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Matter2003 BP Run #3, This time the Full Periodic...

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:13 pm
by matter2003
3rd run starting today and I am doing the full BP Periodic found in BP 2.0...

Starting weight is 210 lbs

Famine Day #1

Not too bad since I am used to not eating til 4pm anyways, had some rice, olive oil and green peas, then worked out from 8:40 to 9:40 and had some pasta, olive oil, sauce and spinach leaves after...lots of water and oolong tea today

Calories are right around 1600, protein very minimal...20 grams or less likely...

Workout #1

Squats Warmup:
145 x 8, 235 x 6, 325 x 4, 415 x 2

415 x 6 x 6, 375 x 6

Seated Cable Rows:
220 x 6 x 6 x 6

1 Arm DB Rows:
70 x 6, 80 x 6 x 6

BW-25 x 6, BW x 4++, BW x 4++

Barbell Curls: 75 x 6
Incline DB Curls: 35 x 6
Preacher Curls(Hammer Strength): 125 x 6

-started really running out of gas after the 1 arm rows, struggled after 4 chinups on both sets and then was completely done on the biceps curls...

Continuing fast tomorrow and not looking forward to the pain it will bring...

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:18 pm
by Street-dreams
Hey Looks like we both started our BP run around the Same time.
Im interested to see how this goes for you. I cant seem to go past 8 weeks in a row.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:22 am
by matter2003
OK, didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Woke up yesterday and was surprised at how little soreness I was experiencing. Went and did 30 minutes of moderate cardio in the morning before going to work.
However things got worse throughout the day and by around 6pm I was pretty sore all over. Yesterday I fasted until around 3:30pm and then ate some brown rice, olive oil and a huge bunch of spinach leaves(man I love those things!), came home and had some mashed potatoes with broccoli, and then had some 7 grains cereal with some olive oil and an apple.
Roughly had 1600 calories and about 20 g of protein or less.

Woke up this morning and was extremely sore, especially in my quads and biceps, and to a lesser extent my back. Not really looking forward to workout 2 today as I know it is going to suck balls and I am going to be embarrassed as skinny dudes look at me struggling with 3/4 of the weight(or less)that I normally do...

Weighed in at 209 lbs this morning, down a pound from Monday morning. expecting some serious droppage to occur over the next 2 days tho

Planning on taking my daughter out to Wendy's for lunch(freaking famine!!) so I am gonna be stuck eating a baked potato and a couple of garden salads...will post my workout log when I get back from the gym later today...

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:24 am
by matter2003
Street-dreams wrote:Hey Looks like we both started our BP run around the Same time.
Im interested to see how this goes for you. I cant seem to go past 8 weeks in a row.
Good luck on your run Street!

Looking forward to seeing your progress as well...hopefully you can make it through the full run this time...perhaps taking a few extra off days from time to time might help you out?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:25 pm
by matter2003
Once again I felt embarrassed at the gym by how much I was struggling with weights that are well below my work sets normally...I know some of the dudes there were looking at me funny because they see me putting lots of weight normally and today I was dying to put up anything at all it seemed. Basically same as normal for workout 2...I can easily rip off like 4 reps and then quickly run into problems on rep 5(other than the first few sets of bench). Rep 5, 6, 7, and 8 were combinations of pause reps for the most part...sometimes 3-1, 2-2 or 2-1-1...

I did all chest/shoulder work on the smith machine unless otherwise noted
Feast Workout #2

Bench warmup:
85 x10, 125x8,175x6,185x4

Bench: 185x8 x 8, 175x7+,155x8

Incline: 125x8 x8 x8 x8

Shoulder Press: 85x8x8x8x8

Decline: 125x8,145x8x8x7+

Shoulder Press(Hammer Strength): 70x8x7+x8x8

Seated Pressdown(Hammer Strength):190 x 8
Cable Pushdowns: 70x8
Overhead DB Extension: 45 x 8

Front delts repeatedly kept failing on the presses after rep 4. Would rest 10 secs and then bang out another 2 or 3 reps, then fail always feels weird because I go from no problem reps to total failure in 1 rep...

I already feel sore from this and my body is still sore from previous workout. As usual I will be skipping workout 3 and focusing on finishing up strong on the fast and then abandoning my IF routine for 2 days on Saturday/Sunday to eat as much as possible because Sunday after the Bills game will be workout 1 of feast....

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:13 pm
by matter2003
Weighed in this morning at 207, down 3 lbs in 3 days...surprisingly not too sore from yesterday yet but legs still sore...feeling pretty unenergetic most of the and a half left before its on...

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:16 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Weighed in this morning at 207, down 3 lbs in 3 days...surprisingly not too sore from yesterday yet but legs still sore...feeling pretty unenergetic most of the and a half left before its on...
Steady as she goes...

As you're well aware, Gainsville is right around the corner. The Periodic is the most powerful of all BP renditions, insofar as new size/strength. Your fellow gym goer's jaws will be dropping again, soon enough... :)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:46 pm
by matter2003
Weighed in this morning at 207, down 3 lbs in 3 days...surprisingly not too sore from yesterday yet but legs still sore...feeling pretty unenergetic most of the and a half left before its on...

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:49 pm
by matter2003
Dropped another half pound today to 206.5...feeling very agitated and irritated...chest is pretty sore..
..can't wait til tomorrow...and loads of calories

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:16 am
by matter2003
Opening salvo for feast day 1:

6 eggs with cheese and turkey, 4 slices 12 grain toasr, 16oz milk, 2 big slices of pumpkin bread...

Getting ready to down shake consisting of 4 cups of milk, 2 cups of oatmeal, 2 scoops whey, 2 yogurts, 2 tbsp of olive oil and a 1/2 tspn of cinnamon...

Its on!

Started Titanium XL, KA and Division 1 today...Formula X at night...

Ate a Subway Chicken Marinara Melt for lunch and was stuffed after eating half due to the shake previously a few hours before...finished it off about 3 hours later...

Came home and had some chicken breast, sweet potatoes, broccoli/cauliflower/carrot mix and a tall glass of milk to wash it down...

Feeling pretty awesome, although my bowels have been letting me know they aren't necessarily happy with all the dietary changes I am making all at once as I have had to run to the bathroom a few times...

getting ready for workout #1 tomorrow...

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:17 pm
by matter2003
Almost forgot about the 3 day refeed, so I will not be working out til wednesdsy...
Weight is back up to 210 lbs after a day, a full 3.5 lb gain which I am assuming might be due to creatine holding in some water...

Feeling really good, eating like a champ and looking foward to Wednesday...

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:18 pm
by matter2003
Almost forgot about the 3 day refeed, so I will not be working out til wednesdsy...
Weight is back up to 210 lbs after a day, a full 3.5 lb gain which I am assuming might be due to creatine holding in some water...

Feeling really good, eating like a champ and looking foward to Wednesday...

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:04 pm
by matter2003
Made sure to pile in the calories yesterday, didn't get a chance to weigh myself this morning, but will try to tomorrow morning.

Not sure if its the Titanium XL or Division 1, but one of those really makes my stomach queasy for a few hours after I take it...

Having some issues trying to get in enough calories today because of it...fasted til 3pm today, had a semi-large meal of about 1,000 calories and now my stomach is pretty much feeling really full and not in the mood to eat at all...trying to get some more calories in right now as we speak...

Going to drink down an 1100-1200 calorie shake before going to bed to help he cause...

Going to be fasting again til 3 or 4pm tomorrow, and then working out for the first time Wednesday...

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:29 am
by matter2003
Not sure what is going on but have been feeling nauseous since about 4pm yesterday...attempted to eat something when I got home yesterday night and was able to eat maybe 1/4 of it in baby bites, but felt like I was gonna puke whole time I was eating it. Decided to go to bed early at 10pm, slept til about 8am, but still have that nauseous feeling, like I don't even want to think about food because it will make me sick...

Thinking it might be from my daughter who had a cold the past few days, but she didn't complain of stomach issues....then again I don't have any congestion symptoms...feels like a repeat of what I had about a month ago mnus the stomach pain...

Gotta find a way to get calories in me so I can workout