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Taking Ginger

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:54 pm
by matter2003

I really enjoy taking my ginger(powdered form) by adding it to my brown rice(tastes phenomenal, which is better than the paste taste brown rice usually has) and studies are saying it has potential as a testosterone booster by destroying the free radicals in the testes(specifically malondialdehyde) which boost sperm production and doubles T levels in rats. One of the reasons they tested it was because of some African countries using ginger as a fertility drug, so they wanted to see if it had any basis for it. They ended up concluding that ginger in fact does work and was as effective as the fertility drug Clomid...

Just wondering about your thoughts on this, and if it is OK to continue taking it while on the BP?

Here is the study link:

and the main site also basically posts virtually every new study that comes out regarding weightlifting, strength, endurance, training, etc...some very interesting reading on the site if you haven't ever had the chance to look at it...

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:18 pm
by cogrick2
Recovering an old post here, but this is great stuff.

I just bought ginger extract and astragalus extract from given all the great stuff Carl Lanore and Dr. Michael Smith of the Life Extension foundation have said about the herbs. Rob Regish may also have said good things.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:19 pm
by BrainSquirt
powder and extracts are ok but I would go with a minimum of 2:1 ratio
raw and fresh:powder and extracts ... jmo

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:46 pm
by cogrick2
BrainSquirt wrote:powder and extracts are ok but I would go with a minimum of 2:1 ratio
raw and fresh:powder and extracts ... jmo
Is that because of a scientific study or because of an intuition about the relative health benefit of complete foods?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:12 pm
by BrainSquirt

in general "extracts" are better for remedial use, while the whole food or herb, etc is better for 'pre-medial' applications.
... of course the important factors in some foods are more bioavailable than others ... raw whole ginger, in my experience, has pretty high 'bioavailablility' of the good stuff...

wth zero latency response time :)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:05 pm
by cogrick2
BrainSquirt wrote:cogrick,

in general "extracts" are better for remedial use, while the whole food or herb, etc is better for 'pre-medial' applications.
... of course the important factors in some foods are more bioavailable than others ... raw whole ginger, in my experience, has pretty high 'bioavailablility' of the good stuff...

wth zero latency response time :)
Interesting, thanks.

I had eight bags of ginger tea today, mainly because my auto-shipments have surprised me a couple times so ginger tea runs abundant in my home.

I also had maybe 1.5 scoops of Driven Sports Craze so here's hoping I can sleep after my exam tonight.

I feel pretty good given the 5 hours of sleep last night.

Say, what do you say to ginger tea as opposed to consuming the raw ginger herb? As I recall, ginger is said to be toxic in high amounts. That is something I obviously must research.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:48 am
by Christian125
The use of the ginger is good to controls the low blood pressure and body & joint pain. Use the ginger in your daily cooking to make your foods more tasty and healthy.

Re: Taking Ginger

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:44 am
by DustinM
matter2003 wrote:Rob,

I really enjoy taking my ginger(powdered form) by adding it to my brown rice(tastes phenomenal, which is better than the paste taste brown rice usually has) and studies are saying it has potential as a testosterone booster by destroying the free radicals in the testes(specifically malondialdehyde) which boost sperm production and doubles T levels in rats. One of the reasons they tested it was because of some African countries using ginger as a fertility drug, so they wanted to see if it had any basis for it. They ended up concluding that ginger in fact does work and was as effective as the fertility drug Clomid...

Just wondering about your thoughts on this, and if it is OK to continue taking it while on the BP?

Here is the study link:

and the main site also basically posts virtually every new study that comes out regarding weightlifting, strength, endurance, training, etc...some very interesting reading on the site if you haven't ever had the chance to look at it...
The study link you've provided in your post isn't working.
Please check it yourself and then re-post the link.

Re: Taking Ginger

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:00 am
by matter2003
DustinM wrote:
matter2003 wrote:Rob,

I really enjoy taking my ginger(powdered form) by adding it to my brown rice(tastes phenomenal, which is better than the paste taste brown rice usually has) and studies are saying it has potential as a testosterone booster by destroying the free radicals in the testes(specifically malondialdehyde) which boost sperm production and doubles T levels in rats. One of the reasons they tested it was because of some African countries using ginger as a fertility drug, so they wanted to see if it had any basis for it. They ended up concluding that ginger in fact does work and was as effective as the fertility drug Clomid...

Just wondering about your thoughts on this, and if it is OK to continue taking it while on the BP?

Here is the study link:

and the main site also basically posts virtually every new study that comes out regarding weightlifting, strength, endurance, training, etc...some very interesting reading on the site if you haven't ever had the chance to look at it...
The study link you've provided in your post isn't working.
Please check it yourself and then re-post the link.
Works fine for me...

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:37 pm
by DaCookie
I dont really like those ergo log studies.Seen some which are complete BS.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:47 pm
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:I dont really like those ergo log studies.Seen some which are complete BS.
Ergolog doesn't do the studies, they just report the results in plain english so you don't need a phd to read them. They even will tell you when they doubt the veracity of them, since some are done by the supplement companies or special interest groups...

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:27 pm
by Dragon
One of my girlfriends is from africa and she says they've used kind of a homemade gingerale since... forever. See... get yourself more than one girlfriend from more than one continent and you won't ever have to read another study.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:28 am
by askmass
I use ginger powder in my organic soda recipes... a good tablespoon goes into the glass, followed by a cup of carbonated mineral water... let it get all fizzy, and when it slows add juice of your choice (grape is my favorite).

It adds a fantastic "bite", great nutrition and beats the hell out of any and all commercial HFCS crap from Coke/Pepsico in every single way imaginable.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:33 pm
by DaCookie
matter2003 wrote:
DaCookie wrote:I dont really like those ergo log studies.Seen some which are complete BS.
Ergolog doesn't do the studies, they just report the results in plain english so you don't need a phd to read them. They even will tell you when they doubt the veracity of them, since some are done by the supplement companies or special interest groups...
But the results they post for most are not good enough at all to decide if the study that was done is flawed etc