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Mass Pro Flavor

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:08 pm
by DJ82585
I just receive my latest shipment of Mass Pro Whey. I ordered vanilla and I can not tell if I received vanilla. Normally it has a sticker on top of the tub stating the flavor but both tubs do not have the sticker. Last time This happened I got the MVP version. I just sucked it up and mixed it with my own various flavors. This time I was really looking forward tot the vanilla.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:20 pm
by RobRegish
That's odd. I'd contact AskMass to alert him. The vanilla or the MVP are both fantastic IMO. The vanilla is about the best I've had, and the MVP is terrific in smoothies, juices, even desserts etc.

I understand these things happen though. I'm sure AskMass will get to the bottom of it...

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:23 pm
by DJ82585
I will PM him and ask! I loved the MVP because of it's versatility. Put it in pineapple juice or my breakfast smoothies and it was great! Vanilla rocks and it def. my favorite. I tried the Berries and Cream, and while it was good, it was just a little too tart for my taste!

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:31 pm
by RobRegish
OMG, the MVP in pineapple juice is heavenly...

Love that too :) Love all the flavors. I dunno how he does it, but the flavoring is magnificent. You can put it up against the best of them that are usually loaded with fats and sugars too.

Damn, that flavoring dude deserves a raise :)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:29 pm
by askmass
Hi DJ... If you ordered Vanilla, then that is what would have been packed irregardless of any top sticker. PM me the lot number and I can have it verified to be 110% sure for you. Thank you so much.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:53 pm
by askmass
RobRegish wrote:OMG, the MVP in pineapple juice is heavenly...
I usually have MASS PRO MVP in goats milk, two scoops, with a frozen banana and some other fruit. Pinapple juice is very smart. I also add Greens powder and a tablespoon each of raw coconut oil and raw honey.

Blend it up as a smoothie as needed and take with needed supplements, depending on the time of day.

It makes a great breakfast or pre-training drink taken with Burn It Up. Or, spin it with raw chocolate and peanut butter as a night time treat, taken pre-and-or-post workout with your KA or Adaptogen.

Smart nutrition works wonders.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:24 pm
by kboy69
This is what I've always wondered. I've ordered MASS PRO twice before and have NEVER saw a label/sticker anywhere on it denoting what flavor, BUT its always been the correct flavor. Never understood how askmass knows what's in the tubs. I would have it so screwed up that probably nobody would ever get the correct flavor :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:30 pm
by DJ82585
So, I just did a taste test to see and yep it's the correct flavor. I don't know how you guys do it! But thank you as always for the quality service!

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:53 pm
by askmass
Flavors are stocked palet style, in cases, separated from each other inside the warehouse.

If you order a case of Vanilla, it's pulled intact from the "wall of vanilla". We've always stocked it high and towards the front line to maximize flow of the area. Chocolate takes up a lot of space and is directly across on the left. Berries and MVP are around the corner on the main floor along with the majority of the line in descending volume. Things like Adaptogen N are on the front too, for those curious to know.

Warehouse management is an undertaking that is best kept as simple and straightforward as possible.

One of four people pack your order, by hand. Custom orders make up a vast majority, probably close to 90%. Everything is done with careful attention to accuracy and your satisfaction.

I will ask Blake about the stickers on twin orders. I agree they should be there on anything that isn't a case of four, which is labeled on the box.

Thanks for your input, guys. Always.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:12 pm
by DJ82585
and this is why I shop almost exclusively with MASS. Of course besides your products actually working for me. When I talk to you all about anything I feel as if I'm talking to a life long friend! Thank you!

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:56 am
by RobRegish
"One of four people pack your order, by hand".

"When I talk to you all about anything I feel as if I'm talking to a life long friend!"

That pretty much says it all about MASS.....

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:37 pm
by Big.jazayrli
askmass wrote:Flavors are stocked palet style, in cases, separated from each other inside the warehouse.

If you order a case of Vanilla, it's pulled intact from the "wall of vanilla". We've always stocked it high and towards the front line to maximize flow of the area. Chocolate takes up a lot of space and is directly across on the left. Berries and MVP are around the corner on the main floor along with the majority of the line in descending volume. Things like Adaptogen N are on the front too, for those curious to know.

Warehouse management is an undertaking that is best kept as simple and straightforward as possible.

One of four people pack your order, by hand. Custom orders make up a vast majority, probably close to 90%. Everything is done with careful attention to accuracy and your satisfaction.

I will ask Blake about the stickers on twin orders. I agree they should be there on anything that isn't a case of four, which is labeled on the box.

Thanks for your input, guys. Always.
I'd be very interested to see a couple pictures of the MASS warehouse :)

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:48 pm
by RobRegish
Me too!

Been talking to John since 1993. Have I ever met the guy? Not once! I have this picture in my mind of MASS.... but I'm sure it's "off" by quite a wide margin.

Let's see it John!

I love giving this guy even more stuff to do. He isn't busy enough.. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:01 pm
by DJ82585
sounds like the first MASS/Blueprint gathering is in order!