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BP is gonna get defeated

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:44 am
by defeater10
well i finally was able to my first BP run!
i guess ill start by giving a brief story of how i got to this point.
igot into drugs at the shameful age of 13 and by 15 i had a short addiction to coke :oops:
i got expelled from school and went through tough times.
during my time away from everything i realized i needed a change and went back
to school and made all A's til i graduated.

my senior year is when i got tired of looking like this


i began to eat a lot more than usual but didnt work out.
once i finally had gotten a little of weight going (not much lol) i started working out

its been about about 8 or 9 months now and i think i did a pretty good job eh? :)

these arnt the greatest pictures but theyll do! and ill call these the before pictures.

NOW, onto the BP run

i will pretty much be following everything word for word.
diets will be the same as the recommended ones, perhaps slight changes
workouts will be exactly the same as well.
since my day usually finishes around 10-11 pm i will not be posting logs
but i will update when i can and at every beginning and ending of every phase
with pictures.

supplements i will be taking during this run will be:
Driven Sports Triazole
Adaptogen N
Fish oil/Flax
True Nutritions trutein
xtreme formulations UP 2.0
ortho-core multivitamin

im excited to start the BP and see what it can truly do!
will be posting after famine! so expect some more pictures soon!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:13 am
by Big.jazayrli
Triazole, Adaptogen N, and Kreanbolyn

You, sir, are in for one HELL of a ride

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:55 am
by RobRegish

OP, favor to ask. Please PM me the name and month you bought under at PayPal. My apologies for having to do this but periodic "spot checks" have sadly, become necessary. I'm doing this to protect people's investment in The Blueprint.

Answering questions on half a dozen boards takes time. Time I don't want to waste on people that pirated The Blueprint. Time that takes away from people that invested in The BP. There is a difference...

A big difference...

Based upon your initial post, I don't suspect this is the case but need to do this. Guys like Big.Jaz, Dropthebeats, TheBuffer etc. are pouring their heart and soul into this thing and more importantly, giving back to me in ways I could have never imagined. They've asked for nothing in return.

I hope you understand. Provided you're of good faith, you're about to find out what everyone else who invested in BP has; I bring the help and lots of it!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:02 pm
by defeater10
i shall be taking BP for a ride!!!!!!!!!

and no prob rob. pm sent!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:48 pm
by Justin
awesome progress so far! your in for a big surprise with BP the strength and mass will go throughthe roof :)

just out of curiosity what kind of split were u using prior tot he BP?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:49 am
by defeater10
Thanx man!
I did some workout someone put together first ill post a link later
then I tried doing my own then went back lol and the last one was
German volume training.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:23 am
by RobRegish
Fantastic!!! Thinking outside the box already..

Likin' it..... :)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:40 pm
by defeater10
heres an update!
famine was brutal!!!!!!!!!!!! especially day 5.
first workout i threw up after 3 sets of squats and was drained after but continued
to finish the workout. workout #2 was alittle easier for me and firdays workout
well...i did 2 sets of squats and threw up yet again and stopped there.
i had lost about 4-5 pounds so i figured it would be good enough lol

no update pics as i look pretty much the same just a slightly slimmer lower stomach.
i also had a giant brainfart that i just realized. i forgot the 3 days after famine
were considered part of the feast lol i havnt ate much today but im going to eat
as much as i can and start day 2 tomorow.

excited to get this thing rolling!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:47 pm
by RobRegish
Great work making it through and smart man for stopping when your body told you to!!!

The hard part is OVER. Train to Gainsville is leaving the station. I'll be right here until we get you to Main St.... :)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:46 pm
by defeater10
big update!
2 days away from starting GLP #1!!
at the start of this 5 day workout i weighed about 172 or 173
i also struggled with lifting just 45s on both bench and squat :?
and now..
weight = 183
max bench = 200
max squat = 265

i understand they may not be the greatest numbers but im proud of the 200
on bench lol thats the most ive ever done!

progress has been going excellent and ive gained some mass already..i think.
diet wise, its been followed not so much lol we're having money problems here
at home and basically get what everyone likes to eat so some days i dont
eat too healthy but i think ive been getting around 3000 cals.

gonna do my best to get the diet back on track and stay focused in the gym for now

will update later during GLP and after with pictures!
see ya then!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:27 pm
by defeater10
BIG update!!
just completed feast!!!
couple of things i want to say though:

1) i havnt had much money especially the past 3 weeks because of college
finals. so my diet hasnt exactly been spot on for around that peroid of time.

2) i wasnt able to complete the leg routine for the first 2 workouts lol. i was
still throwing up about 4 sets into the squats and would feel weak and pretty
much have zero energy. but i ran "gasers" with a buddy. dont know if anyone
else calls it this lol, but its basically running from one side of a football field
to the other, then back at full speed. did 3 of these and after that it was so much
easier to complete the rest of the leg workouts. i would still puke but i had
energy to keep on going.

i dont know if it was that run or not. but something definitely kicked my ass
into better shape!! now im going to start the cruise and cant be more excited.
ill probably be running like this a lot more often now.

but anyways here are some update pics!!
Image Image Image
my lower back really grew!! hah
any advice on whether i should continue to bulk or cut??
the fat i have on my lower waist is really something i want to get rid of!

of course here are my updated stats!

weight: 180-185 lbs
bench: 215 lbs
squat: 280 lbs (might have been higher if i completed all workouts)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:41 pm
by warriorcookie
Good job man! Great gains!

On the puking while doing your leg workouts... Is it possible that you need to concentrate on how you breath? I used to hold my breath on the lift and that would make me dizzy and nauseous. Found out it was dangerous. Someone had to show me how to breath. (I hear supersquats is a good read) If you're breathing correctly, I have thrown up during a workout because of not eating beforehand. Thankfully "The Formula" fixed that.

For your next run do 3.0. Burn fat and build muscle at the same time!!! The caloric zig zag that Rob prescribes has been working magic for those that have done it.

Good job. Can't wait to see your next run!!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:37 pm
by defeater10
thanks man!
and im not sure if its the way i breathe. i inhale when going down and exhale
when coming back up, unless its a heavy load. ill inhale, then go down, then release when i get up.

i think i read somewhere its about not getting food before the workout or something.
but i also think its because im so out of shape lol! :cry:

will look into breathing though thanks!

and is that in 3.0? or from 2.0?
i know calories drop down during feast and thats what i did if thats what your talking
about. i think i lost some fat :)

might just bulk through the whole periodic then cut.
not sure yet but either way ill be happy

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:58 am
by RobRegish
Breathing is so individual..

I can tell you this, I hold my breathe during all "heavy" work, in the 90th percentile.

Ever let the air out of a balloon, while squeezing it/under pressure? Not where you want to be, given you're under a heavy barbell load!!