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are you strong?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:13 pm
by tufluk
Hi guys and girls,

I know there's plenty of stat charts out there but the average for you lifts to be considered decent/good seems to be:

bench press - 1 X BW
squat - 1.5 x BW
dead-lift - 1.75 x BW

(BW = bodyweight)

I just wanted to know how many of you fall into this category, I just realised my bench press is 80% BW (bench on a slight incline). I thought this was pretty poor considering one chart put me in between un-trained and novice despite 3yrs training :( . just wanted to know how may of you can bench your body weight?


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:34 pm
by DaCookie
Most can bench their bodyweight in bench and more cause they focus way to much on it so have a shit squat/deadlift.

Im 77kgs

Bench- 100kgs
Squat- 160kgs, reckon I could do good bit more like 5-10kgs more
Deadlift- 190ks

You need to flat bench to see what its at bro

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:14 pm
by JlCh
Meh, that depends entirely on your outlook on what you want in the lifting world imo. But as general, I'd say most people that are on this board will have a much higher than BW bench, and probably pretty close/higher for the other 2 lifts as well. Also would depend on how lean you are, as it's a bit easier for those that are <20% BF to be putting up those numbers.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:19 pm
by matter2003
I dunno what my 1RM maxes are, but I can tell you what I just finished doing 5x5's in cruise with when I was around 215lbs:

Decline Bench: 235 lbs 5 x 5
Squats(V-Squat): 415 lbs 5 x 5
Deadlifts: 315 lbs 5 x 5(likely could have easily done 365, but held back due to wrist issues)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:08 pm
by BrainSquirt

What do you believe moves one into the upper end of the Pareto?
Proper work?
Diet? (correctly feeding the microbiome !!! wtf ???)
All of the above?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:30 pm
by tufluk
Im 77kgs

Bench- 100kgs
Squat- 160kgs, reckon I could do good bit more like 5-10kgs more
Deadlift- 190ks
thos lifts are really impressive given you weight, good work man!
ill have to see what my bench is on a flat bench, just that lagging lift to pull thought the BW barrier and that's one of my main goals completed.

thanks for your input guys

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:37 pm
by DaCookie
tufluk wrote:
Im 77kgs

Bench- 100kgs
Squat- 160kgs, reckon I could do good bit more like 5-10kgs more
Deadlift- 190ks
thos lifts are really impressive given you weight, good work man!
ill have to see what my bench is on a flat bench, just that lagging lift to pull thought the BW barrier and that's one of my main goals completed.

thanks for your input guys
Cheers bro, I have very small bones so its even easyier for me to put up the numbers you said.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:03 pm
by Street-dreams
weight 175

maxes within 6 months
Bench 200-215(not sure)
DL 360
Squat(never maxed but can most likely sq 260+)

Id like to think most of the people on this board ESP veterans have maxes over those thresholds.

Do I think this makes me strong? NO. not strong enough anyways... never be satisfied always strive for improvement. :) (Of course I claim small victories where I can)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:32 am
by RobRegish
BrainSquirt wrote:Yes.

What do you believe moves one into the upper end of the Pareto?
Proper work?
Diet? (correctly feeding the microbiome !!! wtf ???)
All of the above?
What gets you to the grocery store, is heart...

I've written elaborate programs for people, who've ordered mountains of supplements and... nothing happens.

There is NOTHING as powerful, as the thirst for strength. It has very little to do with your genetics/body. It has almost everything to do with your heart. Vince Gironda said it and it's true. "The brain is more powerful than any steroid..."


Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:05 am
by Bavis
I just start bodybuilding and not enough strong and can not lift heavy weight.
Please help me how can I build more strength to lift heavy weight and become strong.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:27 pm
by RobRegish
Bavis wrote:I just start bodybuilding and not enough strong and can not lift heavy weight.
Please help me how can I build more strength to lift heavy weight and become strong.
It's simple man, you just crank out 3 sets of 10 3x a week. Take a multi, drink your protein shakes and say your prayers.

Nothing fancy needed brother. Head on over to body building dot com to get some killer info. as per the above. When you get REALLY advanced, look into NO2 hemodialators. You down these before a set of jumping jacks to absolute muscular failure, and you'll be HOOOOYGE in no time.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:51 pm
by beefcake66
those stats are totally for guys :(

The best I've EVER done in any of those lifts:
135lbs Bench @ 160lbs
115lbs Bench @ 140lbs

240lbs DL @ ~150lbs
225lbs DL @ 135lbs

200lb Squat @ 160lbs
squat is now non-existant.

Seems to be absolutely linear for me... Gotta fix this...

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:42 pm
by ckeahey76
Well, I never considered myself stron, but I was told that I am.

Weight 205

bp = 300
squat = 340 (did not have a spotter so didn't want to push it)
dl = 260 ( do not really do this much)

Don't know if this makes me strong, but I am happy with where I am, and if I did more cardio then I would probably get my weight down to 185 - 190.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:52 am
by IronBar81
I'm 87Kg.

1RM for Standing Overhead Press = 62.5Kg
1RM for Bench Press = 95Kg
1RM for Squat = 95Kg

I've been training for about 15 months but only started a proper squat program about 4 months ago so it's lagging at the moment.

Alot of people don't seem to bother with the Overhead Press anymore but it's one of my favourite lifts.

From some of the numbers I hear about, mine are on the lower end so I wouldn't consider myself anything other than a bit stronger than the average joe.