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Avoid them shit multis like the plague

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:20 am
by DaCookie
Just came off opti-men and that same day felt much better.I didnt even think there was anything wrong but my sense of well being is 10x better now and no neon green piss...same feeling 2 days after off it aswell.Multi is definitely something people seem to skimp on interestingly enough im making some dough now so forked out some on a 6month supply of ortho-core.Lets see what happens once I try that as its meant to be one of the best.

As far as im aware now, the only vitamin where its form does not matter much at all is vitamin C?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:29 am
by RobRegish
You nailed it man,

Multi-Life is Hani/Big.Jaz approved. That says it all, folks... :)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:24 am
by bigpelo
Here's something interesting on vitamin poisoning: ... _18619.cfm

Re: Avoid them shit multis like the plague

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:46 pm
by seasoned
DaCookie wrote:Just came off opti-men and that same day felt much better.I didnt even think there was anything wrong but my sense of well being is 10x better now and no neon green piss...same feeling 2 days after off it aswell.Multi is definitely something people seem to skimp on interestingly enough im making some dough now so forked out some on a 6month supply of ortho-core.Lets see what happens once I try that as its meant to be one of the best.

As far as im aware now, the only vitamin where its form does not matter much at all is vitamin C?
A,B,and E, probably ARE pretty complex! Many people don't even consider D a vitamin, but a HORMONE! And there are two forms often offered.

C is just ascorbic acid. But MAN, have you seen the 5 step process wikipedia lays out?

I tried a lot of multivitamins, and was happy with most. Have you tried beverlys? THAT is supposed to be good.


Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:16 am
by doolee
Been wanting to try ortho for a while. Let us know how you like it, and if it is worth the price.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:24 am
by beefcake66
doolee wrote:Been wanting to try ortho for a while. Let us know how you like it, and if it is worth the price.
I've never heard of it, but I'm intrigued! Aware me?

Re: Avoid them shit multis like the plague

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:28 am
by RobRegish
seasoned wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Just came off opti-men and that same day felt much better.I didnt even think there was anything wrong but my sense of well being is 10x better now and no neon green piss...same feeling 2 days after off it aswell.Multi is definitely something people seem to skimp on interestingly enough im making some dough now so forked out some on a 6month supply of ortho-core.Lets see what happens once I try that as its meant to be one of the best.

As far as im aware now, the only vitamin where its form does not matter much at all is vitamin C?
A,B,and E, probably ARE pretty complex! Many people don't even consider D a vitamin, but a HORMONE! And there are two forms often offered.

C is just ascorbic acid. But MAN, have you seen the 5 step process wikipedia lays out?

I tried a lot of multivitamins, and was happy with most. Have you tried beverlys? THAT is supposed to be good.

Seasoned/Steve, droppin' the knowledge bombs again!! Thanks so much for your contributions here, means so much.

I'm taking 20,000 I.U./day now in 4 divided doses.

Never felt better!!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:49 am
by xxtotuxx
beefcake66 wrote:
doolee wrote:Been wanting to try ortho for a while. Let us know how you like it, and if it is worth the price.
I've never heard of it, but I'm intrigued! Aware me?
Orthocore. One of the best multis out there, if not the best. That's what the general consensus is.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:10 pm
by SiLkPaDrE
xxtotuxx wrote:
beefcake66 wrote:
doolee wrote:Been wanting to try ortho for a while. Let us know how you like it, and if it is worth the price.
I've never heard of it, but I'm intrigued! Aware me?
Orthocore. One of the best multis out there, if not the best. That's what the general consensus is.
Agreed. Don't forget Life Force by Source Naturals, really high quality stuff and less pricey than Orthocore.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:42 pm
by askmass
Ortho is in fact a very good one.

Nothing beats Multi-Life IMO, however, and especially at the discount we offer it at.

The key is absorption, NOT supposed super potency, on multi's.

If you don't absorb the vitamins and minerals, then you are literally just pissing your money (and vitamins) away.

If you haven't studied Multi-Life, then I urge you to do so towards the bottom of this page-

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 2:31 pm
by BrainSquirt
Vitamins is another of those areas that are highly individualized, but co’s proport to sell formulas that are ‘balanced’ for everyone. Not saying anything negative about the product, btw, but a perfect example is found in the Ortho-Core brochure with “Vitamin B Complex: There is no 50 or 100 milligrams across the board here. The amount for each and every B vitamin is selected for the body’s most efficient utilization.”. This is not wrong, but in several ways it is incomplete. To illustrate, the proportions of b vits needed by ‘fast oxidizers’ is vastly different from the proportions of b vits needed by ‘slow oxidizers’ – and this is just one of many ways of making individual differentiations.

When costs are not an issue, the best I’ve found for me individually are
Xtend-life Premium (from New Zealand)
Premier Research Labs Max Stress B Nano-Plex
New Chapter Mens’ formulas

If costs are an issue, I’d recommend Multi-Life over just about any of the multi-vitamin/supplement producers. Also high on the budget list would be Allergy Research Group products…

There is no generalized “the body…” so no formula is going to be just right for all the peeps.
The main point of this post is to keep moving through formulas until you find 2 or 3 that really ‘do it for you’ physically

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:22 am
by RobRegish
Brainsquirt, just ONE more reason I'm getting such GLOWING feedback, on your "Alternative Cruise", as part of 3.0 I'm sending.. :)

Thanks so much man. You have NO idea, how much your contributions mean here to me/us... :)

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:56 pm
by DaCookie
doolee wrote:Been wanting to try ortho for a while. Let us know how you like it, and if it is worth the price.
seasoned wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Just came off opti-men and that same day felt much better.I didnt even think there was anything wrong but my sense of well being is 10x better now and no neon green piss...same feeling 2 days after off it aswell.Multi is definitely something people seem to skimp on interestingly enough im making some dough now so forked out some on a 6month supply of ortho-core.Lets see what happens once I try that as its meant to be one of the best.

As far as im aware now, the only vitamin where its form does not matter much at all is vitamin C?
A,B,and E, probably ARE pretty complex! Many people don't even consider D a vitamin, but a HORMONE! And there are two forms often offered.

C is just ascorbic acid. But MAN, have you seen the 5 step process wikipedia lays out?

I tried a lot of multivitamins, and was happy with most. Have you tried beverlys? THAT is supposed to be good.

I try not to judge products by opinions for the most part because I believe that is how people make up something completely false, one guy I saw said he noticed his forearms were particularly vascular after taking arginine yet he was also on testosterone...come on.

I only ever judge something if I can visually see it in the mirror and its obvious that almost anyone could come up to you and say 'you look better man' Same guy says real ecdy which he tried is bunk?Nice opinion bro lol.You know what im saying?

Especially multi, I will never judge such a product off a feeling.Im pretty sure I will stick with ortho.I bought a 6month supply.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:58 pm
by DaCookie
RobRegish wrote:Brainsquirt, just ONE more reason I'm getting such GLOWING feedback, on your "Alternative Cruise", as part of 3.0 I'm sending.. :)

Thanks so much man. You have NO idea, how much your contributions mean here to me/us... :)
Can you pm me that and ill give it a gander? :D In cruise now