Dozer's First BP Run!

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Dozer's First BP Run!

Post by bulldozer »

So as the title states, this is going to be my first go using the Blue Print. I gotta say I am very excited about starting, and cant wait to get into the nitty gritty of it!

Background: So heres a little bit of info about me:
I am a 24 year old United States Marine. I have been in for 6 years, and I am currently deployed to Afghanistan (only 3 more months to go!). I was always the small kid in high school. I'm only 5'6", and graduated high school weighing 140. I lifted my senior year after school, at Gold's Gym, and thus began my lifting experience. I was actually able to put on some size, and got ready for boot camp. Unfortunately I ended up losing it all and graduated at a whopping 128! Second lightest kid in the platoon.

Fast forward to my first duty station, where I began lifting. I took up Arnold's routine thinking if I did what he did, then surely I would get as big. I made all the rookie mistakes only working out my arms, not focusing on the big 3, you name it I did it. I was always on my own though and never stopped. But I also never got anywhere. I was always just spinning my wheels. Thinking the next best supplement would surely do it for me.

The past 2 years have been good for me. I finally got over my rut and put in work. The best has actually been this past year, where I finally made some solid strength and size gains. Still nowhere I should be, but hey its a marathon right?

So here I am ready to take on the BP. Hoping for some solid strength gains and size gains.

I am very dedicated and highly motivated. I love the gym, and I fly solo. Its not that I dont like people, I just like moving at my own pace, and not worrying about anything else. I love to train, and its very special to me.

So with that being said, I would like to say thank you to Rob for making the BP, and to anyone who has any tips for me, an advanced thank you!

Lets do this shit!
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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome aboard man and looking forward to it!

The ONE piece of advice I'd offer is this; try to take it ONE week at a time. To look at it in its entirety is over-whelming. One week at a time gets it done.

Beyond that, I'll be here every day to walk you through it!!

Welcome home... :)
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Post by bulldozer »

A little more info: The name Bulldozer, comes from my last name Mendoza. My buddies in my previous unit gave me the nickname.

My father was a Marine also, so he has always been my idol. He was always in good shape, and had some good size. I believe thanks to him I have decent genetics. Unfortunately, being an American-Mexican, we dont have great genetics. Aside from my immediate family, everyone else in my family is overweight! So I personally believe that I have to work twice as hard, to overcome my genetics. But I strongly believe hard work and determination trumps all!

GOALS:My goals for my first BP run, are to add some size first and foremost. My main focus is to try and add some quality strength, to my chest and shoulders in particular. Those 2 bodyparts are my weakness, and I would love to fix that. I believe my strong points are my back and legs. And, as always keep the bodyfat to a minimum. Also to finally weigh in consistantly over 160!

-Animal M-stak
-Thermolife E-bol
-Purple Wraath/Optimum BCAA's
-White Flood
-Fish Oils
-MGN Whey Isolate

I will go over my dosing later on when it comes time, as for now, its nothing but my multi for famine.

My avatar is from 3 months ago, just before I left for Afghanistan. I plan on taking some more photos after work this evening. They wont be true "before" BP photos, because they will be after day 2, but it will still give me a referance point.
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Post by bulldozer »

RobRegish wrote:Welcome aboard man and looking forward to it!

The ONE piece of advice I'd offer is this; try to take it ONE week at a time. To look at it in its entirety is over-whelming. One week at a time gets it done.

Beyond that, I'll be here every day to walk you through it!!

Welcome home... :)
Thanks Rob, and I am very excited about the next few weeks. I will give it everything I got. Ill be sure to take it one week at a time, and your right it is overwhelming at first. But all in due time!
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Famine Day 1: 02 Jan 2011

Post by bulldozer »

Resting Heart Rate: 66 BPM
Weight: 71.40kg (the gym is a NATO gym, so everything is done in kilos)
161 lbs


225/7, 245/7, 265/6
DB Row
90/6, 90/6, 95/6

Cable Rows
50kg/6, 60kg/6, 65kg/
Lat Pulldowns
50kg/6. 55kg/6, 60kg/6

Barbell Curls
80lbs total/6
Incline Curls
14kg DB's/6
Preacher Curls
25kg plus ez bar/6

I train fasted, after I wake up. So lifting on an empty stomach is nothing new to me. I personally love it, and theres no better way for me to begin my day than to get in a solid training session.

With that being said, man yesterday was awesome. I got sick last week, so I decided to rest up and read the BP and have that week off. I was itching to get back in, and even though Im still a little sick I had a great time. Strength was high, the week off did me some good. All my weights went up compared to the previous session I had.

So far the eating is going ok, I drink alot of water to help with the hunger. I feel like a rabbit eating all the fruits and vegetables. I cant wait until friday to tear into some food!
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Post by RobRegish »

"Strength was high, the week off did me some good. All my weights went up compared to the previous session I had".

Big clue there. I know I constantly hammer on this point but you absolutely MUST take adequate rest time away from the gym.

For it's been said and it's true: It's not the notes but the spaces in between that make the music....
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Famine Day 2: 03 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

RHR: 72 bpm
Weight: ?

So today was day 2 on famine not much to report other than being very sore in legs especially the hammies, and glutes, quads too. My back is still sore as well, just not as much as the legs. It hurts to walk. Tomorrow is Workout 2. I am excited to get back in the gym. Should be interesting to see how much I can do. Im not having too much of an issue with not eating much, however I do miss eating alot! Its ok only 3 more days. Im hoping to be all better by the time of feast. I know its suggested to stop if you get sick, but seeing as how I was already getting over my cold, I know I wont regress during the famine, which is why I started it. Im sure I will be ok come feast.

I didnt get to weigh myself because the scale is at the gym and I didnt go yesterday. Ill be sure to check it before WO2. Also my RHR is probably skewed because I dont have a legit heart monitor, just been holding my fingers to my neck and counting the beats. So not too accurate, but its something.
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Post by RobRegish »

Solid work Bulldozer.

Very solid out of the gate. Right here for you if you need me!!
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Famine Day 3: 04 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

RHR: ~77 BPM
Weight: 69.04kg/155.3lbs


Wide Grip Bench: 155/9
DB Shoulder Press: 16kg/8

Normal Grip Bench: 135/8
DB Shoulder Press: 14kg/8

Incline Bench: 115/8
DB Shoulder Press: 14kg/9

Decline Bench: 135/9
DB Shoulder Press: 14kg/9

SkullCrushers: 20kgs+ez bar/10
Cable Pushdowns: 40kgs/10

First observation: Holy cow Im down 5 pounds I gotta say that makes me mad and sad. I was stuck in the mid 150's for the longest time, and I just recently hit the low 160's consistantly, something I was trying really hard to get to, and now its gone, and Im back where I was :(
Oh well I trust in Rob and the BluePrint, so I HOPE I get it back, and then some! Second I noticed my RHR went up again. Now I know I dont have the most accurate way to tell, but Im working with what I got, and I counted more beats per minute.

As for todays training, man I was tired! I warmed up good, used the technique Rob was talking about to help you find your sweet spot on the bench. It was interesting to see where it actually was for me, and how I had been doing it wrong. The weight did seem lighter, hopefully new strength gains on bench will be the result. I had been using DB's for most of my chest exersices so I had to guess on what I could SAFELY do for the different presses. I noticed during the beginning of the set, I was fine I felt good, but then after banging out a couple reps the fatigue set in and took over, but I gutted it out. Man famine is not fun!!! LOL but its all part of the process.
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Post by RobRegish »

If you're down 5lbs already, you're there. Congratulations man, you get a waiver on workout #3. Simply continue the diet through day 5.

Then, it's time to reap the BIG rewards in Feast that await. You'll see it all come back and then some, as you've seen elsewhere. Some get traction immediately, a few it takes a couple of workouts. It just snowballs for the duration of the program from there..

Fantastic work and thanks for the detailed write-up. Help me, help you :)
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Famine Day 4: 05 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

RHR:~81 bpm
Wieght: ?

No workout today, so no weigh in. Im sure Im down some though. An increase in RHR. I went to the doc this morning after I got off work, and got some meds to get the rest of this junk out. Im hoping that I will be good by friday, Im sure I will be. Hopefully I can continue on, and hit up feast. My first workout will be on Monday the 10th so I know Ill be perfect by then. Not much else to report, famine has me feeling tired, but thats to be expected. I can still function normally, I just dont like Im at my best, but its all good, because I only have one more day to go!
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Post by bulldozer »

RobRegish wrote:If you're down 5lbs already, you're there. Congratulations man, you get a waiver on workout #3. Simply continue the diet through day 5.

Then, it's time to reap the BIG rewards in Feast that await. You'll see it all come back and then some, as you've seen elsewhere. Some get traction immediately, a few it takes a couple of workouts. It just snowballs for the duration of the program from there..

Fantastic work and thanks for the detailed write-up. Help me, help you :)
Thanks for the words of encouragement Rob! And Im glad I get a free pass, I think my workout wouldve been ugly! Plus my legs are still sore from sundays workout 1.

I know I stated earlier in my goals that I want to add size and strength, particularly in the chest and delts. Another goal within a goal, is to bench 225. Bench has always been my worst exersice and it never seemed to increase. I would love to finally hit 2 wheels. Also I want to get up to 165, and possibly 170, is that a realistic goal for this run?
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Post by RobRegish »

Sure is my man. We will do it... together.
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Famine Day 5: 06 Jan 11

Post by bulldozer »

RHR:~83 bpm
Weight: ?

Last day of famine woo-hoo!!! So I have noticed since starting famine my appetite shot down alot. I used to always be hungry and I could eat alot, now it seems Im never hungry. But Im sure feast will change all that! The two days I was feeling bad, my sickness wasnt gone, but today I woke up feeling great. No doubt that Ill be 100% to start feast. I cant wait Im really excited about it, and Im even more excited to finally get back in the gym!!!

After work Ill detail my supplements that Ill be running during feast.

And Rob sounds good! Thats my goal so Im going to give everything I have to get it.
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