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After BluePrint - Cut and Ripped Program Recommendations?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:43 pm
by EctoBuilder
I'm currently running the feast blueprint now(famine was pretty tough, but I survived). My question is, after one has made some awesome strength gains by running the blueprint 2 or 3 times, any recommendations on what program to use after that to get the muscles and veins popping out and get really defined? I was thinking Vince Del Monte's program, but I wasn't sure if anyone hear has tried it or not? I know that the before/after pics look really impressive.

Again, this is AFTER you've achieved your strength goals via blueprint.......

Thanks all!

Re: After BluePrint - Cut and Ripped Program Recommendations

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:08 am
by RobRegish
EctoBuilder wrote:I'm currently running the feast blueprint now(famine was pretty tough, but I survived). My question is, after one has made some awesome strength gains by running the blueprint 2 or 3 times, any recommendations on what program to use after that to get the muscles and veins popping out and get really defined? I was thinking Vince Del Monte's program, but I wasn't sure if anyone hear has tried it or not? I know that the before/after pics look really impressive.

Again, this is AFTER you've achieved your strength goals via blueprint.......

Thanks all!
You have several options here, BP and non-BP. What I want to warn you about is a classic mistake most, but I'd rather not anyone running BP make - losing all of your newfound size/strength you worked so hard for!

3.0 will re-comp you QUICKLY, and was designed just for this purpose. It really is the ideal solution to hardening up an already big/strong physique. I'm not being flippant with what follows, but rather using it as a tool to make a point... OK? No offense to anyone, so know its with good intent... :)

If you REALLY want to piss away your gains/hard work, proceed as follows:

1.) Lower the tension of your barbell work/"go for the burn, baby"...
2.) Do LOTS of fast sets and reps. In other words, generate as much cortisol as possible. It chews up muscle FAST.
3.) To assist in #2, don't eat much. Whatever you do, stay away from protein.
4.) Don't get your bodyfat tested. It might reveal you're losing all muscle, vs. fat. Going about things this way, you can continue going down the wrong road.

Adhere to steps 1-4 above (it's easy, and requires you only join the Sheeple), and you'll find yourself FAR from Gainsville by the time you realize what's happening. In fact, you'll arrive in Averagebury, a suburb of the capital.

Whole lotta' Sheeple like there. Crowded place, vs. the nice, quite paradise called Gainsville I've built... :)

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:12 am
by bigpelo
I have achieved great gains in strength while cutting fat during my last run. You can check my log: ... php?t=1286

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:15 am
by RobRegish
This is the answer I should have given.

Thanks man... :)

bigpelo wrote:I have achieved great gains in strength while cutting fat during my last run. You can check my log: ... php?t=1286

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:35 pm
by pmartinez78
Rob speaks the truth. After my second BP run, I did what Rob listed above and I lost size, strength, and gained bf. Now after 2 more BP runs, I'm the biggest and leanest I have ever been.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:32 pm
by JlCh
I, as well, fell after my first BP run. I made huge gains, but at a cost. My already poor joints got hammered with the crazy amount of strength I was coming up on and so I tried to go back to a more "maintaining" type of program and ALL strength from my run was lost within 2 weeks.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:00 pm
by EctoBuilder
Thanks everyone. Okay Rob, I'll use the 3.0 after a couple of BP runs. I had no idea the answer was in there...Even though you've sent me the 3.0, I haven't read it yet, because I didn't want to get it confused with what's in 2.0. I'm assuming 3.0 is only to be completed after one has copleted 2.0, so once I complete 2.0, then I'll start with 3.0.


P..S. Been running the GOMAD program(gallon of milk a day) and I'm doing about 3/4 a gallon a day so far, trying to get my body used to it. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, and I'm also doing a Push/Pull routine using exercises in the 4 to 8 rep range...I just started actually.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:46 pm
by drhowe9
Here's my question..

I'm mid blueprint 2.0 run.. Bulking up and gaining strength. I will have 3 runs after this is preperation for the summer where I like to be ripped up as . How would you reccomend I run my next 3 runs? Incoprorating 3.0 on the last run? Using it next than back to bulk? Hopefully I'm clear on what I mean haha

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:44 am
by JlCh
I'd stick with all 3.0's in all honesty. If you get ripped enough after 1, then I'd go with 2.0, as it's not too terribly hard to keep BF down with it if you zig zag right and keep up with cardio sessions ect.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:07 am
by the_buffer
Going along the lines of what the others said, BP 3.0 might be your best bet... to begin with anyway.

If you spend the next few months doing a calorie cycling "recomp" program that includes both low and high volume weight training you won't be dissapoint.

Once you're down to the last few pounds of fat to burn that's when things become tricky, and you might want to start a much stricter "competition"-style diet that includes carb cycling and even occupational fast days. But personally I only do those in late spring when summer's approaching because they're so damned difficult and life consuming.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:04 pm
by RobRegish
Solid advice here, and lots of it.

The answer largely depends upon how sloppy you bulk/eat, if on a pure bulk routine. You can certainly diet that off quickly as well, but the best of both worlds is staying reasonably lean during a 2.0 bulker, even the Periodic (on page 60, of 2.0), then sliding into 3.0 to finish the job.

"Cutting" as I see it is passe'/only for those going into a contest. On a pure cut, there's too much risk of real LBM loss IMO, chasing that last bit of bodyfat down. It becomes much more manageable, on 3.0's template.

THE BIG LESSON: Don't throw away gains, as I and others have in the past. I'm counseling such, so that you don't make these mistakes. You can get almost everything back (including lost money), but not time...

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:24 pm
by EctoBuilder
RobRegish wrote:Solid advice here, and lots of it.

"Cutting" as I see it is passe'/only for those going into a contest. On a pure cut, there's too much risk of real LBM loss IMO, chasing that last bit of bodyfat down. It becomes much more manageable, on 3.0's template.
Actually, I probably should have been more specific when I mentioned "cutting" I didn't mean "cutting" to have the look like a Bruce Lee, but I did mean "cutting" so that your muscles stand our more under all of the fat...Because if you really cabn't see the muscles that's under all the fat, there's really not a point in getting big at all.... That's the kind of cutting I'm talking about. Just bringing the muscles out more so that one doesn't look "fat" and looks "muscular" instead....But I'm hoping your 3.0 will help me achieve that, but I'm not there yet :wink:

Re: After BluePrint - Cut and Ripped Program Recommendations

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:05 am
by DaCookie
RobRegish wrote:
EctoBuilder wrote:I'm currently running the feast blueprint now(famine was pretty tough, but I survived). My question is, after one has made some awesome strength gains by running the blueprint 2 or 3 times, any recommendations on what program to use after that to get the muscles and veins popping out and get really defined? I was thinking Vince Del Monte's program, but I wasn't sure if anyone hear has tried it or not? I know that the before/after pics look really impressive.

Again, this is AFTER you've achieved your strength goals via blueprint.......

Thanks all!
You have several options here, BP and non-BP. What I want to warn you about is a classic mistake most, but I'd rather not anyone running BP make - losing all of your newfound size/strength you worked so hard for!

3.0 will re-comp you QUICKLY, and was designed just for this purpose. It really is the ideal solution to hardening up an already big/strong physique. I'm not being flippant with what follows, but rather using it as a tool to make a point... OK? No offense to anyone, so know its with good intent... :)

If you REALLY want to piss away your gains/hard work, proceed as follows:

1.) Lower the tension of your barbell work/"go for the burn, baby"...
2.) Do LOTS of fast sets and reps. In other words, generate as much cortisol as possible. It chews up muscle FAST.
3.) To assist in #2, don't eat much. Whatever you do, stay away from protein.
4.) Don't get your bodyfat tested. It might reveal you're losing all muscle, vs. fat. Going about things this way, you can continue going down the wrong road.

Adhere to steps 1-4 above (it's easy, and requires you only join the Sheeple), and you'll find yourself FAR from Gainsville by the time you realize what's happening. In fact, you'll arrive in Averagebury, a suburb of the capital.

Whole lotta' Sheeple like there. Crowded place, vs. the nice, quite paradise called Gainsville I've built... :)
No. 2 is probably the worst mistake I ever made(and recently) besides when I first started for about the first 6months I thought just a protein shake after my workout and a steak for dinner was enough protein :lol:

Re: After BluePrint - Cut and Ripped Program Recommendations

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:04 pm
by RobRegish
DaCookie wrote:
RobRegish wrote:
EctoBuilder wrote:I'm currently running the feast blueprint now(famine was pretty tough, but I survived). My question is, after one has made some awesome strength gains by running the blueprint 2 or 3 times, any recommendations on what program to use after that to get the muscles and veins popping out and get really defined? I was thinking Vince Del Monte's program, but I wasn't sure if anyone hear has tried it or not? I know that the before/after pics look really impressive.

Again, this is AFTER you've achieved your strength goals via blueprint.......

Thanks all!
You have several options here, BP and non-BP. What I want to warn you about is a classic mistake most, but I'd rather not anyone running BP make - losing all of your newfound size/strength you worked so hard for!

3.0 will re-comp you QUICKLY, and was designed just for this purpose. It really is the ideal solution to hardening up an already big/strong physique. I'm not being flippant with what follows, but rather using it as a tool to make a point... OK? No offense to anyone, so know its with good intent... :)

If you REALLY want to piss away your gains/hard work, proceed as follows:

1.) Lower the tension of your barbell work/"go for the burn, baby"...
2.) Do LOTS of fast sets and reps. In other words, generate as much cortisol as possible. It chews up muscle FAST.
3.) To assist in #2, don't eat much. Whatever you do, stay away from protein.
4.) Don't get your bodyfat tested. It might reveal you're losing all muscle, vs. fat. Going about things this way, you can continue going down the wrong road.

Adhere to steps 1-4 above (it's easy, and requires you only join the Sheeple), and you'll find yourself FAR from Gainsville by the time you realize what's happening. In fact, you'll arrive in Averagebury, a suburb of the capital.

Whole lotta' Sheeple like there. Crowded place, vs. the nice, quite paradise called Gainsville I've built... :)
No. 2 is probably the worst mistake I ever made(and recently) besides when I first started for about the first 6months I thought just a protein shake after my workout and a steak for dinner was enough protein :lol:
Join the club man, went YEARS making this mistake... :)