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2nd round of supplements?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:41 am
by key
Hi Rob,

I am now done with my first bottle of ebol, testopro,stoked

should i continue the feast/cruise for another 3 weeks with the 2nd bottle?

or should i stop cold turkey... rest 1 week. then start the blue print over again?

btw the gains and strength have been AMAZING. i feel like a narcissic, i cant stop looking in the mirror!......

"wtf where did that muscle come from?!?!" :shock:

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:44 am
by RobRegish
Ha ha, terrific!

Discontinue the test boosters/Ebol for now and save until your next run. Also, please consider posting a review of The Blueprint and in particular, your run with stats and before/afters if you have them on body building dot com. I know that's a LOT to ask but it would really help. If so inclined, please include this: ... nials.html

Also, please try to reinforce this fact as the pirates are out there doing there thing but they'll NEVER get this from me:

"Please don't miss this very important last point: There is MUCH infomation NOT contained in the Blueprint (powerful information) that is shared once you're on board in our (free) Blueprint forums and with you via PM here on body building dot com Please don't take my word for it. Ask Turboflex, TheBig3 and others. In fact, here's what Turboflex had to say about "The Formula", an off the shelf recipe Mixelflick put together that RADICALLY accelerates recovery from exercise on page 20 of this thread. All ingredients are available right here in the body building dot com cyberstore: ... =124590841

"So far the Formula has been workn so well for me, i havent even had to think bout breakn out my Eagle...but i may have to cuz my next few workouts are fixn to get heavier!!"

Turboflex was also a recipient of "The Eagle", which I can't divulge any further information on. And no, Mix isn't selling it. It is though, indicative of how he gives back to his Blueprint Believers once you're part of our family..

For the meager outlay required, it pays dividends for life far exceeding your original investment. Please do give it your consideration;"

Either way (testamonial review or no), fine by me. You're a bigger, better man today and that's payment enough for me :)

So happy for you. It's the reason I wrote the book!

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:24 pm
by key

Ill be more than happy to write a testimonial.

Furthermore, is the formula your referring to the smoothie you make and put in the thermos?

And last question.. when can I start the 2nd run of the blueprint?

The only reason why i was kinda hesitant in stopping is because I hear test boosters really start to kick in the 2nd-3rd week.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:01 pm
by RobRegish
First, many thanks. That will help a LOT..

On your questions:

"Furthermore, is the formula your referring to the smoothie you make and put in the thermos?"

A, Sort of, I'll PM you.

And last question.. when can I start the 2nd run of the blueprint?

A. You may do so after Cruise is completed and/or once you reach a point where your gains have been "solidified" adequately to build upon.

The only reason why i was kinda hesitant in stopping is because I hear test boosters really start to kick in the 2nd-3rd week.

A. This is somewhat true, however it's a very minor part of the picture given the intiation of over-feeding during Feast stimulates a far more anabolic hormone (Insulin, among others).

Hope that helps!

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:09 pm
by DV8

could you also pm me the formula? Thanks!

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:54 pm
by RobRegish
Glady. Before I do though (and forgive me on this, please PM me your real name you bought under at PayPal).

I'm sure you're legit. This however, to protect your and others investment in The Blueprint. Going to bed now so you'll have it early AM.

Going forward, more of these things will be shared with a bit of "gating" like I'm doing here for reasons stated above.

Again, my apologies on having to do so but I hope you'll understand.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:53 am
by key
And last question.. when can I start the 2nd run of the blueprint?

A. You may do so after Cruise is completed and/or once you reach a point where your gains have been "solidified" adequately to build upon.

Rob, what entails solidifying your new gains? I read the blueprint but seem to be confused as to what to do differently?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:30 am
by RobRegish
A certain period of time needs to go by wherein the body recognizes the new muscle as "permanent". Typically, this can be accomplished in 2.5 - 3 weeks as seen in cruise where a fairly high workload is used ala 5 x 5, a more "normal" level of calories sustain it and a beefed up cardiovascular system is developed to support it.

In other words, we don't go on a "cut" like everyone seems to do and lose all the gains you made.

I'd suggest just running Cruise as outlined. Run it the full 21 days and we'll re-group once it's over. I know all the signs, so we'll make the call together before re-initiating Famine :)