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Bstyles4285's first BP run!!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:59 am
by bstyles4285
whatsup guys.. first let me introduce myself

my name is brian. residing in NYC.. currently hanging around 165 and 8-9 percent body fat.

goals for this first run..

take it one week at a time.. listen to my body.. make some considerable size gains.. and see if i can dent that 7-5 % body fat range :)

just came off of about 10 weeks of Layne's PHAT program with some good results.. but looking to do something considerable with the blueprint!

ill be posting here as i go with questions, comments.. and will also take some before/ during/ after pics..

supplements i will be using
Creatine mono,
beta alanine
citrulline malate
vit d3

obviously using these at appropriate times during the 3 phases..

thats about it for now.. i am sure i will post very often with questions as they arise..

thanks for the help in advance everyone!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:40 pm
by matter2003
Welcome to the BP Family!

Get ready to grow like a weed!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:01 pm
by crpolley
Welcome man!

Are you doing 2.0 or 3.0?
Bulk or Recomp?

You're going to love the program ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:12 pm
by bstyles4285
hey hey,
im going to be doing the 3.0 feast phase and the 2.0 famine and cruise phases... going for mostly recomp but wouldnt mind bumping up to the 170 ish range... going to follow the calorie guidelines pretty close although i can tell that i will need a little more on my training days considering what i have already been doing.. i have been eating more of a raw food centered higher protein higher fat diet latley and it has been keeping me pretty leaan but for the feast phase i will definitly introduce some more grains/oats/ sweet potatoes back in as well..

going to take it week by week and make adjustments if need be but for this first run im just going to do it by the book and see what happens!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:20 pm
by RobRegish
bstyles4285 wrote:hey hey,
im going to be doing the 3.0 feast phase and the 2.0 famine and cruise phases... going for mostly recomp but wouldnt mind bumping up to the 170 ish range... going to follow the calorie guidelines pretty close although i can tell that i will need a little more on my training days considering what i have already been doing.. i have been eating more of a raw food centered higher protein higher fat diet latley and it has been keeping me pretty leaan but for the feast phase i will definitly introduce some more grains/oats/ sweet potatoes back in as well..

going to take it week by week and make adjustments if need be but for this first run im just going to do it by the book and see what happens!
Welcome aboard the gain train man! Right here for you, in the event you have any questions...

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:02 pm
by bstyles4285
day 1--- workout 1 in the bag... wooo! set a few pr's today too... pretty hungry but im dealing haha!

official start weigh in 163lbs

ill try to have calipers done in the next day or so..


Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:27 pm
by bstyles4285
day 3- that workout was freaking hard.. calorie restriction definitly setting in... heres something funny
my starting weight was roughly 163.. been keeping my calories right around 1300 perday protein around 50 or less. today i weighed in at 167.. water?? probably..

ahhh im getting excited to rest those 72hrs and feast tho ill tell you that much!!

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:34 pm
by JlCh
Protein should be 30 grams or less.

Workout 2 is where it always hits me (day 3). Only 2 more days though :)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:29 am
by RobRegish
OK man great work!

Remember, there's a HIGH likelihood you WON'T need workout 3. If so, simply continue to run out the diet through day 5.

Health first!

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:35 am
by bstyles4285
yea im definitly feelin it lol..

what would you say to a shortened workout 3 if im really feeling up too it ?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:52 am
by bigpelo
bstyles4285 wrote:yea im definitly feelin it lol..

what would you say to a shortened workout 3 if im really feeling up too it ?
My suggestion: low intensity steady state cardio, 30 minutes or so.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:27 pm
by bstyles4285
aight its the last day of famine... i actually feel like crap a little bit so im upping calories and protein just a tad.. probably 60g total for the day of protein just to help my self even out.. today i was feeling hypoglycemic... am i killing the effects of the famine by doing this? its 630 pm on day 5 of the fast.. how much am i undoing the effects by taking this extra protein if its the night time on the final day of the famine??..

im guessing not alot but its easy to feel like im shooting myself in the foot you know? but man i was getting tunnel vision for a minute ( probably because i was way more active then i wanted to be today ( taught two excercise classes)

sorry for the neuronic nature of this post.. but low calories and low protein for 5 days straight was tough cause im pretty active... thanks for any advice !

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:30 pm
by RobRegish
bstyles4285 wrote:aight its the last day of famine... i actually feel like crap a little bit so im upping calories and protein just a tad.. probably 60g total for the day of protein just to help my self even out.. today i was feeling hypoglycemic... am i killing the effects of the famine by doing this? its 630 pm on day 5 of the fast.. how much am i undoing the effects by taking this extra protein if its the night time on the final day of the famine??..

im guessing not alot but its easy to feel like im shooting myself in the foot you know? but man i was getting tunnel vision for a minute ( probably because i was way more active then i wanted to be today ( taught two excercise classes)

sorry for the neuronic nature of this post.. but low calories and low protein for 5 days straight was tough cause im pretty active... thanks for any advice !
You'll be fine on the protein issue. Apologize for being late to the game as I had family issues yesterday to deal with, but per my prior guidance here, there and everywhere = Skip workout #3 if you have ANY reservation(s) in your mind.


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:01 pm
by bstyles4285
I appreciate the quick reply rob. Famine is done! Had a big breakfast this am eggs ground turkey. Muesli/ oatmeal. Peanut butter. Already feel myself filling back out ! 72hrs means Tuesday will be my first feast workout... Really excited to get going !!