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Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:51 pm
by RobRegish
I think it's more like 6/day for a week to 10 days. Does the bottle provide guidance?

I would call askmass. He knows that product inside and out!


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:55 pm
by RobRegish
I think it's more like 6/day for a week to 10 days. Does the bottle provide guidance?

I would call askmass. He knows that product inside and out!


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:53 pm
by DaCookie
Dont have the bottle yet.

Il pm MASS.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:30 am
by DaCookie
Okay so this is the last update in workouts anyway.BP run finished.

Bench 67.5kg 10reps
Pullover 30kg 14 reps(beast)
stiff legged deadlift 140kg fail, 137.5kg fail(I really almost had both of these, I think the reason I didnt get it is cause I had so many plates on if you get me.That makes it harder Rob?Eg instead of having 2 20kg plates you have 4 10kg plates?That makes it harder or not?Cause at home I have limited weights and my 135kg PR was set in a gym with multiple 20kgs.For my 140kg attempt I had a 2 20kgs, 2 15kgs, 2 10kgs, 4 5kgs and 4 2.5kgs and the bar is 20kg.So is that harder than say using 6 20kgs + bar cause the weights are nearer to the middle?
okay well after my fail I did stiff legged deadlift 110kg for 10reps
Squat 87.5kg 8 and 1/2 reps(Was tired cause I did the SL deadlift first...)
Bent row 60kg 12reps or so

Ab work

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:14 am
by RobRegish
Yes, the plate loading does affect leverage/balance so that could have been it. Too bad you couldn't have maxed under the same conditions. I'm betting anything you'd have nailed it.

Nevertheless, plenty of new PR's set in this run for sure! I'd go back and quantify them to learn exactly what movements improved the most, try to identify why and take careful note.

Then apply those to your weak points in the future. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised to see what transpires in the future.

All in all, great work this run Cookie. I enjoyed this log tremendously and applaud your efforts!

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:34 pm
by DaCookie
Thanks Rob

Yeh I lifted the 140kg off the ground but couldnt bring my back to the 90 degreee position, I only got to about 70 degrees but the weight was well off the ground, so yeh I think it was the balance.Usually if I cant do it its because I can only barely lift it off the ground or not at all.Need to buy some 20kg weight plates.

My weak point out of the big 3 has been the bench in terms of improvements I think.But thats a given seeing as I lost a lot of bf and got only lean gains.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:51 pm
by RobRegish
Excellent work all around :)