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Rob Regish Dead 1970 - 2011: Don't Believe The Hype

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:46 pm
by RobRegish
Hello everyone,

First and foremost, my profound thanks to the vets here like Draco, Hank, Brain, TheBuffer, Dropthebeats etc. for helping our BP Brothers while I was out. I am eternally grateful...

Second, my apologies to our new brothers that have joined while I was down and those I owe customized programs etc. too. Rest assured I am working on those now. The following will explain why I wasn't able to complete them.

I will be back later tonight/this weekend to address the 39 PM's I have as well as any any all questions you may have.

What follows is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The truth is that while I lay there fighting for my life, I awoke to devastating personal news. This has everything and nothing to do with you. It is a war - and a war that I will win for both myself and for you.

This is the kind of news that often destroys people's lives. I however, sensed something was coming long ago. Something that would profoundly impact not just me but by extension, those of you who have come to depend upon me. It has nothing to do with losing a job. I only wish it were that insignificant. Specifically, I called this on January 7th:

2011 And Beyond: We're Playing Offense, And We Play To Win ... php?t=1057

There is much going on right now. Things known only to me (positive things) that will benefit you. If anyone here doubts that, I only ask you look at my track record on such matters. I do not bluff, I do not run and I do not hide. I deliver. Those of you that know me then, have come to know the following: I keep my promises - always.

Right here then, right now I promise you this:

This will be my (and by extension your) finest hour.

What follows is a synopsis of what happened to me and why. If anyone inquires as to what happened to me personally, where the BP stands today etc. you have my permission to cut and paste this and post it publicly wherever you'd like.

At 41, I never want to hear the following words again (from the paramedics as they loaded me into the ambulance):"It appears based upon all of his symptoms Mrs. Regish, your husband has had a stroke". As out of it as I was, that registered. I then queried; "Am I going to make it"? "We don't know yet" was the reply.

Fortunately, I am 100% recovered according to my Dr. He's a great guy but of Indian descent and somewhat short on communication skills. Despite its importance (IMO), I was discharged without being told what happened, what caused this and how I could prevent it in the future.

Therefore, I requested all of my labs and researched things myself. I ran this by Dr. Scott Connelly on 2/10 to be absolutely sure I interpreted things correctly.

Consider this a warning as many of you are a driven as I am: I had self induced "Acute Rhabdomyolysis":


- When you train with weights, the muscle fibers tear, float around for a
bit and if you're doing everything correctly, re-build a bigger and
stronger you.

- These torn fibers etc. are referred to as creatine kinase (CK) on the
blood work.

- My CK levels skyrocketed after two extremely demanding training
sessions I crafted for 3.0. This, despite 6 full days of rest between each

- The reference range for CK is 0 - 310 (for normal folk). An intense
session usually gets them into the upper end of that range.

- When I arrived in the ER I clocked in at 13,725. That is not a mis-print.

- My liver and kidneys couldn't filter the CK quickly enough

- One of my docs stated he'd never seen such a high CK and was
surprised I lived or at the very least, didn't lose kidney function. Further
mentioned that this occurs only in massive heart attacks and severe
crushing injuries.

- Restoring my health was largely a matter of bag after bag if IV fluids
(H20). This I remember b/c it went on for days.

- I instinctively knew/asked for water from the get-go but the paramedics
wouldn't administer (nor the folk in the ER) until they knew what they
were dealing with

I mentioned to Dr. Connelly they held me for an unusual length of time (seemed to me)… going so far as to require mental health professionals "sign me out" after evaluating.

Scott knew right away why and said something along the following lines:

"Anyone in the medical profession would find it extremely difficult to believe someone could drive themselves to self induce this kind of thing", he said."That's why they sent you to the psych ward and wanted their clearance before discharging".

Then he sent me this quick synopsis to back it up..

Rhabdomyolysis is the rapid breakdown (lysis) of skeletal muscle (rhabdomyo) due to injury to muscle tissue. The muscle damage may be caused by physical (e.g., crush injury), chemical, or biological factors. The destruction of the muscle leads to the release of the breakdown products of damaged muscle cells into the bloodstream; some of these, such as myoglobin (a protein), are harmful to the kidney and may lead to acute kidney failure. Treatment is with intravenous fluids, and dialysis or hemofiltration if necessary.[1][2]

This isn't bragging. I wasn't aware of this risk, despite 26 years in the game. I am sharing it here with you (many of whom are even more driven than I am - Draco, you immediately came to mind).

FOR EVERYONE: Please pass this warning on to anyone who will listen, BP related or not. It is after all, consistent with my "HEALTH FIRST" mantra you will see all over these boards.

This brush with death was not by accident, but rather, by design. I am confident this is all unfolding according to plan. There was a reason this happened and I intend on turning ALL of it into a positive both for myself and you. In fact, it is already underway...

I met two people in the psych ward struggling with alcohol/drug addiction who both used to train w/weights prior to being brought down by their demons. I saw this immediately for what it was. They had no family…..but they do now. They're part of our BP family and we're going to help them get back on the right road. George and Frank...... you need only reach out. There is NOTHING the collective minds and spirit we have here can't help you beat. Absolutely nothing..

Still another I gave the shirt off my back to…. my BP Tshirt. Why? B/C he was the ONE guy in the ER who helped me out when I called in a favor. Everyone else refused the following request….

Within 24 hours of being admitted I said to him "Rob's road back starts right now. I'm getting out of this bed and walking to the bathroom. You're coming with me - I need your shoulder". He said "I'm not supposed to do this, but lets roll". His name was Matt.

When I got back to my bed I asked to see his boss. Like everyone else, he got busy and disappeared. So I did the one thing I knew that would get him to return; I ripped all of the the vital sign monitors off of me and watched everything flat line. Then I waited.

And wouldn't you know it… within minutes he, his boss and whole bunch of other ER staff magically appeared? Right then and there I told his boss how helpful he was and literally gave him the BP shirt off of my back to thank him.

Since then, people from all over the world have reached out to support me. Just this morning, a guy from Australia called. Late last night, it was Draco. Many, many more hitched themselves to me/The BP while I was out. To those of you that have, you have my word; this will be the best investment you ever made.

Many of you have offered "sorry to hear, keep your chin up, hang in there etc". To know me is to understand that intent means everything to me, as does your support - but I will hear no more of it. There are many others here and elsewhere who need our help more so that I ever will. I only ask that you re-direct that energy toward them.

Your work then (helping me), is done. I can't back this up with any science - but am absolutely certain your prayers, positive energy etc. pulled me through.

When the internet pirates stole my book, my ex-employer and certain others kicked me while I was down.. they counted on deterring and/or weakening me.

They counted wrong.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:43 pm
by beefcake66
rob's back yo.

glad to hear you're alright and everything's going to be okay.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:33 pm
by JML2011
Welcome back bro. Hope you enjoyed vacation! :P now its back to work!!

For real though we need you as much as you needed us. Your support is phenominal and we will always return what we can.

For george and frank I think is their names??? Well welcome aboard. You are part of a tight family. Far from each other, never previously known, yet bound by love, support and determination. We WILL support each and everyone here to the best that we can.

Welcome home Rob...welcome home...

Never did you think someone would say that back to you huh?? :)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:26 pm
by JlCh
I won't lie, my heart dropped when I read the title. I wasn't sure if it was true or not.

I'm glad you're doing good though and sorry I wasn't more help around here. I just didn't feel comfortable giving advice and potentially being wrong without you there to say otherwise. I'm also grateful that there was someone there that stepped up and helped like I would, even if it was his job.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:39 am
by RobRegish

Your comments - "Welcome home Rob...welcome home"... You will never know how much this meant to me or how this registered as I read it just moments ago.

For right now, I have no home. I wasn't going to talk about this but feel it is now necessary. I direction your attention thenhere , for a very important message: ... 6539#16539

Thank you for the comforting words. I will lay down shortly with those in mind. They will likely provide me the peace that I have always found so elusive.

Bl;ess you.


I'm sorry of I panicked you. The truth is that Rob may in fact be dead on only Mixelflick remains. Time will tell that tale. The above link may help bring clarity.

If it does not, I wouldn't be concerned. Because truth be told, even I'm not sure who will survive. One of us will, but personally speaking.... I was better offer with both in my life.

I think you were too. I hope and pray we're both here when this is all over.

The fact you're not yet comfortable giving advice is ultimately my responsibility and I will see to it that one day you are. Because the sooner you get there.... the sooner you'll be in position to share your knowledge and enrich the lives of others.

I assure you of this; you'll never know a better feeling. Someday, you'll know that to be the truth. I aim to make that some day soon...


You're absolutely right; I'm back. Consiustent with what I've said prior, I will be here for you until they put me into the ground. I never counted though, on being the architect of my own demise.

Thus, my warning. Humbled isn't even the word...

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:24 am
by MSR9889
good to see you back

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:37 am
by lerider
Took a pause from BP between runs, logged in today and I am quite shocked of the recent events.

Amazing you are still alive. Obviously you do not only have a strong body, your soul is just as strong, if not even stronger.

It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can GET hit and keep on fighting. You are the walking proof. Welcome back.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:34 pm
by DaCookie
Rob Regish/Mixelflick is the fuckin man!If there is any Man-God its him for sure.Nothing can take him down, he battered the grim reaper with his own scythe and took fate by the throat.

Glad to hear your alright, best wishes

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:16 pm
by bluespace
Sure glad to see you back Rob.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:09 pm
by rookie_mistake
Haven't had much interaction with you yet Rob, so I understand if you don't recognize my username or anything. Just wanted to chime in and wish you all the best!
Bottom line is, health is one of the highest priorities in life. hope all is well

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:53 am
THE MAN himself is back! Glad you're ok bud. Crazy everything you got hit with in such a short time frame... You truly are one STRONG individual in more ways than one. Hopefully everything works out the best way it can for you. Welcome back to your home (as previously stated). The Godfather is here for dinner!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:48 pm
by kswimbledon
It's real great to hear you're back Rob. I just logged in today to find this thread, and its amazing what you've persevered through. You're really an inspiration, and this will truly remind everyone that health comes first.
Real happy you're doing well brother.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:32 am
by Justin
Rob your the man such a huge inspiration! keep it up and welcome back!!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:32 pm
by RobRegish
DaCookie wrote:Rob Regish/Mixelflick is the fuckin man!If there is any Man-God its him for sure.Nothing can take him down, he battered the grim reaper with his own scythe and took fate by the throat.

Glad to hear your alright, best wishes
Appreciate that man. As I found out though (the hard way), there are no man-Gods.

I pulled through for a reason: It's b/c the man upstairs has a plan. He wasn't getting through Mix's thick skull so he brought the sledgehammer down.


Having said that, I'm still standing. That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger... so right here, right now it goes like this;

"Gentle in manner, Strong in Deed"

Words to live by...