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New here

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:04 am
by coolaidml
Hey guys!

Just purchased the BP this evening after reading alot of good stuff over on B B . com about it. I've really been struggling to put on muscle and thought i'd give this a shot.

I have looked through some of the information and am absolutely blown away by how much info there is... 68 pages worth lol. I read the first few pages and all it seems is promotion for supplements...I thought that this BP plan is supposed to work even without extra supps...

I honestly don't seem to know where to start. I read your supposed to take a week off completely to begin with and only eat fruits. So that means no protein? Doesn't this lead to your body eating away current muscle? Also how many meals a day should you be eating during this first week.

I guess I was just expecting a simple guideline to follow with a diet plan and also a workout plan with exact sets/reps etc. This just seems like tons of information from all sorts of things..

Could someone help me out with where to begin please. I'm more than happy to post my current workout plan and diet plan for you guys to critique and perhaps we can go from there.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:29 am
by Big.jazayrli
your current workout and diet are absolutely irrelevant, really.

why don't you read the book fully through, it will answer alot of the questions you have

and don't tell me you already did - because eating only fruits for a week during famine is most definitely not recommended

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:53 am
by vangkm007
Yep, read through the full book first and then plan out your "famine" and "feast" phases before starting.

I actually took a full week off from lifting and just ate "normally" as a "normal" person would before starting the famine phase.

On the famine phase I followed the strictest directions and didn't eat till 3 PM was tough but I managed to get through it.

The book will explain why you go through this initial famine phase before starting the real muscle building workouts.

I'm only on week 4-5 of real lifting and already have seen some amazing results, get tons of comments from friends and my GF loves my new arms. :D

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:48 am
by steveh
FWIW I agree - read the book, read it again, and then again. Then read all the stickies and follow some of the other BP journals.

Folk here are only too willing to help and guide, in fact you won't find a more giving and sharing bunch - but you gotta read it first.

Also gotta realise the BP is not a plug and play plan. It is an education. It's a fresh approach. you end up doing the opposite of eveyone else in your gym. It shatters some commonly held ideas, it gives you knowledge, which is the foundation of good growth.

The BP book does have a strong focus on getting the most out of certain supplements, HOWEVER, BP as a whole is about understanding how to maximise training, diet, rest and supps. It is about timing, it's about listening to your body and responding, its about fooling your body into certain states to maximise its own compensation. The knowledge BP gives is very effective without the supps. that's why the recommendation is to do your first run without and then add them in later runs.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:56 am
by the_buffer
Hey Steve, You're right, you'll find a lot of support here!

The first time I read BP I was surprised too, it gave a lof of great information, but I was sort of expecting it to be like most of the other e-books out there where it lays out a very specific diet/exercise regimen.

What I found to be the best was to take the information (in conjunction with the stickies) and lay it all out in terms of diet and workouts then just dive right in. Trust me, you won't be disappointed! I also joined the world of the blueprint out of frustration of not being able to put on muscle mass... let's just say the blueprint does not disappoint!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:18 am
by KE
First off, let me say I just finished GLP#1 and rocked it solid. I'm using the supps: Mass Pro amino, KA, Gamma, Adaptogen (I just turned 48 years old) and Mass Pro whey protien. Rob has produced something here that is effective for growth in muscle size and strength. You will have to read and reread the blueprint "BP" and the members stickies (use longer stickies that have many entries) to learn how to apply the "BP" for yourself. I started the Famine phase twice before knowing/understanding exactly what to do-I was a little too eagar to start the program and did not due enough research first. Use a week of rest to read and take notes before starting this "BP." You've made a financial investment, now invest some time help get youself started on the right path. I do not like spending any more time on the computer than I have to, and I hate typing (this is my second post ever, and my finger tips are now bleeding). I send this to let you know, I too was confused (still not sure why they don't say KA or adaptogen instead of ecdy, edt/pr zone-do you do a warm-up set to failure, and what is the "formula"? What I do know is, I quit lifting 12 years ago to play competitive racquetball, and having returned to weight training using the "BP" I can say it is a effective program. make notes and ask questions of Rob's "crew" to guide you. -That way I can learn too without having to type! I have to go now it's getting harder to type due to the blood causing the keys to stick -hope my babe has some bleach.

Rob-be strong and have faith as God watches over you and your family!

If it were easy, than anyone could do it.
Peace my friends.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:23 pm
by thepaul7
Welcome. Read it all again and again. I bought the BP too because of its promises to deliver without the need for expensive supplements. I have run two BPs without the supplements the book is centered around ecdy, adaptogen n, test boosters etc. I have just used protein powder some creatine and ate like there is no tomorrow and I must say the system still delivers gains like nothing else I have tried. Do yourself a favor and run it with the bare minimum. This will give you something to compare it to in future runs with whatever you want to add to it.

From what I have learned is that the BP will not only give you solid training programs, but will also allow you to make the most of any supplements you do buy.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:59 pm
by coolaidml
So I've been reading through the BP more thoroughly and this is what I've come up with but after this I'm stuck.

First I would take 1 week off completely from training.

Then I would start the Famine Phase (5 Days Long)

During this phase I will eat only Fruits, Nuts, Veggies and no protein. I will only eat 8X my body weight spread throughout 6 meals each day.

During these 5 days I will also do 3 workouts with 1 day rest in between.

The workouts will look like this

Workout 1

Squats Superset with T/Bar Rows 3 X 4-6 Reps 2 Minutes Rest

1 Arm DB Rows Superset with Chinups 3 X 4-6 Reps 2 Mins Rest

BB Curls 1 X 4-6 Reps 2 Mins Rest
DB Curls 1 x 4-6 Reps 2 Mins Rest
1 Arm Preacher Curls 1 x 4-6 Reps 2 Mins Rest

Might do some wrist training/abs and then 1 Hour of cardio

Workout 2

Bench Press Superset with DB Military Press 1 x 8-10 Reps 1 Min Rest

Incline DB Press Superset with Military Press 1 x 8-10 Reps 1 Min rest

Decline DB Press Superset Military Press 1 x 8-10 Reps 1 Min Rest

CG Bench Press 1 x 8-10 Reps 1 Min Rest for all
Skullcrushers 1 x 8-10 reps
Cable Pressdowns 1 x 8-10 reps

Might do some wrist training/abs and then 1 Hour of cardio

Workout 3

Repeat workout 1 but with 5 x 12-15 Reps Range and 30 Sec Rest

After these 5 days are completed I move into the Feast Phase(30-42 Days)

For first 72 Hours Eat Tons 20 X Bodyweight with 1.5 Grams Protein

Here's where I'm stumped now. There are 5 Workouts listed which I understand with only 1 Superset per workout.

So do you do these 5 workouts 5 days straight or with 1 days rest in between? Also what workout plan do you do after your finished these?

Please help me out here guys! Thanks!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:20 pm
by drtda
No, you don't do these 5 workouts in a row. These are to help you establish your 1 RM on the two main exercises-probably bench and squats, although you could choose something different.

I recommend 1 on, 2 off for max recovery, but it depends on the individual.

Then you will proceed to GLP 1 using the new maxes you have set during your 5 workout bridge. You'll need to set up the Auto calculator for this and then also incorporate your EDT blocks.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:52 am
by coolaidml
drtda wrote:No, you don't do these 5 workouts in a row. These are to help you establish your 1 RM on the two main exercises-probably bench and squats, although you could choose something different.

I recommend 1 on, 2 off for max recovery, but it depends on the individual.

Then you will proceed to GLP 1 using the new maxes you have set during your 5 workout bridge. You'll need to set up the Auto calculator for this and then also incorporate your EDT blocks.

Ok I understand how the 5 initial workouts go but is there a specific workout plan I should do after I finish these? Like what is GLP1 and EDT Blocks. After the initial 5 workouts in the BP Book there are numerous workouts listed and I don't know which one should be used. Those workouts also seem to be unfinished with only like 1 or 2 exercises and no real rep ranges/set/rest listed. Could someone please post what workout plan they used in detail please. Thanks alot!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:07 pm
by drtda
You can use any of the workouts, although I would start with GLP 1. Go to the Auto calculator for GLP 1 and plug in you max Squat and Bench numbers. This will show you what you will be doing over your 12 workouts of GLP 1 for these specific exercises. It gives you the weight, sets, and reps for each set-it is a no-brainer.

Then figure out what you want to do for an EDT block on both your upper body and lower body days. Pick 2 exercises such as dumbell incline bench and one-arm rows-these are just examples. You can do any exercises you want, but make them fairly big exercises-no wimpy isolation exercises. Check out the stickies that Rob has posted everywhere to explain the EDT blocks.

Basically, the EDT block involves a superset of these 2 exercises using a weight that you normally would get 10 reps with, but only do 6 or 7 on the first set of each. Then you rest 2 minutes and do another superset. Continue like this for 6 total sets of each exercise-it should take 15-20 minutes. That's an EDT block.

For upper body you can do 2 EDT block if you can handle the volume. For lower body I would only do 1 block as it is tough to do 2.

That's it. Just rotate the upper body and lower body days for 6 workouts of each. Give yourself between 1 and 2 rest days for each workout day-no back-to-back days.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:43 am
by coolaidml
Another question... I'm looking to start cutting for summer, is this program any good for that? Or only for bulking? I just don't want to waste my first run if it's not beneficial...

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:54 am
by Hank!
With some tweaks you can make this a cut, or a re comp.

I find myself adding strength, and some arm, chest size but staying consistent weight wise.

We can explain the calorie cycling a bit more in the journals sections (so not out in public)