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Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:33 pm
by xxtotuxx
Unfortunately couldn't do my scheduled workout on Monday, so had to skip it to Tuesday/Aug. 10

GLP #1 Workout #5 Legs

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 52.5lbs each side / 125lbs Total (105 weights + 20 smith)

Set #2 -> 76% x8 = 80lbs each side / 180lbs Total (160 weights + 20 smith)

Set #3 -> 82% x6 = 85lbs each side / 185lbs Total (170 weights + 20 smith)

Set #4 -> 88% x4 = 90lbs each side / 200lbs Total (180 weights + 20 smith)

Set #5 -> 94% x2 = 100lbs each side / 220lbs Total (200 weights + 20 smith)

EDT #1: RDLs (175lbs) / DB Lunges (45lb DBs)

Set #1: 7 reps and 6 reps
Set#2: 7 reps and 6 reps
Set #3: 6 reps and 6 reps
Set #4: 6 reps and 5 reps
Set #5: 6 reps and 5 reps

Static Hold: Leg Press 380lbs 2x10 seconds each

Diet: 3554 cals -> 69F/450C/281P

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:47 pm
by xxtotuxx
Wednesday/Aug. 11

Today I did some light shoulder exercises, not much. Also some traps, abs and finished it off with cardio.

Diet: 3600Cals -> 67F/496C/285P

Thursday/ Aug. 12

GLP #1 Workout #6 Chest

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 105lbs

Set #2 -> 64% x5 = 125lbs

Set #3 -> 76% x3 = 145lbs

Set #4 -> 85% x1 = 165lbs

Set #5 -> 95% x1 = 180lbs

Set #6 -> 105% x1 = 200lbs

Decided that I could do 205 so hell, I went for it. I accomplished it. 190 was my last PR on Bench, achieved on the blueprint, so a 15lbs increase is pretty darn good. I still have half of the Blueprint left so hopefully I'll reach my goal of benching 225 for a few reps.

EDT Block #1: Incline DB Press 75 DBs and Cable Seated Row 150lbs

Set #1: 6 reps and 6 reps
Set#2: 6 reps and 6 reps
Set #3: 6 reps and 7 reps (lol??)
Set #4: 6 reps and 6 reps
Set #5: 6 reps and 6 reps

EDT Block #2: Rope Pressdown 120Lbs/Lying Tricep Extension 25lbs each side EZ Bar and Barbell Curl 75lbs/ Preacher Curl using 30lbs DB

Set #1: 7 reps and 6 reps (rope and barbell curl)
Set#2: 6 reps and 6 reps (rope and barbell curl)
Set #3: 6 reps and 6 reps (rope and barbell curl)
Set #4: 6 reps and 6 reps (l. tricep extension and barbell curl)
Set #5: 5 reps and 6 reps (l. tricep extension and preacher)
Set #6: 5 reps and 6 reps (l. tricep extension and preacher)

Static Hold: 235lbs 2x10 seconds

Diet: 3514 Cals/ 62F/ 481C/ 269P

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:53 pm
by xxtotuxx
Friday 13th/ Saturday 14th/ Sunday 15th

Friday and Sunday were rest days. Didn't go to gym on Friday so I ate around maintenance. Saturday did some shoulder exercises at home with some weights I have and a cardio circuit.

Friday's Diet: 3195Cals -> 72F/ 458C/ 281P

Saturday's Diet: 3520 Cals -> 79.9F/ 402C/ 310P

Sunday's Diet: 3252 Cals -> 78F/ 389C/ 289P

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:05 pm
by xxtotuxx
Monday 16th

GLP #1 Workout #6 Legs (Last GLP #1 Workout)

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 52.5lbs each side / 125lbs Total (105 weights + 20 smith)

Set #2 -> 64% x5 = 65lbs each side / 150 total (130 weights + 20 smith)

Set #3 -> 76% x3 = 80lbs each side / 180 total (160 weights + 20 smith)

Set #4 -> 85% x1 = 87.5lbs each side / 195 total (175 weights + 20 smith)

Set #5 -> 95% x1 = 100lbs each side / 220 total ( 200 weights + 20 smith)

Set #6 -> 105% x1 = 115lbs each side / 250 total ( 230 weights + 20 smith)

Previous PR on blueprint = 230 total ( 105 on weights + 20 smith). So a 20 lbs increase is pretty good. I could have added 5 lbs more each side and that would be my new 1RM. But this one is still pretty darn good.

EDT #1: RDLs (175lbs) / 45lbs DB Lunges

Set #1: 7 reps and 6 reps
Set#2: 6 reps and 6 reps
Set #3: 6 reps and 6 reps
Set #4: 6 reps and 6 reps
Set #5: 6 reps and 6 reps

Static Hold: Leg Press 400lbs 2x10 seconds each

Diet: 3600Cals -> 90F/ 470C/ 262P

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:44 am
by RobRegish
20lbs PR! FANTASTIC!!!

That's actually darn near DOUBLE what the program calls for (+5%). Plus, you had gas left!!

Terrific work man, you deserve ALL the credit!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:43 pm
by dropthebeats
Great job! Nice squat. And your incline dumbbell presses are still impressing me. 75lb dbs. Nice work man!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:54 am
by RobRegish
Awesome work. simply awesome...