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Absolute MUST Read: "Convict Conditioning"

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:30 am
by RobRegish
Folks, I haven't read EVERY book out there on weight training but I have read most of them. For nearly 30 years, all I've seen is re-hashed hash. However, a training partner from college (thanks Jer!), mailed me the above book. It is without a doubt, among the top 3 I've EVER read and deserves to be on your bookshelf: Convict Conditioning


This guy spent 20 years in the joint, starting in 1969. There were no weights in gyms then, and he was in solitary for much of that time. Going into prison at a buck fifty and change, he accurately pointed out he may as well had a "victim" sign stamped on his forehead. No weights but plenty of guts, so what did he do?

He built himself into one of the STRONGEST, most well CONDITIONED and FLEXIBLE athletes in the world, with BODYWEIGHT exercises only and NO equipment. We're talking 6 "money" moves, including stuff like one arm chinups, pushups, handstand pushups FREESTANDING, etc.. This is old time strongman wisdom that was lost after the money, drugs and supps came into our sport. It did however, survive in prisons and with circus strongmen continuing the great heritage of Louis Cyr, etc. He writes in a no bullshit fashion and the program is VERY WELL thought out, meaning level 1 for each exercise (there are 10) could be performed by somebody who's never set foot in a gym.


His book is available in both hardcopy and Ebook format. It's a mere $40 and worth ten times that, to quote Matter's kind words about Blueprint... :) Here's where to get it!


I'm stronger now than I was in my 20's, legit. I'm talking 1,000lb top range rack pulls/static holds, VERY close to my goal of benching 405lbs, etc.. This progress hasn't come without a price - tendon pain, I have the flexibility of a senior citizen and if I don't perform some form of cardio/GPP EVERY DAY, I feel gassed walking up a flight of stairs.

Just 3 weeks into this, my flexibility/conditioning has improved TREMENDOUSLY, and I feel 100% better. I can perform these workouts without leaving my house, and they're the PERFECT compliment to my big barbell work.

Finally, I'll be 42 in a few weeks. Totaling "elite" in powerlifting/making it to 300lbs wasn't in the cards for this ectomorph. Nor am I willing to juice up to overcome those obstacles. I almost checked out earlier this year and if you study these people big, strong folk who attempt to stay that way don't make it to a ripe, old age. The great Alexeev just passed away (RIP), and was just 69 years young... ... le2257089/

You know what though?

I CAN see myself accomplishing the "master" level on these 6 money moves. Legit one arm pullups/pushups for reps, freestanding one arm pushups, single legged DEEP squats for reps (try that sometime, I lacked the flexibility to make it halfway down), etc.

I share this with you in the hopes you too, may benefit. As such it's one more Blueprint WEAPON OF MASS CONSTRUCTION...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:04 am
by pmartinez78
Thanks Rob. I may give this a try. How would you recommend to mix it in with a BP run?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:30 pm
by Big.jazayrli
I am getting this book for christmas and will be implementing it with my cut in the new year :)

this will be ok for off day cardio, right? It won't hinder my recovery too much?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:09 am
by RobRegish
pmartinez78 wrote:Thanks Rob. I may give this a try. How would you recommend to mix it in with a BP run?
It's such an easy add on. I like performing the sessions just prior to cardio, on off days. It's easy going (at first!), and seems to REALLY benefit the joints/ligaments and tendons. You really have an opportunity here to perfect the mind/muscle connection too, unlike your heavy BB work for max strength.

However, I see no issues with performing it after your weight sessions either. Same benefits apply. The best part? If you got locked in your bathroom or taken hostage by the black helicopter crowd (constantly after me), you could do it there too. This guy was in a solitary confinement cell a LOT, something like 6ft by 8ft? That's where he performed his workouts!

The absolute genius here is that each exercise has 10 levels. Level 1 your great, great grandmother could perform. Once you meet the progression standard for that exercise (say, 3 sets of 40 reps), you progress to level 2, etc.

Why is this genius?

Because it teaches the lost art of patience, training/gaining momentum and body wisdom. This is when and where to back off, push harder and progressively allow the tendons, ligaments, fascia etc. to adapt. Brain would love this stuff... :) I started at the beginner level, because I realized the wisdom of his words. I'd recommend you do the same. So what if it takes a year, to do handstand pushups? You're not getting there, with the flexibility of an 85 year old arthitic mess... :)

This would be like putting a rank beginner under a barbell with his bodyweight on the bar and saying, "squat". Ever shoot a cannon out of a canoe?

Not pretty... :)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:13 pm
by pmartinez78
Cool, thanks Rob. I've been reading it all morning and looking forward to starting it next week.

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:53 am
by RobRegish
It's absolutely FANTASTIC!

Please do give this your consideration folks...

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:41 am
by RyannayR
I picked up a copy of this book. I used to have so much body control and balance, I want it back!

Get it cheaper at Amazon

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:05 am
by d.elliston has ebook for $18. I just bought it and Or I Hofmelker's new book for $10.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:50 am
by RobRegish
Please, everyone that's seen/read and/or using this - chime in!

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:11 pm
by JlCh
I have it and like 50 pages deep, but haven't tried anything out yet. Just haven't put time aside to read it.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:07 pm
by pcallaghan
Interesting - I think I'll be picking this up... need something that can easily be done without weights when I'm stuck in the office for instance.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:45 pm
by Big.jazayrli
definitely stuck on level 1 of all the workouts.. makes me feel weak!

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:57 am
by pmartinez78
Big.jazayrli wrote:definitely stuck on level 1 of all the workouts.. makes me feel weak!
I know how you feel, man. I barely moved up to level 2 in only 2 of the exercises.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:10 am
by RobRegish
Some are more difficult than others. Chinup series, for example if you're carrying extra bodyweight. I'm on levels 4-6 right now on most, but some will naturally lag.

Keep at it folks. To attain the "master level" on any of these will allow you to do things 99.9% of the population can only dream of - and it'll only benefit your lifting!