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Extend or Shorten Cruise

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:37 am
by thicketman
I've just finished a shortened Feast due to overtraining, so I'm transitioning into the Cruise.

The problem is that a 3 week Cruise places my next famine right in the middle of Thanksgiving...not cool.

So, I'm considering one of a few options:

1) Extend my Cruise by one week, so that Famine falls on the week after Thanksgiving.
2) Shorten my Cruise by one week so that Famine falls one week prior to Thanksgiving.
3) Go forward with a normal cruise, and have an abbreviated famine (3 days) and cutting calories even further than normal ans start Feast on Thanksgiving.

Advice is much appreciated.

The stats from my 1st 3.0 run are here: ... c&start=34

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:40 pm
by Street-dreams
extend your cruise

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:22 pm
by matter2003
Personally for my body type, I would run a 2 week cruise and then take a full off week before starting over again on second run starting with famine...
Then again, for this run I ran a 3 week cruise and took a full week off, so its really up to you and how you feel...

I always take a full week off lifting after cruise to allow my body and joints to rest and heal up any nagging injuries or issues, although I will sometimes do some cardio only to try and burn some fat...

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:25 am
by bigpelo
Having thanksgiving right after famine could be a good way to refeed protein BUT, in your case, considering you got overtrained during feast, I would suggest you extend your cruise but do the same number of workout, so a little more days to recover between cruise WO. Then take a full week off weight, maybe do cardio as Matter says, low intensity steady state. Finally, use your spare time during this off week to plan your next run.

My 0.02$

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:43 pm
by thicketman

Thanks for the responses.