fantastic level of VO2 Max/Conditioning/General Physical Preparedness.
You'll build a solid base at the bottom your fitness pyramid, which brings us

- Incredible Alpha/Absolute Strength 2.0 was famous for, which is the
foundation that EVERY other type of strength is built upon.

- Massive increase in Beta Strength/Total Tonnage done per unit of time.
This is the physiological trigger for muscle growth, and it's "juiced"
considerably when Alpha Strength is boosted prior. 3.0 introduced this trick
via coupling SCT/EDT work in a very specific, measured fashion. We
accomplish the same here via something even more elegant/efficient.

- A world class lactic acid tolerance threshold, which leads to a MASSIVE
increase in growth hormone (GH). This increase exceeds even that of
injectible GH! - Documented.

- Superior detox/cleansing, gains and ability to build upon gains into the
future, vs. 2.0/3.0.

- The ability to repeat these hyper-gains for MONTHS on end - not weeks!
This, due in large part to homogenizing Famine/Feast into the same, weekly

This doesn't come without sacrifice. Much of what's called for here requires strict adherence to the new training and dietary measures I've created, to pull this off. That's consistent with what made 3.0 so successful, and it's important to make the distinction. The BP Meteoric isn't for everyone, but for those that like being told exactly what to do, when and why - they'll thrive on it.

The Meteoric will be the final solution: For those looking to carry 4th your vision of physical perfection, into a seemingly imperfect world....

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:03 pm
by JlCh
This one IS sounding to be too good to be true :). Losing fat while gaining/keeping muscle? I've done it -- but 3.0 sure did boost versus staying the same and sure did have a much more "dense" feeling. Point of saying that, is I knew it'd be possible to get to where you got (knowing you at least).

Really getting more excited at this point. How much were you charging for this again? Pretty sure I remember hearing you'd be giving it out at one point, but figured I'd ask again as I didn't see the sticky when you first brought this up. I was planning on finishing out with GLP 2 then I was going to do another famine run and go into the other 2 loading programs, but this just may be a bit better, eh? :p

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:32 am
by RobRegish
JlCh wrote:This one IS sounding to be too good to be true :). Losing fat while gaining/keeping muscle? I've done it -- but 3.0 sure did boost versus staying the same and sure did have a much more "dense" feeling. Point of saying that, is I knew it'd be possible to get to where you got (knowing you at least).

Really getting more excited at this point. How much were you charging for this again? Pretty sure I remember hearing you'd be giving it out at one point, but figured I'd ask again as I didn't see the sticky when you first brought this up. I was planning on finishing out with GLP 2 then I was going to do another famine run and go into the other 2 loading programs, but this just may be a bit better, eh? :p
Better is in fact, the right word. I didn't want to do something "new", I wanted The Meteoric to be BETTER. It is better, because it gives better gains, FASTER. Legit. That's just how it is...

I'm really struggling with what, if anything to charge you guys. Here's why: I got a call this week from my employer (been on disability given my "episode" earlier this year). The news wasn't good. They eliminated my job - and I have none to return to.

If that wasn't enough, let's just say someone else I was counting on had a 3rd party notify me she's not going to be around either. Fine by me. Because I'm at my very BEST, when my future is in my hands...

My plans were to tack The Meteoric onto 2.0/3.0, bundle them and offer the whole package for $75 to NEW customers. I'd like to offer this to you guys for $25. Most of you got in at a lower investment of $35 with 2.0, others at $50 with 3.0.

$25 would seem to hit the sweet spot, but if I hear from ONE person here who feels that's too much - I'll figure something else out. 3.0 would have NEVER seen the light of day if it were not for dropthebeats, TheBuffer, Hank!, Draco and a LOT of other Believer's helping me. You guys saved my damned life and kept me going, when everyone around me faded to black.

Folks, please chime in here with your thoughts. I want you to give it to me straight - just like I strive to do for you.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:00 am
by pmartinez78
This is great, Rob. I can't wait for this to come out.

Well personally, $25 is a great price but I'm willing to pay $50 if I have to because I truly believe it will deliver like you promised. Hell, I've put away your $50 since last month waiting for you to bring it out. So I got your money, Rob. Just say the word, and the money will be in your hands shortly. lol

I don't know what others think about the pricing, but here's a thought. First, for existing BP, offer The Meteoric for $25. Now for new customers, give them two options. $25 for the BP 2.0/3.0 and $50 for The Meteoric. This will allow people who balked at the current $50 price for 3.0 to pull the trigger and purchase it for $25. Once they achieve some success, they will be willing to pay for The Meteoric.

Ok, that was just a thought. Whatever you decided to charge, I'll be willing to pay. Just bring it out already.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:38 pm
by JlCh
$25 would probably be fair. With that said, I'm not sure how many people would buy the BP at 75$ -- I had troubles doing it at 35 at the time. It's just hard to do when you feel like all the knowledge you need lies elsewhere. Perhaps selling them separate may be a good idea.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:14 pm
by pcallaghan
Hm... $60 total including initial investment & the meteoric. While it seems steep, its half the price of useless programs such as P90X and P90X2 which are marketed towards the lazy SOB's which will lose weight no matter what they do, simply because they are actually MOVING.

For $25 I'm in.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:03 am
by ZeroBeast
^^ I beg to differ about P90x (P90x 2 will be out this month) I did P90x 1.5 times before I tore a ligament in my wrist at work. Its something ppl like as in, a workout and diet plan in plain English and you can do it at home. I borrowed it off a friend, so the cost was free :) but, I had good results. However, if someone would workout hard for 6 days and be on a strict diet you will see improvement. :wink:

On topic - my 2 cents regarding the price. Since I just bought 2.0/3.0 for $50 a couple months ago and then I have to pay for the formula and I just started the Famine stage (gonna run 3.0) I don't need the Meteoric just yet. So, I'm saying $25 is a good price for members and do something like this:

new members:
bp 2 & 3 = $50, if you order that you can get the met for $35
if you don't order 2/3, you can get the met for $50
3.0 and met for $65

again just trying to throw some more options out there and hopefully we can come up with plan that helps you ($) and isn't too high for the end-user.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:15 am
by bigpelo
I won't mind paying 50$ for the meteoric. Let's share the welt, I am lucky enough to have some.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:14 am
by RobRegish
UPDATE: OK guys, going to be a little while longer before release...

REASON: I've heard from one person piloting this that everything didn't come out "perfect", and I can't release until it's perfect. He's making some adjustments over the next 7 weeks, and its then that we'll have our fix (hopefully).

Also, someone here who saw the draft template pointed something VERY shrewd out - so I'll need to make a few adjustments to the exercise menu/template.

Apologize for the delay, but you deserve NOTHING LESS - than my best efforts and YOUR best chances of success. As with 3.0, I want the feedback on this baby 100% successful.

Because your success means EVERYTHING to me...

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:00 pm
by DaCookie
RobRegish wrote:UPDATE: OK guys, going to be a little while longer before release...

REASON: I've heard from one person piloting this that everything didn't come out "perfect", and I can't release until it's perfect. He's making some adjustments over the next 7 weeks, and its then that we'll have our fix (hopefully).

Also, someone here who saw the draft template pointed something VERY shrewd out - so I'll need to make a few adjustments to the exercise menu/template.

Apologize for the delay, but you deserve NOTHING LESS - than my best efforts and YOUR best chances of success. As with 3.0, I want the feedback on this baby 100% successful.

Because your success means EVERYTHING to me...
Is he a pure ectomorph?I can see it not working if he didnt make some adjustments.For me it works great, currently bulking on a 2.0 loading pattern so not doing it right now but definitely will be afterwards.