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The Trap

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:26 am
by RobRegish
In The Blueprint, I talk about the "trap" many trainees fall into whereby they plateau, get caught up in the world of supplements and see them as the way out. Let's look at a recent example from a very popular bodybuilding message board from just a few days ago.

Here he is. Let's call him Zeus. Well meaning 22 yr old Canuck, weighs 149lbs and writes to ask everyone's advice about how to break his plateau:

"I've hit a plateau, its very annoying. I need some good muscle building supplements to go with my new routine.

Current stack:
CL White Flood
CL Green Mag
CL Purple Wraath
Opti-men multi
Iso sensation 93
ON 100% casein
Leutor 70
BCAA powder
Fusion Zeus(test)+Shut-Eye
Ascenta omega 3's

I need a product that replaces or adds to my current stack that has worked for you or somebody else to build some muscle!"

Zeus here has the energy, drive and apparently financial means to ingest hundreds of dollars of GNC pixie dust every month in an effort to over-ride his physiology. I PM'd this guy to tell him about the Blueprint and encouraged him to give it a look. His reply? "I'm not spending $25 for information, bro". I responded that I didn't care who's course he bought, but investing in his education vs. pouring more money down the drain was always a wise decision. No dice. He's simply going to keep sending his monthly annuity payment to GNC every month.

My point is: GNC LOVES people like this because they all believe magic beans are the answer. With your Blueprint in hand you know the truth: Supps CAN help but only when properly positioned within the context of a well designed program. I encourage you to run Blueprint cycles with and without supplements, if nothing else to see the difference a quality product really can make. Even doing so for one month would probably save this lad $300 and he'd wind up no worse off.

We value the truth on this board. Direct from The Blueprint, P.2:

"Let's be up front about this; The Blueprint protocol is what is most important here, not the supplements."