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Big.Jaz is back at it - Blueprint+Smolov!

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:03 am
by Big.jazayrli
Fear not dear BP Brothers.

Soon I will concoct an evil 4 week run of smolov hybridized with the blueprint.

I'll be running it over my winter break, and I will be posting my progress, love, hate, and videos here.

Supps featured:
Adaptogen N and probably more!

Stay tuned

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:52 am
by RobRegish

That's an incredibly demanding program man. You're really pushing the envelope. Nevertheless, everything you touch seems to turn up gold :)

Adaptogen N is a SOLID pick for such a program. Hope you like it!

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:55 pm
by Big.jazayrli
I'm hoping so as well, may be using some other goodies that I'm currently consulting with you about. If i do then recovery should be no issue ( I don't think)

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:37 pm
by Big.jazayrli
SO, minor change of plans here folks.

due to my ridiculous results with westside - I am going to run it AGAIN!

Blueprint Stage I + exciting workouts and more PAIN recommence on monday folks! :)

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:45 pm
by RobRegish
Big.Jaz is all over the place (in a good way)! :)

Don't blame you man. Westside is a lot like BP insofar as flexibility built into it's template, always evolving etc..

Mixelflick ribbed big Dave early on and it really irked him, although it amused Jimmy Wendler (somewhat). Here's what ole' Mix posted one day when he was feeling Froggy and Jimmy Wendler's/Big Dave's response!

6/6/2005 - Mixelflick posts this:

"First, let me say that I appreciate Westside's contribution to my training. Bands, chains, the reverse hyper, the concept of speed day and changing max effort exercises have helped tremendously and I can see their value.

This is going to piss you off, but I need to ask it: Do you flat out make some of these exercises up sometimes? I mean, c'mon. The Plyo-Swing? The Grappler? The Land Mine?

How much of this is just you guys making shit up out of boredom and consequently anything works because you're on 2 grams of test a week?

I realize fully that it takes more than drugs to be a champion and there is merit to SOME of this. However, I wouldn't be surprised to log on next week and see Wendler advocating airplane squats (think airplane spin move from pro-wrestling) and the next week Tate chiming in that adding bands to airplane squats is a great idea because if you get enough torque out of the hole you can actually create a helicopter effect and set new PR's. You could create a whole new "max injury" day with these kind of exercises.

I'm sure you're pissed but I've gotta know if any of this is legit before I order some of this stuff.


Jimmy Wendler's Responds:

"This is a funny question but let's touch on some points -

1. We don't just make stuff up or make up an exercise to sell something. There a ton of exercises that can be done and some work for some people, some of the don't.

2. If you read the Training logs, you will see some variety, but for the most part there are basic exercises that are done.

3. I would be VERY suprised if I advocated some exercise variation that smells of "funcitonal" retardedness.

4. I'm assuming you have taken a lot of test to make assumtions about drugs. If not, then I would reserve some judgement. Buying the lastest supplements and visiting supplement forums and asking about post workout shakes does not constitue taking drugs.

5. If you think EFS is about trying to make up exercises and trying to get you spend money then you are VERY off base. I wish you could spend some time with Dave or I (or anyone that works here) and realize that while this is a business, we care a lot about integrity, honesty and getting people stronger.

6. We only advocate things that work and if the exercise is something different, I really could careless. Isn't it my job to report this?

7. I have to go lift now and do some iso-bridge rack pin hydrogen deadlifts w/ a bench shirt for a max set of 4 1/2.

Big Dave calls Mix an "Ass" - OK I guess I deserved it

"Why ask a question is such a way as to say "I know this will piss you off", when there are other ways to ask the same things without being a ass?

In the future if you feel the need to ask crap in this format take it some where else. No problem answering anything you ask but common, we give you all respect. The least you can do is offer the same. I can't believe this question was not deleted".

So, I learned my lesson and I hope Big Dave have since forgiven me. The good news is if you do ever call there with a question they may remember who Mixelflick is. The bad news is this is likely how they'll remember me.

Best to offer up the truth: Mix is a good guy but made a mistake. He learned from it though and has ordered plenty of stuff from Big Dave including the Westside Manual (which I passed on as a present to you, the way Westside would have wanted it), all the VCR tapes (now there was a smart move), bands, weight releasers, a sled and other items.

More importantly, I tried to correct my mistake in the form of giving back. Not only the link to Big Dave's site found in 2.0 (Spud Belt) but by virtue of sending you my Westside manual. I've even gone a step beyond that. I'm not naming names but let's just say I've gone out of my way to help them find the right items in Dave's store. Quite a bit out of my way, in fact..

I hope Big Dave and crew forgive me because I've always followed one simple rule: I listen and RESPECT those that are a lot bigger and stronger than me (and sometimes rib them). I've always listened and respected these guys. Always. I made the mistake though, of sprinkling in some internet ribbing.

By doing that, you run the risk of it being taken the wrong way. Big Dave laid the smack down on me but I'm a better man today for it.

Perhaps I'll share this with him someday. Dunno..

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:04 pm
by Big.jazayrli
hahaha i love the convo! that's awesome

I think there ought to be a section in 3.0 dedicated to gym humor

i.e. green bananas, bird seed, Rob's lack of belief in westside (and realization of ass-ness thereafter)

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 6:04 pm
by RobRegish
Honestly, loved Westside since the day I read about it. I just questioned the validity of alot of things. For awhile it was all about weight releasers. I bought those and now.... no talk about them anymore.

They don't even sell them any more! Anyway, are you people nuts. It's Christmas Eve.. what are you doing on the BP forums? :)

I realize we don't all celebrate Christmas, of course. Just funnin' ya.. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:21 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Honetly, loved West-side since the day I read about it. I just questioned the validity of alot of things. For awhile it was all about weight releasers. I bought those and now.... no talk about them anymore.

They don't even sell them any more! Anyway, are you people nuts. It's Christmas Eve.. what are you doing on the BP forums? :)

I realize we don't all celebrate Christmas, of course. Just funnin' ya.. :)
Big.jaz news is BIG news! gotta stay logged in to see it :D

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:34 pm
by JlCh
Will be doing a BP run in about a week as well. Hope to see some good things here :o.
RobRegish wrote:Honetly, loved West-side since the day I read about it. I just questioned the validity of alot of things. For awhile it was all about weight releasers. I bought those and now.... no talk about them anymore.

They don't even sell them any more! Anyway, are you people nuts. It's Christmas Eve.. what are you doing on the BP forums? :)

I realize we don't all celebrate Christmas, of course. Just funnin' ya.. :)
Better posting on BP forums than just getting off work after a 9 hour day :p.

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:11 am
by RobRegish
"Big.jaz news is BIG news! gotta stay logged in to see it :D" - Big.Jaz

What's next? Big.Jaz vision? Perhaps a sub-forum here to keep everyone abreast of your latest experiments? We'll call it:

"Big.Jaz's Lab: Welcome to Dr. Evil's Daily Diabolical Diatribe"

Damn this BIU is great at 3 caps in the AM!![/quote]

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:11 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Sounds like a plan! Merry christmas everyone!

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:32 pm
by Big.jazayrli

cannot wait to start famine and get back into westside

While i previously thought bench was useless and hated it -
I'm literally drooling over the thought of benching 350 now!

New goals to be achieved by June 2011:

Squat - 525
Bench - 350
Dead - 550

We'll see how this goes...

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:46 pm
by RobRegish
You know its interesting... Famine scares people away. I've heard from people who don't buy it based on that. I don't kid them either, it isn't pleasant.

However, once you've been through it you appreciate it for what it really is: an exercise in cleansing/detox and a test of your mental fortitude as much as physical.

You want to really appreciate it? "Bulk Up" for 10 years straight and never do a thing to detox, diet or otherwise give your digestive tract a break. That's what I did until I read about The Warrior Diet. One week into that and I KNEW it was what I needed.

I won't go any further than this, but let's just say the proof will be swirling around in your toilet bowl after you drop your first category 5:

Devastation: Catastrophic

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:58 am
by Big.jazayrli
this idea of the warrior diet makes me want blueberries
