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REPOST - GLP proposed workouts

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:23 am
Ok, good deal. After reading through a ton of stickies, and re-reading the BP a couple of times - I want to make sure I am putting this together correctly. LMK what you guys think about my "proposed" lifts and sets.

day 1: Bench Press 6 sets (no supersetting DB stretches)
EDT- Pull-ups w/ Dips
optional addition EDT- DB curls w/ side DB raises (delts)

day 2: Squat 6 sets (no supersetting ham stretches)
EDT- SLDL or RDL w/ Leg press or ext.
abs static hold

What do you guys think? Suggestions, or comments welcome. LMK what you would change, if anything, and why.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:27 am
Sorry, I only meant no superset stretches with leg day - bc I will be doing an EDT block with SLDL or RDL. On Day 1 I would superset with DB stretches during my bench work sets.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:33 am
by Hank!
Lift, you may want to move this over to the BP journals section

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:36 pm
by jm1080
im also in the same boat as you lift, for GLP phases, do you do 2 edt blocks or just one?

I always thought for squat glp you would do edt block of romanian deadlifts and another back exercise.

For Bench glp, edt block would be bicep and tricep for one day right? But 2 edt blocks or one?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:28 am
Some do 2 EDT blocks and some do 1. Depends on the program, and also your recovery. Between the 5 workouts and the 6 GLP you need to be able to recover and lift all these sessions in 4-6 wks tops. If you recover fast and don't find yourself too sore from doing 2 EDT blocks, I say roll with it.