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HIIT cardio

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:23 pm
by drhowe9
Little confused on HIIT.. what are the time frames I switch from sprint to job/walk?

And do I change the speed? for ex. if im on a bike do I switch from level 10 to 25 ?

any more info would be great!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:51 pm
by matter2003
For HIIT, you can do it several different ways and the intervals are pretty much up to you. Some people do shorter intervals like 10 sec sprint/20 sec slower, while others do longer intervals like 30 sec sprint/1 minute slower

When I do HIIT, I normally warmup for about 5 minutes at normal pace, then do my intervals for 6 to 7 minutes and then do another 5 minutes at a slower pace plus a cooldown of 5 minutes. Total time is about 20-22 minutes with cooldown.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:37 am
by JlCh
30 second sprint, 30 second walk for a total of 20 minutes (10 sprints, 10 walks). If you can't do the time, lower the sprint and increase the walk for something like 15 second sprint 45 seconds walking and build up to the 30/30 split. Can also cut the 20 minutes time down and build up that way as well. I would advise staying away from doing it more than 20 minutes.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:49 am
by drhowe9
Thanks guys. Do you keep it on the same speed level ? And if so aprx what level

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:21 pm
by JlCh
Whoops, my bad. I was referring to just running. I do whatever I can handle on the sprints. So if I feel I can boost the speed up on the "sprints", then I do. If I can't do an all out "sprint", I generally do a very fast jog for 1 minute, 1 minute walk. The walking is always the same speed.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:22 am
by RobRegish
I prefer the recumbent bike at the gym, as it puts less stress on my lower back. I do sprint, but not in cold weather like we're having now.

Here's what I do: I start with just 3 cycles (always fasted, with 3 grams of GABA prior and BCAA's on standby for when I'm done.) I pedal for 1 minute at a moderate pace on level 12 and then an all out sprint for just 15sec, on level 25. That's one cycle. I add one cycle per session until I get to around 15 min of such work, then jack up the intensity of both the moderate pace and especially sprint until I hit that 15 min threshold, and start all over again.

I think of you guys during my sprint cycles, no joke. I practice what I preach. You'd be wise to do the same, thinking about your competition working harder than you are. Outperform them, and exceed yourself...

When it's all said and done, you'll have boosted GH over the moon and burned more fat than any of the others surrounding you, pedaling modestly - like hamsters exercise wheels.

As with those hamsters, they're going nowhere - FAST. If you're really lucky, they're sipping on a carb based drink totally negating any chance of them burning fat. If you see this, recommend the birdseed trick for effortless bodyweight loss. The particulars can be found here...

Handling Gym Weirdos: Blueprint Style ... .php?t=924


Now you're going to run into dieters too, and they'll need your guidance. Back in my day, it was all about getting as big as possible. Green bananas were in but times change and so does your advice. Today, being "cut" or at least very lean is the goal. With these folks, it's all about birdseed. Yep, birdseed.

You want to recommend 3 tablespoons/day. They'll protest they can't chew it/hurts their teeth but offer up the following easy solution: Mix into sugar free yogurt. Makes getting your 3 daily servings a snap and it'll lend credibility to your story. You've obviously worked out a practical solution to challenges presented by the birdseed dosing protocol. You've done this before, you know your stuff.

Now on the MOA (mode of action), birdseed is a well know up-regulator of thermogenesis. Ever see a fat bird? Exactly. As with the gorilla example above, nature leaves clues.

The birdseed dramatically enhances your NATURAL (emphasize the word natural) thyroid optimization. Emphasize T3 in particular as it's the most "active" form of thyroid hormone. Expand futher on how the birdseed acts to convert a higher percentage of T4 to T3. Reinforce the fact that if they can't lose weight it isn't their fault, it's simply a function of the enzyme that converts T4 to T3 being absent or (especially in middle age weirdos), it's in decline due to age. As with all hormone levels (test, estrogen, insulin secretion/insulin sensitivity) everything starts declining. Forget the pizza they're eating/not working hard enough. Nothing to do with that. Make sure to emphasize it's not their fault. It's the decline in enzyme conversion that's to blame. Birdseed is the fix.

Also, explain that results manifest quickly. Within two weeks in fact. Set expectations of losing 1lb/day of pure bodyfat. No calorie counting necessary as the effects are so powerful they over-ride the role of thermodynamics (i.e. calories in/calories out). If 1lb/day loss isn't realized within the first week, simply recommend double dosing as there exists a small % of birdseed "non-responders" in the population.

If that still doesn't work, suggest switching brands as the pre-winter mix is a bit stronger than the springtime formulas.

Practice makes perfect, so do refine this 3x/daily in front of a mirror with an absolute straight face. Drop these tips 2 weeks prior to leaving. You'll probably have abs inside of a month from all the laughing...

*For both groups (this works especially well with dieters) if they're really buying into things, throw in jumping jacks to absolute muscular failure twice a week.

For the GFH crowd, helicopter squats (with bands) is another time tested favorite that few have mastered. Make sure to emphasize they need to think outside the box to get results if they've plateaued. Every great thinker goes against the grain. They can join the sheep (make sure to wave the hand illustrating all gym members) or follow you.

Ball is now in their court.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:55 pm
by drhowe9
should i perform hiit during the cruise phase as well?

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:29 pm
by BrainSquirt
drhowe9 wrote:should i perform hiit during the cruise phase as well?
BP 2.0 Cruise is the only phase that I do genuine and consistent HIIT. In BP 2.0 Famine, I go for more prolonged ‘exhaustions’ plus I’m ‘delaying’ HGH, so HIIT not as applicable. In BP 2.0 Feasts have found it best to keep real HIIT frequency lower – like max once a week - and substitute other 'hard breathing inducers' ( / but it's not "aerobics" :wink: )
Can’t speak to HIIT for BP 3.0. Hopefully someone else can… hth

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:24 pm
by FitnessGuy90
I notice that when I do it on the bike, I need to increase the level on the sprints otherwise my feet move too fast for what the bike can handle.

If you want a real HIIT work out, find a 50 yard straight path outside. Run as fast as you can one way and then walk back to the beginning and repeat.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:35 pm
by drhowe9
I am currently in BP 3.0, btw. And plan on running 3.0 for my next few runs

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:00 am
by Basil
Cardio exercises:


HIIT and Kettlebell Complexes

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:16 pm
by Caleb1000

Do you feel that adding in 3 rounds of Kettlebell complexes to the 3 BP weekly workouts would be detrimental or beneficial. The exercises would consist of KB swing, KB clean and press, KB snatch and KB front squat all in succession. Perhaps doing this complex 3 times with 1minute rest n between sets. Thanks


Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:31 pm
by Dragon
Kettlebells might make sense at a lower weight. But i fear that you might not be able to do enough to cross into the aerobic zone energy system and keep your heart rate up for atleast 5 min.
You know there is the phosphogen (think heavy singles), lactic acid (think high reps within 60% to 70% effort), and then the system we're trying to "hit" with HIIT, aerobic (think 5 min or more effort at low to below moderate intensity).
The way Rob has laid it out, you could reasonably scratch out a way to push through all 3 energy systems but reasonably stay in the last zone for atleast 5 minutes. Because your body enters the kreb cycle at that 5 minute point the cells will oxidize fat in the mitochondria with the help of CoA aka pantothenic acid (more on that a bit later). I think, overall you would be wise to keep track of your heart rate, then you can answer the question for yourself.

I have a gut feeling that the benefit is not on the spot fat-loss, but optimizing leptin in some way... idk. I figure, the reason Rob monitors glucose is not as simple as monitoring sugar but more importantly how efficiently insulin is working.
Now back to the pentothenic acid real quick. I deal with mild acne and my doc said the b5 trick works but he recommended i cycle off it bcause of the high dose needed for it to work. So, I also have a gut feeling that b5 use might be more effective DURING aerobic exercise. I'm speaking specifically to acne sufferers! It plays such a crucial role in oxidative phosphorylation and the mitochondria's ability to to oxidize fat, why not use it when that system is asking for it? Same maybe goes for XFA? But thats another post.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:01 pm
by Caleb1000
where does the 5 minutes come from?