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do you drink alcohol?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:50 pm
by tufluk
Hi guys and girls, just wanted to get some opinions off of you regarding alcohol :)

Its so detrimental to fitness goals with loss of minerals, water, test and increased fat gain to scratch the surface but do you drink regardless?

How do you younger guys cope with the pressure? or is there any?

im 19 and haven't drank in over a year, barely even before that, don't touch soda either. the amount of times iv hear friends say there on a "diet" and drink it all away on the weekend is stupid.

I personally don't think its worth the money and sides but I ask these questions because I have just started a new job and there's a night out that im inclined to go to, however it all revolves around drink.

when people ask why I don't drink, I dislike giving a reason regarding building muscle and loosing fat.

Your personal views on the matter are much appreciated. :D

Re: do you drink alcohol?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:21 pm
by RobRegish
tufluk wrote:Hi guys and girls, just wanted to get some opinions off of you regarding alcohol :)

Its so detrimental to fitness goals with loss of minerals, water, test and increased fat gain to scratch the surface but do you drink regardless?

How do you younger guys cope with the pressure? or is there any?

im 19 and haven't drank in over a year, barley even before that, don't touch soda either. the amount of times iv hear friends say there on a "diet" and drink it all away on the weekend is stupid.

I personally don't think its worth the money and sides but I ask these questions because I have just started a new job and there's a night out that im inclined to go to, however it all revolves around drink.

when people ask why I don't drink, I dislike giving a reason regarding building muscle and loosing fat.

Your personal views on the matter are much appreciated. :D
None for me, given it MAY have deleterious effects on hormone levels. Old folk need all the help, they can get... :)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:32 pm
by Ragee
I commend you on considering the less than optimal lifestyles of other guys your age and choosing not to fall in line because it is not fitting with YOUR choices and goals.

Though, I'm of the opinion that drinking in 'moderation' (say 2-3 drinks max in a sitting, no more than 6-7 drinks in a given week) is beneficial, for me at least. A moderate alcohol intake has positive health benefits, e.g. for heart health, relaxation, ridding fluid retention, while not being a detriment to your hormones or organs. Drinking every day and in excess is a different story, though.

The health points aside, being able to drink (again moderately!) in a social setting by casually sipping on a drink throughout the night can have very positive social consequences, rather than being 'that guy' who always has to explain he's not drinking when offered. Trust me, I know. I used to be 'that guy.' Even if everyone's 'cool' with it, there may be some resistance to you (because some will perceive you choosing not to drink as you being judgmental, even if you aren't!). Crappy, in that regard, I agree, that people are too self-conscious when you are simply making a choice (for yourself!)

However, I choose to split the difference, casually nursing my drink and blend in without getting wasted, fat, or arrested. Everyone has a great time and pays no mind to the fact I've had the same drink in my hand all night. ;)

Martin Berkhan's LeanGains blog has a great article on the social and health aspects of drinking too, if that interests you.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:12 pm
by matter2003
2 things I don't drink---soda and alcohol...

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:26 pm
by drtda
I think that different drinks have different results.

While I've never heard of beer or hard alcohol being beneficial, they certainly can be harmful to your lifting.

On the other hand, wine has many proven benefits health-wise if done in moderation. I drink only wine if I have any alcohol.

Franco Columbo used to have a glass of wine with dinner every night, and he was a kick-ass old school warrior in my book.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:35 pm
by nigh70wl
I don't drink if I've lifted that day, or the day before. I don't know if it's supported by any research but IMO alcohol is poison, does nasty things to the body, and I don't want it anywhere near me if I've been lifting. it's an aversion that is probably more than half psychological in nature but I'm okay with it

edit to respond to drtda: it's all ethanol

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:03 pm
by matter2003
Most of the benefits from red wine can be traced to resveratol. Save thr alcohol part and just take some resveratol...

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:53 pm
by RyannayR
I used to drink regularly in college but now I drink occasionally. My gains have been somewhat better since I stopped drinking a lot but overall I feel a hell of a lot healthier. If your young you shouldn't beat yourself up if you want to go to a party and have a few drinks IMO. Just get back on track right away the next day. Everything in moderation.

If you get hammered a few nights a week it could be detrimental but if you enjoy a few drinks in a social setting on occasion I think you'll be fine.

My brother plays college football and a team policy is to prohibit alcohol everyday except for after games on Saturday.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:36 pm
by JlCh
Unfortunately it's an all in or out for me. I won't go to a party and sip on a beer, but then again my "party" is a group of buds getting sloshed playing drinking games usually.

With that said, haven't touched any alch for the past 3-4 weeks since I started my 3.0 run.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:50 am
by matter2003
2 things I don't drink---soda and alcohol...

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:35 pm
by BrainSquirt
matter2003 wrote:2 things I don't drink---soda and alcohol...
Kudos, matter

I usually only have soda on Christmas and my birthday.
I only drink alcoholic beverages 3 - 4 times a year on special occasions.
Also, sometimes when I use bulk powders of extracts that don't dissolve in water (like grape seed extract, etc) , I use a tblspoon of tequila, vodka, or brandy to get the dissolving started then add other liquids.

Sodas are a wonderful way to age your body, weaken your immune system, and decomp instead of recomp, etc.

Any alcohol consumed above what is readily / immediately converted to sugar damages your brains, liver, and spirit... not worth it in the long run. So many better ways to 'heart health', etc.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:41 pm
by matter2003
BrainSquirt wrote:
matter2003 wrote:2 things I don't drink---soda and alcohol...
Kudos, matter

I usually only have soda on Christmas and my birthday.
I only drink alcoholic beverages 3 - 4 times a year on special occasions.
Also, sometimes when I use bulk powders of extracts that don't dissolve in water (like grape seed extract, etc) , I use a tblspoon of tequila, vodka, or brandy to get the dissolving started then add other liquids.

Sodas are a wonderful way to age your body, weaken your immune system, and decomp instead of recomp, etc.

Any alcohol consumed above what is readily / immediately converted to sugar damages
your brains, liver, and spirit... not worth it in the long run. So many better ways to 'heart health', etc.
Ya I saw a study that even drinking one soda a day drastically increases the odds of death regardless of all other factors...can't find study right now but I believe it was something like 50% or somewhere near there...

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:50 pm
by tufluk
Thanks for your input guys

I think ill go with the old "moderation is key" outlook.
wouldn't dream of drinking on a run though.

The health points aside, being able to drink (again moderately!) in a social setting by casually sipping on a drink throughout the night can have very positive social consequences, rather than being 'that guy' who always has to explain he's not drinking when offered. Trust me, I know. I used to be 'that guy.' Even if everyone's 'cool' with it, there may be some resistance to you (because some will perceive you choosing not to drink as you being judgmental, even if you aren't!). Crappy, in that regard, I agree, that people are too self-conscious when you are simply making a choice (for yourself!)
real good point mate regarding being that guy and the friction involved.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:21 pm
by scoooter
I've been classified as a "social drinker"

enjoy a beer during the week with dinner.
also substitute wine, which is suppose to have some medicinal effects.
I find that during the summer time weekends I consume/party more.

It's a dual edge sword and go to far and you know what can happen.