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Last day of Famine & low protein traces (using MultiStix

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:52 pm
by hioctane

Finally started my first cycle :)

Famine cycle started Sunday and Thursday(today) supposed to be my last (famine) day.
Weight: fist day 160 lbs, today 154 lbs. (taken early morning at the same time after waking up).

Calories intake - no more that 1280 KCal (8 * 160).

So I decided to try protein excretion test and picked Chemstrip® 10 SG Urine Test Strips from local pharmacy (about $40 for box of 100), here's how they look like ... l&PID=1132

First time I tried them yesterday (rest day) and it was showing "trace" of protein (light light green color).
Today after final workout of 10 mins of treadmill @ 150bpm , dead lift & bench press each 4 x 15 reps (last went to 10 reps) with approx 1min - 2min interval.
Protein level was showing between "trace" and "30++" (hard to tell with all these shades of light green but it was darker than "trace" for sure).
This is a bit discouraging as I recall in other thread Rob mentioned it has to be 100++.

My diet was pretty steady thru this phase:
Morning - latte with small pastry (no more than total 350 KCal)
One hour before workouts some fruits & little peanuts (~100KCal)
Lunch - half of the vegetarian burrito with juice (~450 KCal)
Dinner - little pasta with salad following fruits serving before going to sleep (total ~350 KCal)
Sleep - around 6+hours

Funny part I feel today better than on the first/second day of Famine.
I'm skinny (always was) and while first 3 days was not easy it looks like my body getting used to this.

Any thoughts on this?
Specifically protein excretion test.
Should I do one more day of famine and push myself harder?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:22 pm
by RobRegish
Congratulations! You're "there"... :)

Any thoughts on this?
Specifically protein excretion test.

A. Don't let one diagnostic throw you. ALL of the others appear to be in line!

Should I do one more day of famine and push myself harder?

A. Nope, proceed to feast and destroy your local all you can eat buffet of choice... :)