Adaptogen N - Input Requested!

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Adaptogen N - Input Requested!

Post by RobRegish »

Ok guys I wanted to get your feedback on one of my favorite MASS products, Adaptogen N. This baby goes way back, circa 1996 if I recall correctly.

ZOE Zebutol had become "iffy" from batch to batch and I think AN was the intended replacement. To my knowledge, it was the very first product to combine the highly effective "stack" of a test booster and Ecdy on the market. How that's been over-looked all these years, I don't know.

The original formula I believe, contained Bulgarian Trib, Suma Sterol extract, Pantocrine (a Russian adaptogen derived from deer antler), DHEA and Melatonin.

AskMass didn't know this at the time but I ran before/after saliva work on it and it boosted my test around 30%, or about the exact amount cited in the trib studies at the time. I was impressed enough to call him and he asked me to write a short article in his (then paper) newsletter. Thus, I guess you could say my writing career was born.

Fast forward 6 years or so and the formula was upgraded. The Pantocrine became too expensive, so Eurycoma Longifolia was introduced as the replacement. Subsequently all the other ingredients had increased in strength. I decided it was time to put that one to the test, this time via blood work. Result? 55% increase in total test in 27 days!

Today, it contains even higher grade extracts of Bulgarian Trib, Ultra Suma, Longjax etc.. I've got a factory fresh bottle ready to go and another I'll be adding once my 21% off coupon is used :)

Adaptogen N is so good (and again this is personal opinion), I almost built The Blueprint around it!

Now I'm not saying it's the only quality product of it's kind out there. It is however, an awful sharp product and stood the test of time: Something like 12+ years of being at the top of the repeat buys list, according to AskMass. If you've used it prior or are running it now, please weigh in regarding your experience with it, both positive or negative. I'm NOT on here looking for puff pieces or JUST positive endorsements, although I'm sure there will be many.

Your feedback means a lot to me and I'm sure AskMass. It's one of his flagships and I know he constantly strives to improve his products.

So please, weigh in!!
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Love it, it has been, is, and will be part of my stacks until I'm convinced otherwise. I cycle on and off of it and I can tell when it kicks in and believe I can tell when it has left the building. When my clients ask about protein or want a natural & safe test booster, I send them to MASS. My people trust me and I trust MASS. I do use other company's items but I feel Mass is solid with great customer care.
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Post by RobRegish »

Agree. Here's another teaser for you:

When I drop 3.0, there's going to be a very specific time during which Ecdy dosing needs to be upped. When I say upped I mean 1.5 to 2x the current recommendations.

This is most easily accomplished by adding Adaptogen N to the mix vs. buying more Kre-Anabolyn or E-bol. Why? Because that custom 25:1 Suma extract in AN is chock full of Ecdy in it's own right.

You wind up with high levels of full spectrum RCE during the day and PLENTY of Ecdy + test boosting/resorative goodies at night, allowing you to wind down with your Ecdy bases covered.

I think Hank! is getting his first taste of it now and mentioned it took but a week for the Alpha feeling to kick in.

Another teaser: You're also going to be reading about a much sought after Ecdy analogue I've found contained in Trib. That's right, there's an Ecdy analog in Trib nobody knew about. Which one? You'll be VERY surprised. How much is in there? I honestly don't know but I'm working on it.

Put it this way though: There is NO other product I'm aware of that delivers a whopping 1,500mg of real Bulgarian Trib per dose than AN. Tribestan? 250mg/tab. The bulk stuff out of BAC? It now comes out of India, not Bulgaria (what a shame).

You need to stay on top of these things because occassionally a quality company will cheap out and switch source material after it gets a good rep.

Or you could find someone to do that checking for you and a place where those kinds of "heads up" announcements are made :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Still reading but what does that mean for those of us that are already stacking KA and AD? 3X3/day
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Post by RobRegish »

You lost me on AD?

Appreciate your feedback though, on Adaptogen N. Consistent with virtually everyone who's tried. Worth every penny and my 21% coupon is destined for marriage now with Adaptogen N :)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Oops wrong abreviation.. AN..AD I was still talking about Adaptogen N. Sorry. But yeah already 3 KA and 3 AN a day should/could that be boosted I read where Hank the Tank was on 4? I'll mis quote if I try but at what point do benifits not increase with a higher dose. For a big guy, you know....follow me?
So week four comes around one guy bumps up to 4 KA and 4 AN per day and reaps the same rewards as someone taking 6 KA and 6 AN because the body just couldn't use/absorb or utilize anymore.
Or would 6 & 6 actually work?
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Post by JlCh »

Interesting. I haven't tried it, but will do so this coming month. Feel free to give me dosing protocols you'd like me to try out -- but I don't have anything to compare it to.
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Post by RobRegish »

dracotdrgn wrote:Oops wrong abreviation.. AN..AD I was still talking about Adaptogen N. Sorry. But yeah already 3 KA and 3 AN a day should/could that be boosted I read where Hank the Tank was on 4? I'll mis quote if I try but at what point do benifits not increase with a higher dose. For a big guy, you know....follow me?
So week four comes around one guy bumps up to 4 KA and 4 AN per day and reaps the same rewards as someone taking 6 KA and 6 AN because the body just couldn't use/absorb or utilize anymore.
Or would 6 & 6 actually work?
Ha ha you had me trying to figure that one out for an hour! Brought up an interesting memory. At one point John was contemplating naming Kre-Anabolyn "Adaptogen-D" for daytime!

Upping the KA to 4 is warranted in VERY few cases. You however, would be one of those cases. It's not so much your bodyweight (but you for sure are a big boy..), it's the absurd amount of weight you lift (for reps!) every workout!! Check out Draco's past logs for what I'm talking about. Anyone else attempts even HALF of that and you'd be better off standing in front of a freight train!!

On the Adaptogen N, no need to go over 3/night. I've done up to SIX/night to see what, if any additional benefit there was to be derived. Three is the ceiling. It's powerful stuff for sure but like any supplement that OPTIMIZES your testosterone, pursuing the supra-physiological increase we all want isn't possible. Besides, even if you accomplished that their would be sides to come along with it. No thanks.. I'll take high end optimal any day of the week.

Hope that helps!
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Post by askmass »

The only way you could effectively double up on Adaptogen N would be with a split/dual sleep regimen.

It's been done...
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Post by Hank! »

askmass wrote:The only way you could effectively double up on Adaptogen N would be with a split/dual sleep regimen.

It's been done...
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Post by askmass »

Hank! wrote:
askmass wrote:The only way you could effectively double up on Adaptogen N would be with a split/dual sleep regimen.

It's been done...
It can not be implemented by just anyone, but for some can be easily done.

It is largely dependent on ones work/school schedule and freedom thereof to stage sleep periods.

It came about with a customer who thought of a way to turn a negative into a positive. He was stuck in a 2 job situation where he could only sleep about 4 hours between the two jobs for days on end and his workouts/recovery were suffering.

The idea/solution was to effectively stage two Adaptogen N doses before each 4 hours of sleep daily (2x2-3).

It worked very well for him.

Not a tip I've thought to pass along in a long time, but it can and does work very well in certain situations.
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Post by Hank! »

Read something similar in 4hour body where you enter rem sleep in short bouts, basically you catnap here and there but basically get about 4 hours of sleep per 24hr period.

Thanks john
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Post by jman2003 »

Would the Adpt-n work well for a 19 y.o.? Is there any info and experiences with this at a younger age?
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Post by RobRegish »

jman2003 wrote:Would the Adpt-n work well for a 19 y.o.? Is there any info and experiences with this at a younger age?
It might. PM me the name you bought under at PayPal please. Don't recognize you and doing this to protect (hopefully) your, Hank's and our collective investment.

Hope you understand..
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