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(askmass probably knows) Question about opened supps

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:59 pm
by JML2011
So due to marriage, training transfers, and many other activities, I had gotten off the last run and took a little breather.

Gettin ready to head back into run #3 and still have a lot of supps leftover from previous. Noted: alkalyn, mass pro, gpa, amino, adapt-N, etc.

My question is are they still good? If they were opened, have they probably lost their potency by now? Been about 3ish months since opened.


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:13 pm
by askmass
Congratulations on your marriage, JML.

For our products, as long as they have been kept in a cool dry place you need not worry at all.

A sealed, unopened supplement is good through it's expiration date - and likely a year+ after - but will not be as potent as fresh, obviously.

Under good conditions, potency fades over time.

Under bad conditions, the loss happens much faster and deeper.

Once air is introduced, that is when you start to slowly lose potency... left open it is a rapid decline.

Resealed and kept cool and dry, it's a very slow fade and 3 months under those conditions is nothing to worry about at all.

The distinction on MASS supplements is that we turn over inventory much faster than most all others in sports nutrition.

Where we will do four big runs a year for a product like Adaptogen N, other companies typically would only do one run a year, or even one run every couple of years.

Why? To save money, but the problem is it then sits around in some warehouse forever before it reaches you to begin with.

More, here-

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:18 pm
by JML2011
Thanks askmass! Figured they would be as you stated.

Good to know I didnt lose too much of my limited wisdom haha

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:43 pm
by JlCh
Sucky. As I have some opened from Jan and didn't want to use them this run, as I've been inconsistent in the gym and would hate to dump even more $$ into a failed run (or working out period).

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:25 am
by RobRegish
JlCh wrote:Sucky. As I have some opened from Jan and didn't want to use them this run, as I've been inconsistent in the gym and would hate to dump even more $$ into a failed run (or working out period).
Is this just a matter of not being able to get to the gym frequently? If so, see your PM's.

I have solutions, for everything... :)