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Squat PR broken 4 times in 1 workout!! Unbelievable!!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 5:22 pm
by matter2003
Alright, haven't posted in a few days on my log due to traveling home from SC and exhaustion from that(17 hours in a car with a 3 1/2 year old and a 4 month old will do that...). I am on week 3 of the feast and was quite alarmed to see my weight had dropped back to 217 lbs when I woke up this morning...gonna run with the week 3 calorie recommendation however and see if I can shred up a little bit...

Was supposed to workout Sunday on my 1 on/2 off cycle, but since that was my travel day from hell, I was planning to workout Monday morning, but when I woke up at 5:30 am I realized there was no way in the world I was gonna do anything productive at the gym...I was still exhausted from the 5am-10pm driving session, so I decided to give it one more day...boy am glad I did...

Feast Workout 4

Still getting the hang of these rack pulls and I can see why you nee some type of wrist strap or those gloves as I could get the weight up but was having a hard time keeping it from slipping out of my hands.

Rack Pull: 315 lbs X 10 secs/365 lbs x 4 secs

Squat: Before starting BP, I had never even attempted a 400 lb squat before and was struggling at 380 lbs to do 5 or 6 reps. Workout 2 I managed to do 415 lbs(4 times I believe), which was a PR for me, but today I absolutely shattered my PR on 4 consecutive sets!!!

415 lbs x 8 reps--as soon as I did the one rep Warmup at this weight I knew I was gonna break my old felt so light...coulda probably done like 15 reps it seemed like at least

425 lbs x 6 reps--added a 5lb plate on both sides and ripped off 6 reps easy

435 lbs x 6 reps--took off the 5lb plate and added a 10 lb plate in its place---again easy 6 reps

445 lbs x 6 reps--added the 5lb plate back with the 10 lb plate, ripped off 4 then struggled to get the last 2, but got 'em, including the last one where I went a little too deep and had to fight to get back up...

My squat has gone up 65 freaking pounds in 3 weeks!!! I dunno what else needs to be said for BP---I never even considered something like that possible!!!

Hamstring Curls: 120 lbs x 8 x 8/130 lbs x 6 x 6
-hamstrings feel so strong, could have likely upped this to 140 lbs or more...

Seated Calf Press: 180 lbs x 12 secs/200 lbs x 5 secs(right calf started to spasm)

Romanian DL: 245 lbs x 8/245 lbs x 6
-again gripping issues here...gotta look into those padded grips

Ab Crunch: had to switch to the seated abdominal crunch because my elbows started hurting really bad while holding the weight behind my head...besides they don't have enough weight on them anyways

100 lbs X 8/110 lbs x 8/120 lbs x 8 x 8

Hyperextension: God I hate this exercise

25 lbs x 8/ 45 lbs x 6/ 45 lbs x 6/ 25 lbs x 8

-thought my hamstrings were gonna separate from my knees while doing the 45lb plate...went back down to 25lb plate...

All in all pretty good workout, made GREAT by my obliteration of my squat PR's...

EDIT: Today was my first day using "The Recipe"....wonder if the two might be interrelated?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:39 pm
by dropthebeats
That's insane! Keep it up bro! I think the long trip with the two youngsters would have been harder than your last two reps. Haha.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:47 pm
by Linkiroth
Huge squats! Great job, keep it up!!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:08 am
by RobRegish

This may be the MOST PR's shattered, EVER during a single BP workout! In your case, it's a Crusade!!!

Please do me a BIG favor!!

Post this up on body building dot com, to shut these pirates, trolls, assclowns and doubters up... for good!!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:31 am
by beefcake66
Wow, that IS PHENOMENAL!!!

And... The Recipe?? not The Formula?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:07 am
by bigpelo
Have you done your squat and your leg curl in supersets (EDT) ?

Whatever the answer, impressive!

Do you think the added rest day(s) is/are partly responsible?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 9:00 pm
by matter2003
beefcake66 wrote:Wow, that IS PHENOMENAL!!!

And... The Recipe?? not The Formula?
I am using both...yesterday's workout was the first day of using "The Recipe". I will never train again without using the has made that much of a difference, IMHO...

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 9:02 pm
by Linkiroth
bigpelo wrote:Have you done your squat and your leg curl in supersets (EDT) ?

Whatever the answer, impressive!

Do you think the added rest day(s) is/are partly responsible?
I'd actually be very interested in how your EDT blocks are structured.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 9:08 pm
by matter2003
bigpelo wrote:Have you done your squat and your leg curl in supersets (EDT) ?

Whatever the answer, impressive!

Do you think the added rest day(s) is/are partly responsible?
Yup, I was doing the EDT blocks...funny thing was I was so pumped about how easy feeling these were I don't even think I took the full two minute rest I was supposed to between sets, I was adding the weights and resting for about a minute or so and I was like "Let's go!"

I don't really know what are the full things responsible as of yet...I think it might be a mixture of many different things, the main one IMHO being "The Formula" which seems to allow me to keep lifting without getting tired for much longer than before.

Perhaps changing the warmups to Rob's recommendations where you only do a few heavier reps versus a set of heavier warmup reps...

Perhaps using "The Recipe" imparted some extra oomph...

Some of it might be that I finally found a program that actually works and does what it says it should...I have always been somewhat irritated as I have a build that should be conducive to putting on size/strength...big broad shoulders, somewhat husky, short squatty body type, naturally strong legs and pretty athletic...problem is, I never found out what worked really good for me for long periods of time until now, IMHO

Trial and error is over...its BP all the time!!

I dunno to be honest, all I know is that I LOVE IT!!

I can also say that my legs, butt, hamstrings and forearms are all extremely sore way sorer than normal on day 1 after a workout...usually I get the most sore on day 2...not looking forward to tomorrow...gonna do some HIIT cardio to try and speed up recovery...

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 9:13 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:UNREAL!!

This may be the MOST PR's shattered, EVER during a single BP workout! In your case, it's a Crusade!!!

Please do me a BIG favor!!

Post this up on body building dot com, to shut these pirates, trolls, assclowns and doubters up... for good!!
Have no fear, I will be posting and by the end of this run I plan on repping 500 lbs!!!!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:35 pm
by matter2003
Linkiroth wrote:
bigpelo wrote:Have you done your squat and your leg curl in supersets (EDT) ?

Whatever the answer, impressive!

Do you think the added rest day(s) is/are partly responsible?
I'd actually be very interested in how your EDT blocks are structured.
They are structured exactly as Rob lays out in the workout plan...I would definitely recommend following his warmup instructions as well...I think these have helped save a lot of energy that was getting expended for warming up to the work sets..

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:39 am
by RobRegish
Ditto on Big.Pelo's recommendations... :)

1. Absolutely mandatory, you insert an extra rest day - every 10 days or so!!

2. Your strength is increasing at a frightening pace. That means you fall into Big.Jaz's league, if not ballpark... :)

3. The only thing that can stop you now, is YOU... please be mindful of that. It's what did me in.

Sharing it here, in the hopes it doesn't befall you!!!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:43 pm
by JlCh

I remember when I went for my 1 rep PR and was just killing the weights. Had plenty of time to get my work out in before class, but ended up being late and didn't get to see my "max". I still remember the alpha feeling. I even came home that night and wrote a little paper, was almost a life changing event.

Keep up the good work.