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Problem with supplements!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:57 pm
by oliverparsons
Hey guys, real quick question here that I hope someone can help with...I ordered my BP Mass Stack (KA/AN) last week and I expected it to arrive today but found out they havent shipped ANY of it yet because the Kre Anabolyn is on backorder (a little frustrating because I had to call them to find this out).

I just did 4 days of famine, and today am on day 1 of feast. I'm afraid I'm going to miss the "window" here and should be starting the KA/AN stack on Friday (after 3 days of rest/food after famine). Sites such as bodybuilding(dot)com have next day shipping....would anyone reccommend a test/ecdy sup that I can put in place of the ecdy/test from MASS? And i'll just save my MASS stack for a second run. I've taken bioforge in the past and to be honest didn't get much out of it. Or am I just being a whimp and should hold tight til my MASS supps arrive (could be a week or two, who knows...).

Thanks for the help!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:47 pm
by askmass
Hi Oliver.

I can appreciate your frustration having to wait on KA x1000, but in our defense it has been clearly listed on the site order form as backordered from the 1st day it sold out - as well as extensively discussed/disclosed here among the BP crowd. I always try to get the latest updates to you guys, and updated the thread here to indicate a likely ship date of 11/18, or sooner if possible.

We have a TON of backorders for KA and people are asking me to squeeze blood out of turnips, demanding their personal supply first, begging and pleading... Hey, I need MY new bottle too, eh! :)

We really do appreciate the fact it is so popular and creates such great passion, but it does often sell out ahead of new production (we can blame a Japanese trainer this time, folks, who bought up truck loads).

Anyway, much as we'd sometimes like to speed things up, we will not compromise QC testing or any other short cut in order to have the lab rush a batch out just to meet demand. It has to be verified 100% pure and potent or we will not release it.

All this said, I am told all backorders should be out the door any day now, and we certainly do apologize for the delay.

We appreciate your business, eagerness, and especially your patience.

My best to you.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:50 pm
by oliverparsons
No problem! Thanks for letting me know. That's what happens when you guys make such a great product :) I'll just be patient and hope it arrives soon!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:19 am
by bigpelo
Is that your first BP run? If so, consider doing it "stock" (without KA/AN) but keep it short (3-4 weeks feast, 2 weeks cruise) then 4-5 days off the gym and back to another run with all supps ready to fire! Finally, compare results.

My 0.02$

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:28 am
by oliverparsons
Thanks for the suggestion bigpelo....this will actually be my second run. Did BP 2 last year. Excited to try BP 3 this time around!! I snagged a bottle of AN from my friend who had an extra all the stuff for the formula and now waiting on KA. Should be a good run.

a little off the subject but ...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:40 pm
by ckeahey76
I had an extra bottle of KA and gave it to my little brother so that I could try anouther ecdy product. I have to tell you that I was not as happy as I was with the KA. My little brother, on the other hand, took only half the dose of the KA and had better results than I did with the other ecdy product. I, when supplies are restocked, will be ordering more KA from mass because they are worth the wait. And, I will order extra for my little bro because christmas is right around the corner.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:37 pm
by ckeahey76
put an order for 3 bottles in on Wed of last week, should have waited for today, dang it!!