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Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:22 pm
by jimmyk21
Hey all, this will be my third BP run and this time I'm going for the cut. My first run was last August with just Ebol and I made solid gains in strength and size but I was more or less winging, not really organized. My most recent run was with KA/AN, which I loved. I did a makeshift recomp of sorts and dropped 2% of body fat with every lift going up. I'm hoping to make this run my best and I'll be going for a fairly aggressive cut, any strength gains will be awesome.

I have a bottle of Ebol and Bioforge laying around that are dying to be put to use, I figured they would come in handy in helping me recover during this aggressive cut. The faster I get my bf where I want it the sooner I can get back to bulking. :D

bulk bcaa/xtend intra
Now Adam multi
fish oil
Gamma GH before bed
BIU will probably save for cruise
plain old creatine mono

I like to keep my supps pretty simple to avoid too many changing variables at once. I find it easier to identify what is working when I don't have too many moving parts.

I'm going to make separate posts for diet and training to avoid this one getting too long. Thanks for reading, any and all feedback!!


Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:36 pm
by jimmyk21

weight: 205
bodyfat: 18.7
(average of calipers, measurement method and my scale)

1 rep max(calculations):
Sumo Deadlift: 336
Squat: 270
Incline Bench: 201

-My stats suck for my size, let's fix that.

-I recently switched to sumo stance DL and I really enjoy it. At 6'5'' it just feels more natural on my back. When doing conventional I have a really hard time keeping my back arched, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a flaw in my form. For now, we sumo.

Other stats:
Waist: 35 1/4"
Chest: 38 3/16"
Thigh(middle): 32 1/8"
Arm: 12 3/16" lol

I have some pictures from yesterday, but I don't know how to upload pictures saved from my computer. Anyone?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:58 pm
by jimmyk21

My diet approach is pretty laid back yet strategic. I make sure my calories are on point over the course of a few days, and most importantly over the course of a week. I set a weekly deficit goal and I give myself some freedom in how much I'll cut each day. Some lift days I might be higher and some off days I'll be lower.

My first week I'm going to shoot for an overall deficit of 3500, and increase it from there. I estimate calories burned from cardio and add that to my total along with my deficit from diet.

I also like to run IF when I'm dieting, it works perfect with my schedule. I work until 2 pm and am lifting by 2:30. I usually break my fast with my pre workout meal 90 mins to 2 hours before I'm lifting. Usually oats plus a protein shake.

Considering the above set up for my pre workout. Do you guys think I should take my ebol prior to my pre workout meal or try to get it closer to my workout? Pre meal and it would end up 2.5 hours from my workout but be joined by pro+carb. I could do it 30 mins before I workout but then it's only joined by BCAA's. My second dose will be immediately PWO followed by whey/dextrose. (40/40)

Macro wise, I will be getting a minimum of 205 grams, ideally more a day. Carbs are for the most part kept to my pre workout, PWO shake and my next meal. I don't worry as much about my percentages because if I follow these two rules and hit my overall calorie goal my percentages always work out to be fairly balanced anyways.

One other thing I like to add is that when I get towards the end and am shooting to lose at least 2 lbs/week, I'll use a PSMF day or two a week to really dig into a deficit without having to go too low in cals on my lift days. Short summary of what I'll do those days, eat a shit ton of protein, mostly chicken, and a shit ton of green veggies, all day, that's it. Usually works out to about 250 grams of protein and <50 grams of carbs from veggies. This is surpisngly easy for me to do, as the chicken and fiber from broccoli is so filling. I know crash dieting principles are taboo for muscle folks but I've never loststrength doing this. Plus, I only do it for a day at a time.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:09 pm
by jimmyk21


I love GST. My main focus will be on my core lifts. Squat, Sumo DL, Chins and Incline Bench.

Front Squat
Calf Raise

*Incline Bench*
DB Flat Bench
DB Military Press
Tricep Dips

*Sumo Deadlift*
*Chin Ups* (three BW sets until I can do 3x10)
Romanian Deadlift
Reverse Grip BB Row

For the core lifts:
Week 1: 60% 1RM: 2x8, 1xAMRAP(as many reps as possible)
Week 2: 70% 1RM: 2x6, 1xAMRAP
Week 3: 80% 1RM: 1xAMRAP, 2X3
Week 4: 90% 1RM: 1XAMRAP, 2x1

For the supplemental lifts:
Rotate between 3 set/rep schemes:
S1: 2x15
S2: 3x10
S3: 4x6

When I hit all targeted reps, weight goes up. This might not seem like a lot of volume to some people, but the AMRAP sets take a lot out of you. I like going intense on a few important lifts vs going through the motions on higher volume.

My goals for these 4 weeks are to improve my squat and bench by 10 and sumo DL by 15. I'd also like to be hitting 3x10 on bw chins as well. If I can make these improvements while cutting my body fat, I'll be pretty happy.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:15 pm
by jimmyk21

Day 1 of Famine:

RHR 78

One of the benefits of IF is that I'm already used to not eating half of the day, this helps me in famine and I only half to tough it out for a few hours. This is going to be my best famine yet, I can feel it.

How many seconds do you guys use when taking your RHR? I only did 10 seconds. Should I do it longer for more accuracy? I have a confession, this is my first famine where I'm even tracking my RHR, before I just hit my diet goals for 5 days.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:21 pm
by matter2003
jimmyk21 wrote:START FAMINE

Day 1 of Famine:

RHR 78

One of the benefits of IF is that I'm already used to not eating half of the day, this helps me in famine and I only half to tough it out for a few hours. This is going to be my best famine yet, I can feel it.

How many seconds do you guys use when taking your RHR? I only did 10 seconds. Should I do it longer for more accuracy? I have a confession, this is my first famine where I'm even tracking my RHR, before I just hit my diet goals for 5 days.
I honestly just did a whole minute, mainly because I was having such a problem finding my pulse I wanted to make sure it was right

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:23 pm
by jimmyk21
Gotcha, I will try 30 seconds tomorrow, that should be pretty accurate.

I ate a little over my calorie goal, by like 300 calories but kept protein very low. ~30 grams. I did pretty good considering I went to the Brewers game, and then Easter+goddaughters birthday.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:19 pm
by jimmyk21
Day 2 of famine is going pretty smoothly. I've ate some trail mix, v8, celery, cucumbers, cabbage/evoo, an apple and one small slice of pizza 8) . I'm a few hundred cals under my goal and feeling fairly satisfied actually. Must thank whoever recommeded the cabbage in olive oil and cucumber/celery in lemon juice idea. I think it was ask mass. Highly recommend both meals, especially the cabbage, as filling low calorie meals that help me survive famine.

Currently at 1400 cals and 36 grams of pro. I think I deserve a cocktail later, diet soda of course.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:47 pm
by jimmyk21
Does anyone have any feedback on how I could mix in static holds to my specific training program? Would it be too draining to do one at the end of every session? Should I hold off until cruise?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:07 am
by Street-dreams
static holds should be added in during feast.. One per workout day tops.

top range DL
top range BP

I dont think Ive seen anyone do top range squat altho there may be some merit to holding REALLY heavy weights on your back..

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:46 am
by RobRegish
YES!! Great advice here... and you'll be reading whole loatta' more about that in 3.0!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:28 pm
by jimmyk21
Sounds good.

Day 3 of famine is going great. Half of my calories are in, all from fruit and pineapple juice and less than 9 grams of protein. More cabbage and EVOO later for "dinner."

Sad to say, I probably get more nutrients in my body while famining, on half of the calories that I'm normally eating. I really want to try and get more clean foods into my diet going forward.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:18 pm
by RobRegish
Too late for 3.0 but... BEANO people, for Famine, Feast and Cruise :)

'Specially if you're wearing that BP Tshirt. Don't want to mess w/the Chick Magnet, effect :) :) :)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:36 am
by jimmyk21
Should I be concerned if I'm on day 4 and my rhr is the same? It's been 64 the last few days, I was off on day 1.

Also should I be seeing a jump on day 5 of famine or on day 6/day 1 of feast.? Is it suggested to famine an extra day if I don't notice a jump in heart rate?