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Study finding extra Leucine with Amino Acid mix boosts...

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:26 pm
by matter2003
Muscle Growth.

This study from ergo-log seems to validate USPLabs claim that Modern BCAA's with an 8:1:1 Leucine ratio is more effective at building muscle and activating the mTor pathway than other BCAA ratios and products. Personally I tend to agree with them and exclusively use it now...great price, great product and great taste, what's not to like :P

Here is the study:

Amino acid mix with added leucine makes muscles grow faster

Reduce the amount of other amino acids, but add more leucine. The result: a supplement, sports drink or shake that stimulates exercise-induced muscle growth better than similar protein products. Researchers at Tufts University and the American army published the results of an experiment they did in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Leucine is an interesting amino acid. Muscle cells can 'see' leucine, as it were, and depending on the number of 'leucine prompts' they've had, they decide how hard they want to make their anabolic machinery work. The more leucine a muscle cell contains, the more energy the cell invests in building up muscle proteins.

The researchers got the soldiers to cycle for an hour at 50-60 percent of their VO2max, a level at which they were unable to hold a conversation. During that hour the subjects drank a total of 500 ml of a sports drink containing 10 g amino acids. On one occasion the soldiers got a standard mix [EAA]; on the other they got a mix containing extra leucine and less of the other amino acids [L-EAA]. The EAA mix contained 1.9 g leucine; the L-EAA mix contained 3.5 g leucine.


When the researchers examined muscle fibre samples, they noticed that the leucine-rich mix resulted in 33 percent more muscle protein synthesis than the standard mix. That's a statistically significant difference. This was partly because the extra leucine reduced the breakdown of muscle tissue. And these effects were statistically significant too.

The researchers have not yet worked out how extra leucine boosts muscle growth. The theory is that leucine activates anabolic signal molecules like IRS-1, Akt and mTOR, but the researchers found no evidence of this. Other more recent studies have shown evidence however. So leucine works, but probably in a different way to how we think it does.

"Consumption of a 10-g dose of EAA enriched with leucine during moderate endurance-type exercise stimulated increased MPS when compared with an isonitrogenous EAA supplement with an amino acid profile consistent with high quality proteins", the researchers write. "Increasing leucine availability during steady state exercise promotes skeletal muscle protein anabolism and spares endogenous protein."


Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:14 am
by askmass
All due respect, MASS PRO Amino strikes the perfect balance IMO.

It literally FEEDS the training machine for a lot of us guys, and has fueled me over time to an all-time personal best in road cycling TODAY.

Real results is something we take seriously.


TESTED POSITIVE for Performance Enhancement

"Quality" is something you see talked about a lot in ads for nutritional supplements like amino acids... However, simply claiming something does not make it true.

No matter how much an amino acid ad (ours included) might TALK about quality, the bottom line is this; What's inside the bottle has to deliver REAL RESULTS or all the big talk amounts to nothing but hot air. That's a core "truth" we've always focused on at Muscle And Sports Science. The way we see it, delivering real, result producing products is either at the center of everything a nutritional supplement company does - or, it isn't.

We're proud of the fact the MASS PRO® name carries with it a great reputation for top-shelf quality and 1st rate results. With this in mind, allow us to introduce you to MASS PRO AMINO.


Born of detailed scientific studies and real world athlete trials, MASS PRO AMINO is a precise, targeted matrix of premium Glutamine Supreme™ and mega-potentcy Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA). MASS PRO AMINO is specifically designed to deliver "maximum impact" when and where you need it most.


You know that hard training is vital to your success. You also know hard training breaks down muscle (catabolism). MASS PRO AMINO turns the advantage squarely in your favor by replenishing the amino acids most needed during training; Glutamine and the Branched Chain Amino Acids (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine). Simply put, MASS PRO AMINO helps you attain the most success from your hard training.

For strength and endurance athletes, and those dieting, it's smart to know the BCAA's in MASS PRO AMINO are INSTANTLY metabolized and utilized. Taken before and during training (or upon awakening) this mega-potency amino matrix is so strongly anabolic that it stops muscle-wasting catabolism in it's tracks. In fact, one 8 gram MASS PRO AMINO serving packs enough BCAA potency to power your body out of catabolism and into an anabolic state in just minutes. That is maximum impact. That is research backed FACT. It's also a bucket of cold water tossed on the big talkers pushing little milligram sized amino acid capsules.


MASS PRO AMINO saturates you with "muscle energy fuel", raises exercise induced Growth Hormone (GH) and delays fatigue. BCAA's are the only pure amino acids that provide energy and extend endurance, especially during hard training. Growth Hormone is the most important anabolic in your body with a vast profile of athletic, physique and life enhancement benefits. Recent clinical trials show Glutamine impacts GH release far more than known before... As little as 2 grams taken in the MASS PRO AMINO format can exert a 430% GH increase as published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. MASS PRO AMINO packs 5 grams of Glutamine Supreme per serving. MASS PRO's hefty BCAA's taken during training are also proven to boost GH.

Oh, and here's something the "big talkers" can't say straight faced; A 1992 study in Italy found that mega-potency BCAA's as in MASS PRO AMINO taken pre-workout peak post-workout Testosterone levels.


In a clinical study conducted by Current Therapeutic Research, the effects of the exact ratio/potency/dose of Glutamine and BCAA's in MASS PRO AMINO was studied on seasoned weight lifters. Sixteen athletes were split into two groups with each following ten weeks of supervised diet and weight training. The supplemental group received only the addition of the MASS PRO AMINO formula. Body composition and max repetitions on the bench press and leg press were logged at the start of the experiment, and then again ten weeks later.

The RESULTS? (the big talkers don't want you to know this)

The MASS PRO AMINO formula group improved more than DOUBLE the control group on both lifts and gained almost 3 pounds more lean muscle mass on average. Everyone noted less post-training soreness, too. This impressive new study further validates a 1997 trial published in Medicina Dello Sport where high dose Branched Chain Amino Acids taken during training were shown to greatly increase strength and protein synthesis, leading to lean muscle mass gains.


MASS PRO AMINO is "the ultimate amino" formula to use during training to improve your strength and power. To fight fatigue, elevate growth hormone and induce a muscle building anabolic state - 100% drug-free. That's not hot air from some high-paid advertising hot shot, it's tested positive TRUTH and a guarantee of top-shelf quality and 1st rate results from the trusted Muscle And Sports Science team.

You invest the sweat, and MASS PRO AMINO will help you reach your greatest success.

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Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:31 am
by matter2003
With all due respect, this study suggests otherwise...

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:45 am
by askmass
I don't see where it suggests an athlete can double his rate of strength gains over the control group.

And, it certainly was not compared against the custom MPA blend (of which leucine IS key and second only to glutamine in the mix), which has been shown to double strength gains.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:50 pm
by scoooter
I thought Glutamine was considered worthless, unless you in a motionless state of wasting like a coma ?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:33 pm
by matter2003
Glutamine is also included in a form called sustanimine(spelling), but with an 8:1:1 mixture of leucine...

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:36 am
by RobRegish
My take...

Glutamine is far from worthless, BUT it largely depends upon WHEN, WHERE and HOW it's used. Sound familiar? :) BP seeks to hammer this point home. So with that said, here are my thoughts.

It appears to be a law of some sort, that every mention of Glutamine comes complete with some verbage along the following lines; "Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in muscle, and blah blah blah... " :)

Now, worth pointing out that Glutamine DOES have merit. For example, unlike most amino's it has a bland taste, doesn't taste like sasquatch droppings and you can consume tens of grams, without heaving. Among other attributes -

1. Mild taste/texture
2. Boosts GH in a dose of as little as 2-3grams on an empty stomach
3. Improves rates and amount of glycogen replenishment
4. Gram for gram, raises insulin as much as dextrose/sugar, in the context of an intra-workout drink (for those on a low carb diet).

Now, glutamine on a bulking/protein rich diet and taken outside the workout IS largely um, unremarkable. However, time that appropriately in and around the workout and you start to reap the benefits of the above (in particular, attribute #3).

A savvy formulator will leverage this, so let's look at MPA, shall we? I didn't take it on faith, that MPA was "that much better", although MASS's word goes a LONG way with me, given I've never been steered wrong. So, what did I do?

I put it to the glucometer!

That's right, and the #'s don't lie. It reliably delivered a lower blood glucose # when used as part of "The Formula", vs. bulk generic BCAA's and even Xtend - a popular flavored BCAA formula (amongst other goodies).

Why is this so?

I speculate that the amount of Glutamine in MPA (#1 ingredient), did in fact assist in depositing more glycogen/amylyopectins in The Formula and/or allowed them to be used to power through the workout, thus sparing more of the BCAA's for incorporation into muscle tissue. This is important, b/c the body WILL use BCAA's as an energy substrate in the absence of such. You don't want that, you want the BCAA's for incorporation into muscle tissue!

Also, BCAA's are the carbon skeleton of Glutamine. Why divert those goodies, to re-synthesize into glutamine when you can free them up to do the dirty deed?

As always, please don't take my word for it - test it yourself on the glucometer AND - USE WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:02 am
by DaCookie
John is the glutamine/BCAA in MPA instantized?

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:08 am
by the_buffer
I love the idea of upping the amount of leucine. Unfortunately this study reads like a magazine ad for the latest "super pill", which is a shame.

As for glutamine, I recently re-read Bodyopus and Duchaine makes an interesting point, saying something to the effect of: taking free form glutamine is largely useless because after it passes through the liver very litle of it will actually make its way to the muscles. He suggests instead trying alpha-Ketoglutarate.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:18 pm
by DaCookie
I dont think its useless.Definitely has its benefits intra but I think it has much less benefit when taken with protein/extra BCAA on top of that.Most protein is mostly glutamine as far as I remember, especially whey.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:29 pm
by askmass
DaCookie wrote:John is the glutamine/BCAA in MPA instantized?
Answered this in a PM, but will here as well for the record.
askmass wrote:Oh, on the Glutamine... Micronized! We completely shun any chemical treatment, but it is the finest multiple mesh treatment sifted down to microfine.

This isn't clumped up chinese grade with special bonus melamine we're talking about here.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:53 pm
by doolee
The EAA mix contained 1.9 g leucine; the L-EAA mix contained 3.5 g leucine.

Study does not support your claim. While leucine is the key initiator of MPS, the maximum benefit is reaped around the 3-4g range. Therefore, it is obvious that the L-EAA mix which has an optimal amount of leucine would outperform the underdosed EAA mix. Gotta love researchers making extraneous claims to differentiate themselves from previously performed studies.

If you were trying to suggest that 8:1:1 ratios are more effective for muscle-building purposes, that would be incorrect. You would just need more total BCAAs in a 2:1:1 ratio to achieve the same amount of leucine. Would rather buy a cheaper 2:1:1 bulk powder than overpriced USP labs flavoring. Or supplement with straight leucine.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:26 am
by RobRegish
Leucine is hot, so it doesn't surprise me to see companies jacking up the dosage. We need to keep in mind that there's a gram threshold, likely around 3-5 grams. Trust me, I've boatloaded Leucine to the gills - there's a ceiling.

One other note about Glutamine - it's also the building block of DNA/RNA nucleotide pools, which are uber important insofar as DNA transcription and mRNA/tRNA are concerned.

There are other, obscure nutraceuticals which assist in re-cycling theese nucleic acid pools. You'll be hearing more about that, at some point... :)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:47 pm
by Street-dreams
You say the threshold for leucine is 3-5 grams yet there is more than that recommended in the formula.. is this because of the extended time it is consumed during?