Day1 Famine - Tips???

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Day1 Famine - Tips???

Post by hally83 »

Well as per the thread title started my famine phase today. I'll recap what i ate so people can let me know if im doing ok.

Breakfast - 2 x pieces of toast with low fat margarine (one with vegemite) 1 glass of orange juice, 1 apple

Mid Morning - 2 x Apples, bottle of water

Lunch - Half cup of rice, medium portion of carrots, portion of lettuce, 1 x apple, bottle of water

Mid Afternoon - 1 x bottle of water, 2 x banana's

Dinner - Small portion of pasta & mince, portion of lettuce, medium portion of carrots, small bottle of orange juice.

After workout - 1 x multivitamin tablet & bottle of water

Does this sound ok? General feeling after workout is im low on energy. Think i am just adjusting to this type of food - and lack of it lol. I normally weigh 180 pounds - today i weighed in at 176.5...

Any tips would be helpful... definately looking forward to the end of this famine phase... and its only day 1 lol.
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Post by Hank! »

looks pretty good to me, Id say if possible maybe up the vegetables to get the full bowel clearing effect
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Post by slipstrm15 »

Just went through my famine about a week ago and all I can say is keep it up. It's definitely worth it. For me days 1-3 were the worst. Then my body adjusted and my hunger died down a lot. Just gotta make it through those first few days.

One thing I've learned from reading everyone's posts about the famine is if you do feel sick or really off your game then make sure you stop. I personally didn't even complete the last workout and my feast is going great :D Good luck!
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Post by RobRegish »

Very nice.

Look here though. Some guy named Mixelflick put a step by step Famine for you, including the diet, training and even detox drink recipe's!

FAMINE STICKIES ... .php?t=377 ... .php?t=523 ... .php?t=389

Just funnin' ya man :) Hope that helps!
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