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BP First Timer..Here we go! (Taylor's log)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:25 pm
by TaylorD11
Hey guys,
I'm a 20 year old typical college student with some not so typical habits. Yes, I go out and party a lot, but I've been workouting in college for the past 3 years as well as in high school for about two or three years before college. I consider myself a "hardgainer" but I'm extremely motivated to break away from that title with the BP 2.0 (and excited for the 3.0 to be released soon). I weighed in at 165 lbs today which is low for me..I normally am around 168.
I will be taking e-bol, along with purple wraath and optimum micronized creatine monohydrate powder immediately starting when my feast begins.

Just to give you all a grasp for my strength I can bench 225 lbs for normally 6 maybe 7 reps, and I can squat 275 lbs for 2 reps. I really hope to boost both those numbers, especially my squat, and gain about 8 or 9 lbs of muscle by the end of my run.

Today was my first day starting famine after taking a week off from all other previous supplements and working out. I followed the workout Rob provided in the BP and in the famine sticky.

My diet today has been pretty hard because I'm going out to eat for my mother's birthday and I know my meal will be absolutely filled with calories so I've limited my amount of calories so far to about 400. I Had an apple and two optimum nutrition multi vitamins when I woke up, then worked out, and had about an oz. of almonds, and about an hour or so later I had a low cal granola bar along with another multivitamin. My legs already feel very fatigued but my biceps and back feel fine.

Anyways...I'll be posting my log and questions on here. If you all have questions for me or concerns about my diet or my workouts, please let me know. I here to learn as much as I can and achieve as much as I can in the gym.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:57 pm
by RobRegish
All welcome Taylor!!

Good for you for taking a week off (and even reading the stickies!). Right here to assist and looking forward to helping you along the way.

What a fantastic age to be coming across BP. God how I wish I had this info when I was 20..

Welcome home man, welcome home...

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:56 pm
by TaylorD11
Thanks Rob.

So today was Day 2 of famine and I did about 45 min of cardio (biked/ran) plus some cable crunches at the end.

My legs are sore as hell today so cario was kinda hard. And my weight dropped to 163 lbs.

My diet today has gone well but I'm freakin starving. Had an apple when I woke up with two multivitamins. Later I had a hand full of almonds and right before I headed to the gym, I had a granola bar. I'll have a slice of pepperoni pizza, carrots, and some grape juice for dinner. Before bed I'll probably have some celery and more almonds.

The one problem I'm having is during cardio I cramped up pretty bad. I'm definitely not drinking enough water so tonight and tomorrow I'll really try to focus on that.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:14 pm
by warriorcookie
looking good man. Welcome to the family.

I usually have a banana or two every day. I found this very important during famine. Banana's have lots of potassium (that, with lots of water helps alot with the cramping) and fiber, which helps with the hunger.

Have you been taking you resting heart rate every morning? If so, post it in your logs. The rate you're going, you just might earn a pass on workout #3, but that's up to Rob :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:20 pm
by TaylorD11
I'll definitely start keeping track of my resting heart rate in the morning.. thanks for reminding me. And yea I probably would have ate a banana already if I had one at my place...Im just too lazy to go to the grocery store. ha

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:47 pm
by TaylorD11
3rd Day of famine - Shoulder, Chest, and triceps workout.

Weight Today: 162 lbs (right on track)

My legs are still really sore and Im sure after today my chest will be too.

Given how tired I was today, I kept up the intensity during the entire workout. I can really tell how much quicker my muscles get fatigued, and thats a good indication that my dieting is working (along with my declining body weight).

My diet today has been good. Started the day off with a smoothie consisting of blueberries, strawberries, and orange juice. Then about 45 minutes before I went to the gym I had some chicken broth soup (didn't eat the noodles or large chunks of chicken). Post workout, I had some mixed nuts and drank a lot of water. Im really not sure what to have for dinner or where to go for dinner..Obligated to take my girlfriend out tonight and I think she wants to go to Bone Fish Grill (and I don't really like sea food). Any Suggestions?

The only thing that really seems to be on my mind is food. Every commercial, every tempting ad crushes my soul haha. I CANNOT WAIT until my first day of feast.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:42 pm
by RobRegish
You're there dude, you get a pass on workout #3 :)

"Obligated to take my girlfriend out tonight and I think she wants to go to Bone Fish Grill (and I don't really like sea food). Any Suggestions?"

Obligated where? You have something in writing? No?? Then you have no obligation.

GF's can walk out on you. Your employer can lay you off. But nobody, and I mean NOBODY can make or break you in this game like the guy in the mirror.

Don't let him down.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:07 pm
by TaylorD11
I stood strong haha. Stayed at the crib and stuck to the diet. By "pass on workout # 3" what exactly do you mean? I think I'm picking up on to a little sarcasm but I'm not 100% sure?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:54 am
by RobRegish
You don't need to perform workout #3 :)

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:34 pm
by TaylorD11
Alriiight! Should I do cardio still?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:18 pm
by TaylorD11
4th Day of Famine

Really feeling tired and huge lack of energy today. Weighed in at 162 and my diet has been ok. I Woke up and had a few BBQ baked lays with a glass of apple juice and two multivitamins. Went to the gym around 3:00pm and completed 30 min on the elliptical then 15 min on the stationary bike and finished up with some decline weighted sit ups. About an hour later I had half a slice of pepperoni pizza and lots of water. I'll probably have an apple, carrots, maybe some baked Lays, and diet green tea.

So tomorrow is my last official day of Famine (thank goodness!) and Rob, you've told me I can skip that final workout. Couple questions...

1. Should I do some cardio tomorrow?
2. And just to confirm.. I begin feasting right when I wake up on Tuesday correct?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:26 am
by RobRegish
You can do cardio if so inclined.

And yes, you start feasting the very next day! Your marching orders: Absolutely destroy a local buffet of your choice. 1 year ban, minimum required. Ideally, a lifetime ban.

Anything less than a 1yr ban though, I'll be disappointed :)

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:05 pm
by TaylorD11
I'll try not to disappoint, and do my best to get banned for life haha.

Day 5 Famine

I woke up this morning and immediately recorded my heart rate,62 bpm,and ate an apple. I sat in bed for about 30 more minutes then headed to the gym and weighed in at 161.4 (the lowest I've been since High School). Instead of cardio, I did two light sets of squats, two very light sets of seated rows, and some very easy sets of incline DB curls. I then proceeded to stretch for about 5 or 6 minutes.

I am feeling absolutely drained today, but I still felt strong in the gym some how. After my classes today I'll probably just chill on the couch, eat some very unsatisfying vegetables, and watch the National Championship tonight.
Tomorrow can't come soon enough where I can just crush soooo much food.

Another couple quick questions:
1. I know I'll be doing the 3 on, 3 off routine for BCAA's but what should I do for the first 72 hours with my creatine mono?
2. When should I start taking my e-bol...Before and after my workouts starting Friday, or begin dosing during the first 72 hours?

Thanks for the help in advance.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:06 pm
by bigpelo
1. I would begin taking creatine mono at 10g/day right at the beginning of feast day #1, so tomorrow

2. Begin first day of feast too, with your two biggest protein meals of the day on non-workout days and around workout time during workout days.

Hope that help.