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PES Erase question

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:35 pm
by matter2003
This looks pretty interesting to say the least. I am running an Athletix Triple stack of Titanium XL(Test Booster/Anti-Estrogen--extreme Fenugreek), Formula X(Test Booster/Recovery--DAA,BCAA,etc), and Division 1(SHBG Inhibitor)...

Would tossing Erase into the stack be advisable or would it be overkill?

Re: PES Erase question

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:18 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:This looks pretty interesting to say the least. I am running an Athletix Triple stack of Titanium XL(Test Booster/Anti-Estrogen--extreme Fenugreek), Formula X(Test Booster/Recovery--DAA,BCAA,etc), and Division 1(SHBG Inhibitor)...

Would tossing Erase into the stack be advisable or would it be overkill?
This is simply 7-oxo/keto DHEA. While it's a mild anti-catabolic, I rather favor these for Cruise. There is a built in catabolic "lag" time coming off of Famine, and this is best left to the body to manage during Feast. It is in fact, a helpful sign in helping "signal" you as to when to transition to Cruise.

My new product will also slash cortisol. In fact, it can do so on the order of a 50% reduction vs. controls. BONUS: It'll do a WHOLE lot more, given anti-catabolics are just ONE piece to the puzzle... :)

Re: PES Erase question

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:08 pm
by Justin
RobRegish wrote:
matter2003 wrote:This looks pretty interesting to say the least. I am running an Athletix Triple stack of Titanium XL(Test Booster/Anti-Estrogen--extreme Fenugreek), Formula X(Test Booster/Recovery--DAA,BCAA,etc), and Division 1(SHBG Inhibitor)...

Would tossing Erase into the stack be advisable or would it be overkill?
This is simply 7-oxo/keto DHEA. While it's a mild anti-catabolic, I rather favor these for Cruise. There is a built in catabolic "lag" time coming off of Famine, and this is best left to the body to manage during Feast. It is in fact, a helpful sign in helping "signal" you as to when to transition to Cruise.

My new product will also slash cortisol. In fact, it can do so on the order of a 50% reduction vs. controls. BONUS: It'll do a WHOLE lot more, given anti-catabolics are just ONE piece to the puzzle... :)
I'm excited when is this coming out?!?

Re: PES Erase question

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:47 am
by beefcake66
RobRegish wrote: My new product will also slash cortisol. In fact, it can do so on the order of a 50% reduction vs. controls. BONUS: It'll do a WHOLE lot more, given anti-catabolics are just ONE piece to the puzzle... :)
i hope it doesn't cause joint pain like most cortisol control supplements...... I can't take anything that does that, can't handle the pain in my sensitive joints

Re: PES Erase question

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:58 pm
by the_buffer
beefcake66 wrote:
RobRegish wrote: My new product will also slash cortisol. In fact, it can do so on the order of a 50% reduction vs. controls. BONUS: It'll do a WHOLE lot more, given anti-catabolics are just ONE piece to the puzzle... :)
i hope it doesn't cause joint pain like most cortisol control supplements...... I can't take anything that does that, can't handle the pain in my sensitive joints
Not to hijack here, but Beefcake, what joint supps are you taking? I only ask cause I'm coning off a pretty nasty joint injury and have found a couple things that have helped big time.

Re: PES Erase question

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:46 pm
by KimJong-il
beefcake66 wrote:
RobRegish wrote: My new product will also slash cortisol. In fact, it can do so on the order of a 50% reduction vs. controls. BONUS: It'll do a WHOLE lot more, given anti-catabolics are just ONE piece to the puzzle... :)
i hope it doesn't cause joint pain like most cortisol control supplements...... I can't take anything that does that, can't handle the pain in my sensitive joints
They market it as a anti-cortisol product, and there is no scientific evidence this is the case. Then I ask, and then they say there is alot of anecdotal evidence of its anti-cortisol properties. I can take anti-cortisol supplement and I never walked around feeling "less cortisol" wtf is that supposed to mean, anecdotal is not science.

Re: PES Erase question

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:54 am
by beefcake66
the_buffer wrote:Not to hijack here, but Beefcake, what joint supps are you taking? I only ask cause I'm coning off a pretty nasty joint injury and have found a couple things that have helped big time.
I've been taking on and off Glucosamine+Chondroitin (capsules) and sometimes MSM. The Glucosamine helps a lot if you take it consistently and in the proper dosage. I have AppNut OsteoSport here that I'll be tapping into soon I think

Re: PES Erase question

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:56 am
by matter2003
beefcake66 wrote:
the_buffer wrote:Not to hijack here, but Beefcake, what joint supps are you taking? I only ask cause I'm coning off a pretty nasty joint injury and have found a couple things that have helped big time.
I've been taking on and off Glucosamine+Chondroitin (capsules) and sometimes MSM. The Glucosamine helps a lot if you take it consistently and in the proper dosage. I have AppNut OsteoSport here that I'll be tapping into soon I think
SuperCissus RX is a must for joint issues, imho...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:00 am
by beefcake66
I had some bulk cissus quadrangularis and it did like nothing for me. I think it was the same extract % as supercissus rx too.

My joint issues are a little more complex than your usual overuse pains. I'm mechanically fcked lol

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:27 pm
by KimJong-il
beefcake66 wrote:I had some bulk cissus quadrangularis and it did like nothing for me. I think it was the same extract % as supercissus rx too.

My joint issues are a little more complex than your usual overuse pains. I'm mechanically fcked lol
Cissus doesn't do anything for joint health other than some analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. People like it because it blocks pain like aspirin does, but it doesnt mean your healing an injury. Cissus is great for bone injuries such as cracks and fractures, a reason I wouldnt take cissus outside of that is that Id be worried about build up of deposits on my bones.

I take Celadrin, NOW brand also has a small but effective amount of MSM in it and there is clinical research that Celadrin is better than Glucosamine/Chron....combo. 1 bottle runs me $17 for a 40 day supply.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:35 pm
by beefcake66
KimJong-il wrote:
beefcake66 wrote:I had some bulk cissus quadrangularis and it did like nothing for me. I think it was the same extract % as supercissus rx too.

My joint issues are a little more complex than your usual overuse pains. I'm mechanically fcked lol
Cissus doesn't do anything for joint health other than some analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. People like it because it blocks pain like aspirin does, but it doesnt mean your healing an injury. Cissus is great for bone injuries such as cracks and fractures, a reason I wouldnt take cissus outside of that is that Id be worried about build up of deposits on my bones.

I take Celadrin, NOW brand also has a small but effective amount of MSM in it and there is clinical research that Celadrin is better than Glucosamine/Chron....combo. 1 bottle runs me $17 for a 40 day supply.
Thanks for the heads up Kim (aren't you dead?!?), I'll look into it.
The screws in my bones could use some help healing so I guess the cissus would help with that. And it's get swollen up when I walk too much.. like yesterdays boxing day shopping for 6 hours = squishy fat swollen knee! I'll finish off my supply and look into Celadrin, I don't really have a supplement budget at this point though. I like it's cheap lol.