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Geared up for 3.0

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:50 pm
by MSR9889
Started my next run today, this time with my lifting partner at home. Weighed in at just over 202 this morning. Did not take my resting heart rate because I woke up in a hurry. Sleep has been mediocre since coming home from school. Im starting a new job this Monday which will require me to be up early so hopefully I can get into a pattern of falling asleep early without my meds. Working at the restaurant has been taking a toll on my knee so hopefully it will get better with my new job. I also ordered some Joint Force to try out. Right now Im coming off of 6 days rest with the exception of going to work.

BF% is around 18-19%

6 pack
Increase chest strength
Increase overall strength

Supps for this run:
Omega ONE and Ultima
Protein Factory PeptoPro
Thermolife EBol
Molecular Nutrition X-Factor Advanced
Gaspari Anavite
Genomyx Slin-Sane
NOW Vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin D, GABA, and Psyllium Husk Powder
Schiff Probiotic
E-Pharm Joint Force
Xtreme Formulations Whey and UP 2.0
TruNutrition Sciences Trutein

After 2 more weeks off of stims Ill add EC in to the mix

Basing my calories around 2300 maintenance, goals are 38.33g fat, 345g carbs, 143.75g protein a day.

Famine Workout #1

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:53 pm
by MSR9889
Took X-Factor Preworkout

Squats- 135x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x4, 225x4, 225x4
Cable Rows- 70x15, 100x8, 170x5, 170x4, 170x4

Standing EZ Bar Curl- 75x6
Incline DB Curls- 35x5
Preacher Curl- 75x2 superset with Standing EZ Bar Curl- 75x2

Back and my knee held up enough but I struggled more than I should be with squats. Work has been slowing down my recovery.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:55 pm
by MSR9889
PWO I ate 1 glass V8 high fiber, 2 slices of high fiber bread, 2 tbsp chocolate chips, 2 bags of sliced peppers with ranch and buffalo sauce in olive oil ~660 calories
lunch was 1 can refried beans with hot sauce and some ranch, 2 slices of high fiber bread, 3 slices soy cheese ~670 calories
didnt finish the beans at lunch but had a few bites of garlic bread at work

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:12 pm
by drtda
What do you think about using XFA with KA? I'm getting ready to start my 3.0 run next week. I've done all kinds of reading on various logs to get info and also got Rob's input, but am unsure with which way to go.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:06 pm
by Big.jazayrli
drtda wrote:What do you think about using XFA with KA? I'm getting ready to start my 3.0 run next week. I've done all kinds of reading on various logs to get info and also got Rob's input, but am unsure with which way to go.
stacking the two would be counter productive IIRC since ecdy has anti inflammatory properties. I'd think you'd be best in this order;

famine -> KA -> XFA

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:54 am
by RobRegish
Big.jazayrli wrote:
drtda wrote:What do you think about using XFA with KA? I'm getting ready to start my 3.0 run next week. I've done all kinds of reading on various logs to get info and also got Rob's input, but am unsure with which way to go.
stacking the two would be counter productive IIRC since ecdy has anti inflammatory properties. I'd think you'd be best in this order;

famine -> KA -> XFA
You know, this was my opinion as well... UNTIL, I took another look at that Baylor study...

If you dig deep, you'll note they noticed a REDUCTION in inflammation in several key inflammatory markers, among them Interleukin - 6!!

This stands in stark contrast, to the original marketing on such. The real world results have also supported co-ingested dosing.

I did the big, "I was wrong" in 3.0 on that one. Sometimes, you just need to admit.... you made a mistake :)

Way to go Matt!! Great to see you back in the game and loaded for bear. Gonna' be a hot summer with even more hot ladies out your way!!! Anything I can do to help, I will.

Consider it done... :):):):):)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:23 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:
Big.jazayrli wrote:
drtda wrote:What do you think about using XFA with KA? I'm getting ready to start my 3.0 run next week. I've done all kinds of reading on various logs to get info and also got Rob's input, but am unsure with which way to go.
stacking the two would be counter productive IIRC since ecdy has anti inflammatory properties. I'd think you'd be best in this order;

famine -> KA -> XFA
You know, this was my opinion as well... UNTIL, I took another look at that Baylor study...

If you dig deep, you'll note they noticed a REDUCTION in inflammation in several key inflammatory markers, among them Interleukin - 6!!

This stands in stark contrast, to the original marketing on such. The real world results have also supported co-ingested dosing.

I did the big, "I was wrong" in 3.0 on that one. Sometimes, you just need to admit.... you made a mistake :)

Way to go Matt!! Great to see you back in the game and loaded for bear. Gonna' be a hot summer with even more hot ladies out your way!!! Anything I can do to help, I will.

Consider it done... :):):):):)
thanks rob. any optimal dosing protocol or just standard for ebol and 4 XFA preworkout/2 on off days?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:24 pm
by MSR9889
lunch was 4 slices high fiber bread, 6 slices soy cheese, bag of mixed peppers, some broccoli, and 4 tbsp orange ginger sauce ~955 calories
had a couple bites of garlic bread at work
dinner was 1/2 serving of mixed nuts and a can of refried beans ~370 calories

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:51 pm
by RobRegish
MSR9889 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:
Big.jazayrli wrote: stacking the two would be counter productive IIRC since ecdy has anti inflammatory properties. I'd think you'd be best in this order;

famine -> KA -> XFA
You know, this was my opinion as well... UNTIL, I took another look at that Baylor study...

If you dig deep, you'll note they noticed a REDUCTION in inflammation in several key inflammatory markers, among them Interleukin - 6!!

This stands in stark contrast, to the original marketing on such. The real world results have also supported co-ingested dosing.

I did the big, "I was wrong" in 3.0 on that one. Sometimes, you just need to admit.... you made a mistake :)

Way to go Matt!! Great to see you back in the game and loaded for bear. Gonna' be a hot summer with even more hot ladies out your way!!! Anything I can do to help, I will.

Consider it done... :):):):):)
thanks rob. any optimal dosing protocol or just standard for ebol ecdy and 4 XFA preworkout/2 on off days?
A. The Ebol optimal use protocol in the stickies, tells it all for that product :) Here they are again...

ebol ecdy

2 caps one hour prior to your workout with a BIT of dietary fat, 3 caps of fish oil, tablespoon of fish oil or natural PB.

2 caps immediately post workout with the remaining 3rd of "The Formula"

2 caps with your sit down solid food meal an hour later.

Ideally, a higher PROTEIN and carb based meal. At least 50/50 there with a bit of dietary fat.

Off days 2 caps 3 times a day 30 min prior to your highest PROTEIN meals, ideally breakfast lunch and dinner.

With respect to the XFA, yes on the pre-workout dosing you're proposing. However, I'd split it 2 prior and 2 post.

This, in an effort to ensure BOTH the CNS benefits it may impart AND buildup in the muscle tissue is realized. Unclear, as of yet whether that buildup is realized with a "all at once", pre-workout dose.

Much like intra-workout nutrition itself, I surmise it's best to have all the bases covered. At least until the researchers can get it worked out..

Hope that helps!!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:14 pm
by MSR9889
sounds good. thanks again

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:11 am
by MSR9889
gym doesnt open till 11 this morning, and i have to work all day so im doing the second and 3rd workouts tomorrow and tuesday afternoon.

took xfactor this morning
breakfast was 2 cups 100% cranberry/pomegranate juice with 2 cups mixed berries, tsp psyllium powder, 2 slices high fiber bread and 3 slices soy cheese ~730 calories
lunch will be a bottle of organic fruit juice ~600 calories
also had a few bites of garlic bread at work

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:25 pm
by MSR9889
breakfast was 1 cup 100% juice and 1 up berries, 1 slices high fiber bread, 1 tbsp dark chocolate peanut butter and 1 tsp psyllium powder ~395 calories
took xfactor preworkout
dinner was bolthouse farms amazing mango juice, 1 can refried beans, 1 bag sliced peppers with ranch and hot sauce ~1075 calories

Famine Workout #2

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:28 pm
by MSR9889
good workout today. not busy at all so i had open access to everything i needed.

wide grip bench- 95x3, 135x8
normal bench- 135x8
incline bench- 105x2, 95x2, 85x4
decline bench- 85x8

superset with db shoulder press- 15x8, 15x8, 15x8, 15x8

close grip bench- 75x10
overhead db press- 30x10
rope cable pushdowns- 70x10

could have gone heavier on the triceps but i still got a crazy burn. last workout will be tomorrow afternoon.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:14 am
by RobRegish
Terrific work here, getting back on track!!

New BP peeps, case study right here insofar as overcoming adversity... :)

Nice work, Matt!!!